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Forum Index > Other Fiction > Character Backstories [Oh boi]
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Level 75
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Posted: 5/3/2018 at 7:32 AM Post #11
Hey ^-^
Nice story you've got there, do you accept criticism? I have some things to say about it, if you're willing to listen xP
Level 74
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Posted: 5/3/2018 at 9:13 AM Post #12
Of course! Criticism is what makes writing better ^^
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Posted: 5/3/2018 at 9:13 AM Post #13
Level 75
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Posted: 5/3/2018 at 9:46 AM Post #14
Right! So! ^-^
Overall, it's pretty good, with interesting detail and proceedings, even though the events go by a little bit too fast for my tastes (but that's just me, so ignore that).
You do seem to have mixed up the pronouns a bit in the part where your character was chained to an operating table and the father starts doing things with a knife, but at that part, you used 'she' once, and I don't know if that's a typo or you just were mistaken, but that's there, anyways.
What then could be improved is the emotions of your character - after the father starts operating, her friend comes down to speak to the father, but all you've done is describe the pain your character is going through, and not much about the emotions she's feeling, or the thoughts she's thinking.

So yeah, that's about it.

Now, I'm going to nitpick some extremely scientific stuff so feel free to ignore the following part if you don't mind science, I guess I'm going to write this because it's interesting to know even if you don't change it.

Anyways, you probably guessed it, it's the part with the brain cells.
Soooo... as far as I know, with the way the father is doing it, your character is going to end up with some sort of concussion or trauma, and her brain tissue would be damaged. Depending on where the drill is going in, it may change your character's personalities, as different parts of the brain control different things. For example, one of the frontal lobes (or both of them, don't remember) control a wide variety of things, including your sense of fear. So if the frontal lobe was to be damaged, the person's perception of fear would change, because they wouldn't be able to feel the emotion of fear anymore.
That aside, using a drill to crack open someone's skull to get at their brain cells... not a very smart or efficient ideas. Again, you risk damaging the brain cells near the point where the drill entered, and what's the point of studying damaged brain cells? Additionally, there's a lot of blood vessels in the area, and your character may very likely die from hemorrhaging or simply just bleeding out from a giant hole in her head, because again, drills are terrifying things when they're going into your skull, especially when the person probably has no idea how deep they're supposed to stick the drill in so maybe the father sticks it in too deep and your character just dies straight out because of pretty obvious reasons.
The other problem would be infection from the sawdust, but that's a minor problem compared to the other problems I've just talked about above... considering if your character survives or not.

Yay! I hope you aren't mad at me for criticising your writing... it's good overall, though :D

Could you give me feedback on the story I'm writing right now?
Level 74
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Posted: 5/3/2018 at 1:23 PM Post #15
I'm not mad at all! Thanks a lot for that! I fixed the she's, at first I had it as the mother but then I thought moms are nurturing and kinder, so a dad would be a bit more inclined to do this. The bleeding out and infection were taken into account, later I think I mentioned her super cells kept creating more blood as she lost it. For taking out a section of the brain, I talked about that in the roleplay in Animal Instincts. She said she thought that the part taken out had to do with dreams since she hadn't had any after that. I don't know too much about science, so thanks so much for the enlightenment! Where is your story? I'd love to help you out :3
Level 75
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Posted: 5/3/2018 at 6:26 PM Post #16
Ah, many people associate mothers with nurturing and kindness, so I suppose there's some gender stereotypes, which is kinda sad.
If you look into history, there have been women that are capable of being terrible to other people like killing their entire close family with poison, or something like that, so I would have said a mother was fine. In fact, a mother would add more flavour to the story. Most "evil scientist" type characters are male, so having a female for a change would be a blast.
Never mind that, xD, so, the problem with blood would be your cells don't produce blood cells, and don't produce blood for the matter. Your bone marrow does, and it would take some time for the new blood cells to actually get around the body up to the brain. But then again, she would then still bleed out, as blood would have to go through her heart first to supply oxygen to the brain.
For dreams, many parts of the brain are associated with dreaming, so unless you remove them all, one is going to keep dreaming. However, with the removal of one part of the brain, a dream might loose one specific thing, like a sense of fear, for example.

My story is called Anamnesis, by the way, and you can find it in the Other Fiction forums of Sylestia
Edited By Dragonrider1542 on 5/3/2018 at 6:26 PM.
Level 74
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Posted: 5/3/2018 at 7:07 PM Post #17
It's not a gender stereotype, if she's a mother it's like the instincts of animals. She just nurtures... it's her nature. Plus, he's not meant to be a mad scientist. Just a... confused scientist.

I hope you don't mind, I accidentally posted on the thread before realizing there was something in there that strictly said DO NOT POST ON THIS THREAD. I'm really dumb :P
Level 75
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Posted: 5/3/2018 at 8:49 PM Post #18
Right so... I've read the thing, could you go and delete it all and just make it a blank post? Or at least put something like (accidental post) or something like that.
You could message me feedback next time. Could you specify where I have grammar errors?
Level 74
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Posted: 5/3/2018 at 8:55 PM Post #19
Sure. I'll just cut it and paste it into a message and add feedback to that. Sorry, I'm like the dumbest person on earth XD
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