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Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 12/30/2016 at 11:39 AM Post #91
I'm not sure. Once Snow Wars is available, I'll take a look and decide.
Level 60
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Posted: 12/31/2016 at 1:06 PM Post #92
Hello! Any idea of when snow wars will be available?

Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 12/31/2016 at 1:31 PM Post #93
I'm trying - I just haven't had any time these past few days to code. ><

I will release it as soon as I physically can.
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Posted: 1/1/2017 at 11:21 PM Post #94
I couldn't really find a better place to put this so I'm just going to pose something that isn't really a "glitch" or "technical issue", but seems like something that's a little unfair or unavoidable. I was online very early once the contests started to nurture Puffs, and managed to nurture every single possible puff that was available that was an eggling, and a hatchling. I did it early in case some of them were nurtured early and would be removed. I wasn't online initially, so I expected to be missing at most a few dozen or so. At the end of the day, I was down by 10 to the first place person. That out of NOWHERE, somebody moved up to be ahead of both me and the previous first place person by over 100. I was told by people who have been more "into things" than I've been over the years that it's possible for people to have eggs hatch into hatchlings, nurture them, and then release them so nobody else can nurture these puffs. This seems to be the only way that a person could somehow gain an advantage of over 100 puffs over me and the rest of the competition, and because of the way the nurturing bit works, it will be literally impossible for anybody who does not do the same thing to catch up and overtake them for first place. I don't know if there's anything that can be done about this issue, but I did want to make this post just to bring it to the forefront so something may be able to be done about it some day. Even though I did everything in my power to put myself in a position to win 1st place in that competition, I know now that I will have no chance to win it no matter what I do, I would have to rely on the person who did this tactic to not nurture the most amount of puffs they could in a day, and because they would use this underhanded tactic to gain said lead, it doesn't seem likely that they would "mess up" a day.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 1/1/2017 at 11:37 PM Post #95
There isn't really anything that can be done about this issue. Originally, Egglings could be released and players were breeding pets, nurturing, and then instantly releasing them before anyone else even had a chance to do so. While I wouldn't say this was 'unfair', I would consider it not very sportsmanlike since this process would happen in a matter of seconds and it changed the game to just solely be... who could breed / nurture / release the most pets. Which was not what we wanted.

To counter this, we put in a restriction that you can no longer release an Eggling. This gives everyone sufficient opportunity to nurture a pet for ~72 hours (minus however many nurtures it gets).

But there really would be no solution to the issue that you're describing unless we did something crazy like... "You can't release any pets during these contests" or something. But that would cause more problems than it would solve and we would never do that.

It kinda is what it is and I think the system is pretty much as fair as it can be. If a player has access to hundreds of pets and is willing to go through and breed them, nurture them a handful of times and then release them after a few days to gain an advantage - I don't really see what the harm is in that. Everyone else also is able to nurture those pets during that same period of time and that period of time will last at least a day or more.

I hope you can understand where we're coming from on this situation and thank you for your feedback.
Level 60
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Posted: 1/1/2017 at 11:51 PM Post #96
Thanks for the quick reply, I will say that I'm glad that you did manage to resolve the initial issue. The situation I described was something more along the lines of the person intentionally not hatching the puff eggs until today, and nurturing them after they hatched (as if they are in the state where they are ready to hatch you can't nurture them). Then directly after nurturing them, releasing them. At least that's what was described to me by what my friend said could've been done. So in this particular situation, the rest of us in the competition didn't get the chance to nurture these puffs. As you did explain via your reply though, there isn't anything that can really be done about it. I'm still going to try my best to get a 2-vis puff anyway and should get that, so I honestly am not extremely upset about it I just was initially a bit frustrated. Again, thanks for the quick reply and explaining to me how nothing can be done about it to fix it, considering the complexity that is around it. Cheers!
Level 75
The Dreamer
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Posted: 1/2/2017 at 1:35 AM Post #97
There is a possibility of missing a large amount of pets.

If you nurture early, and there's like a hundred eggs ready to hatch, you won't be able to nurture them. If their owner does not hatch them, but leave them to automatically hatch, when they do hatch, they usually would not be at the end of the hatchling search page, since there would be pets that have already been hatched earlier (which you would have nurtured). So only those who nurture when those eggs have been hatched, or those who double check and find those "hidden" hatchlings, will get the nurtures for those.

To give an example, for puffs, the current eggs that are ready to be hatched (and thus can't be nurtured) have an ID of 2833260-ish, which if they were hatched now, would place them on 163 out of 179 pages of hatchlings. So assuming you have already nurtured all the hatchlings, you would need to go 16 pages in (from the back) to find these to nurture. And this is just the start of the day. Closer to the end, there would probably be even more eggs that had been hatched, so if the 2833260-ish eggs were left to hatch on their own, you'll have to go through even more pages of hatchlings just to find them.

Not sure if my explanation makes sense. But I noticed this the last festival with nurturing contest. Sometimes I can go 50 pages in (from the back) and find hatchlings that I have not nurtured yet with an earlier ID. This is more likely to happen if there are mass breeders of that species, since some breeders can easily breed a hundred pets, and just leave them to hatch on their own, and only check on them once they're like adolescents.

When I scanned through the hatchlings again at the end of the day and nurture those that hatch after I initially nurtured that day, I got first with a 100-200 lead the last festival for one of the species, even though I started a day late.

Also, you can check if someone has been releasing hatchlings to give themselves an edge in the contest. Using the advanced search, you can check for pets that have been released. If there were hatchlings released during the contest period, then that person might be doing it to get the edge for the contest. Or they might just be releasing pets they don't want after they genetically tested them.

But if there were no hatchlings released recently, then it's likely you have some hatchlings to find that are waiting to be nurtured.
Level 60
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Posted: 1/2/2017 at 1:41 AM Post #98
Thanks for the tip, I did actually go back and double check with both eggs and hatchlings so I guess it wasn't the case this time around.
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Posted: 1/2/2017 at 12:33 PM Post #99
help? I have not been able to play for the last cpl months, but I logged on Friday, saw new essences so I bought some with REAL LIFE MONEY. Then I find out you have to BUILD the critters even though I've paid money to get critters. So I bought the enormous box of building supplies. NOW I still need ice waters. So I bought 2 ice waters, thinking 500 diamonds would give me enough supplies to make at least 2 critters -- NOPE. I got to make one. NOW I have 1 lesser ice water and 6 essences I've wasted my money on.

The festival shop has more supplies, but they require -- what ever those are. And I have NO CLUE how we're supposed to get those winter badges...
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 1/2/2017 at 4:00 PM Post #100
You can read the first post of this thread for all the ways of earning Frost Tokens.

The most basic are exploring the Festival Zone or nurturing.
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