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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Wolf - Fantasy RP
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Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/4/2018
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Posted: 11/13/2018 at 4:51 PM Post #1
Welcome to the official Wolf RP thread! I'm deeply sorry it took so long - I've had a lot going on lately.


Wolf is a fantasy roleplay where you are a mystical wolf stranded on floating islands that you must now call home. Can you survive in this treacherous world?

Pack Ranks
Alpha Male: Osyn - Male - Sabira
Alpha Famale: Celestial - Female - Dracontamer

Beta Male: Lumos - Male - Dracontamer
Beta Female: Echo - Female - Anabella321

Hunters: CLOSED
Erwinn - Female - Cloudlesssky
Spirit - Female - Shayni
Phantom - Male - Pipps
Ravenshadow - Female - Luna85echo
Aqua - Female - Aquila

Foragers: CLOSED
Havenloft - Female - Freki
Flame - Male - Agentngyes
Korinal - Male - Ithyr
Smokedancer - Female - Dorcharose
Kae'rien - Male - Baseunclesam
Naelan - Female - Baseunclesam

Patrol: CLOSED
Tempest - Female - Pipps
Fynn - Male - Sabira
Wynnona - Female - Sabira
Arackin - Male - Ithyr
Raune - Female - Ithyr

Omega Male:
Omega Female:


Mothers (have or are about to have pups):
Echo - Female - Annabella321
Silico - Female - Agentngyes

Blitz - Male - Annabella321
Mia - Female - Agentngyes
Ahri - Female - Dorcharose
Jaesian - Male - Baseunclesam
Saphire - Female - Twinkleunicorn
Umbra - Female - Baseunclesam
Iridescent/Iri - Female - Navisparkles101
Samuri - Female - Navisparkles101


Eclipse - Male - Scoutwolf
Dexion/Dex - Male - Hawkeye
Dorian/Dori - Male - Hawkeye
Shadow - Male - Twinkleunicorn

Argentfur - Female Snow Leopard Cub - Baseunclesam
Arrowsky - Female Snow Leopard Mother - Ithyr
Winterclaw - Male Snow Leopard Adolescent - Baseunclesam

Pack Rules
1) Alpha's word is law (as is mine)
2) Alphas must be mates
3) If something happens to both alphas, the eldest of their pups will be alpha along with another wolf of his or her choice
4) If something happens to one alpha, a vote will be held for ALL members of the pack. Whoever has the highest votes wins and is granted alpha.
5) Beta is second in command.
6) A vote will be held if one or both beta(s) have passed or retired.
7) Hunters will hunt on the floating islands.
8) No wolf shall eat before feasting time. They shall be punished if caught doing so.
9) Feasting time is once a day in the evening.
10) Omegas cannot have mates. They are the lowest rank in the pack and eat last.
11) Unranked do not have a rank. They are deciding. If rank is not chosen by the end of one complete moon cycle, the wolf will have their rank chosen by Alpha.
12) Ranks may be raised or lowered. A wolf may challenge another wolf for their rank.

Let the RPing begin!
Edited By Cloudlesssky on 11/24/2018 at 8:35 AM.
Level 62
Joined: 7/29/2018
Threads: 14
Posts: 927
Posted: 11/13/2018 at 4:56 PM Post #2
(Do we want to ping or not?)
Havenloft stretched her back and yawned. She blinked a few times to get her eyes working, then set out to the Alphas den to ask what she should do today.
Level 35
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 8/20/2018
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Posted: 11/13/2018 at 4:57 PM Post #3
(All three are open for interaction)

Letting her paws graze the grass, Raune flew low to the ground in a clearing just outside of camp. The smell of fresh morning dew filled her lungs.


Korinal stretched as he just woke up and looked up and around the camp. His eyes felt droopy and he let out a large yawn.


Arakin stretched his mucles, which were aching from the last patrol. He looked around and sighed when he realized the alpha's heir was out wandering again.

(did not mean to ping you whoops)
Edited By Ithyr on 11/13/2018 at 4:58 PM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/4/2018
Threads: 73
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Posted: 11/13/2018 at 4:57 PM Post #4
(Not if the player you're pinging is not involved c= )

EDIT: (Or, for the first post, yeah.)
Edited By Cloudlesssky on 11/13/2018 at 4:58 PM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/4/2018
Threads: 73
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Posted: 11/13/2018 at 4:59 PM Post #5
(That's completely fine! First post ping is okay.)
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
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Posted: 11/13/2018 at 4:59 PM Post #6
(K. I'll start when he starts to hunt.)

Eclipse eyed the deer through the twigs of the bush he was hiding behind. He knew the doe had probably already at least seen his wings. They were humongous and usually got in the way. He narrowed his eyes. The hunt was on.

The deer fled away from Eclipse as he growled and shot out from the bush. He chased the doe on foot, but his wings kept banging into things. He would never get used to them. Grumbling, he lifted off, keeping his wings barely open.

He glided in and out of the trees, keeping the deer in sight. It started slowing down, and instantly Eclipse raced forward, baring his teeth, and jumping to get it. The deer ran away.

Sighing, he chased after it again, gliding soundlessly on his wings. Almost when he was upon it again, a big bird flew out of nowhere, and dove in front of him. Startled, Eclipse lost control.

His right wing snapped open and hit a tree, fragile bones shattering on impact. His left wing struggled to keep him in the air. Eclipse bit back a yelp, and when he landed, he gave up the hunt. He would have to go hungry for a while.
Level 18
Joined: 8/23/2018
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Posted: 11/13/2018 at 5:00 PM Post #7
Wynnona sat in her favorite hiding spot watching her surroundings. She was also hiding from her brother Fynn. Maybe because she stole one of his books. Fynn was close by, she could smell his sweet scent. He passed her tree then stopped. She yelped and shot herself into the dawn sky. "Nope! Sorry Fynn, I'm not going today!", She yipped back at the black male.
Edited By Sabira on 11/13/2018 at 5:00 PM.
Level 18
Joined: 8/23/2018
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Posted: 11/13/2018 at 5:01 PM Post #8
oops, I didn't mean to ping but you could join.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/4/2018
Threads: 73
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Posted: 11/13/2018 at 5:04 PM Post #9
(Nonono, that's fine!)
Level 62
Joined: 7/29/2018
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Posted: 11/13/2018 at 5:05 PM Post #10
Before Havenloft could get near the alpha, Arackin landed right a bit in front of her.
*how did the patrol go?* Havenloft asked as she walked over to him. *I hope nothing strange is happening out there.*
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