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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Warriors: Tribal Cat RP
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Level 57
Fright Master
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Posted: 3/21/2017 at 2:21 PM Post #1
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Warrior: Tribal Cats RP is based off of the idea of the cat Tribe of Rushing Water in the Warriors: Power of Three series. In the RP, there are four tribes, that eventually become Thunderclan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan. The four clans are situated in the ancient territory, where they must fend of foxes, wolves, rogues, and other dangers. It is nearly Leafbare, which means even less food than before. Stomachs are rumbling and cats are getting agitated. What will happen to the Tribes? Will they freeze to death, die from hunger, just give up, or will they persevere through the cold and make it to Newleaf? You decide.
Edited By Nafariaandulin on 3/21/2017 at 2:31 PM.
Level 66
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 9/21/2016
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Posted: 3/21/2017 at 2:34 PM Post #2
Shadows where Horsetail Grows looked at the herbs in his den. They were low and He needed more. He growled and looked at the camp.
Level 57
Fright Master
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Posted: 3/21/2017 at 2:51 PM Post #3
Cat of No Light, or as he was commonly referred to, Light, lay in the grass by his mate, White Flower of Morning Dawn (Dawn).
It was a calm day. Peaceful, as some might say, but the tension was growing. The Tribe of the Dark Follower was growing restless. They had very little to eat for the past few days, and what little they did catch went to the Kit-Mothers and the Elders.
Dawn curled her tail around his.
She can sense my anger Light thought to himself. I must be calm.
Being calm was a great feat indeed. He considered attacking the other tribes, and stealing what little food they had, but the tribe was too weak for an attack.
Level 66
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 3/21/2017 at 3:03 PM Post #4
Shadow where Horsetail Grows was sometimes called Horsetail. He came out his den. "I need to gather more herbs." Horsetail said. "I want some cat to help me bring them back."
Level 18
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Posted: 3/22/2017 at 8:55 AM Post #5
Night Rainfall, or as her family called her, Nightfall, crouched down her tail almost glued to the ground. She had been hunting all day but had not caught anything. Now she was stalking a small bird. She was particularly good at bird and they were the easiest to catch. She raised her tail up and leaped at the bird. Once she had caught it between her paws she snipped it's neck and the bird fell still. Picking up the small bird in her mouth she looked up, the sky was grey and looked dangerous with it's large dark clouds. She started to head back slowly picking up her pace. Then an idea shot through her. She remembered she had buried a squirrel and a thrush there. they were likely stale but it was still food for her hungry family. She rushed through the forest searching for the small tree she had buried the food in front of. The small tree came into sight. She darted toward it.

OUCH! She thought. She ran into a tree. Her blindness had thrown her off and into a tree. She felt dizzy but shook it off. The reached the tree and started clawing at the ground. Pulling out the squirrel and thrush she quickly covered it up and darted towards her home.
Level 57
Fright Master
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Posted: 3/22/2017 at 9:12 AM Post #6
"Horsetail, Mountain Where the Sky Meets Rock (Rock) will go with you." Light said, padding over to the Healer, his mate following after.
"Be sure to avoid the stream, go around it. A half-blind cat has known to protect her territory with great force."
Rock bounded over to Horsetail.
"Hey! I'm supposed to go with you! It'll be super fun! My first guardian mission!" Rock cried. It was indeed Rock's first mission, seeing that he just became a guardian one moonset before.
Level 66
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 9/21/2016
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Posted: 3/22/2017 at 9:17 AM Post #7
"Well let's go....." Horsetail said. He lead the way out. "I need catnip though I am not sure how I will get it." Horsetail admitted.

Fish ran out of the den and looked around with her now open eyes. She looked at the strong cat with a black coat and she knew it was Light. Her mother talked of how great of a tribe leader he was. She approached light and bat at his tail. She pounced on it as it continued to move.
Level 57
Fright Master
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Posted: 3/22/2017 at 9:40 AM Post #8
Light turned around to look at Fish as Rock and Horsetail exited the camp.
"Well, who do we have here?" he asked.
Level 66
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 9/21/2016
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Posted: 3/22/2017 at 9:42 AM Post #9
Fish looked up. "Sorry." Fish said ashamed. She shifted uncomfortably. She stepped back. Ice watched the two and smiled.
Level 57
Fright Master
Joined: 1/10/2017
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Posted: 3/22/2017 at 9:48 AM Post #10
"Oh, I'm not angry with you Fish." Light said.
Edited By Nafariaandulin on 3/22/2017 at 9:48 AM.
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