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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Angel Academy
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Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/17/2013
Threads: 179
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Posted: 12/29/2014 at 3:09 PM Post #1
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Cloud angel:
Cloud angels are in charge of the weather. They always have cloud hair and cloud wings also. Cloud angels have soft hearts. They are considered Angelites.
Every teen angel needs a place to study. A place to learn. That's why there is Angel Academy.

Angel requirment: never killed anyone in before life. (Yes, angels are considered dead)
Angelites are very interesting angels. They have deep care for every living thing.
Just a basic Angel
Dark Angel:
They are angels with dark wings. They usually are evil. But, dark angels have a reason they are in heaven, I mean, if they killed someone they would be in hell.
Wingless Angel:
Wingless angels have lost their wings because he or she broke a rule of the angels or made a very big mistake. It costed their wings. But they are still considered angels.
Royal Angel:
If they are royalty, they will get a good place in the castle school. They won't have to share a dorm with another Angel.
Block A:
Angelite Class
Angel Class
Dark Angel Class
Fairy Fall Class
Block B:
History of Heroics
Basic Angel skills
History of villainy
Block C:
Angelite training
Angel training
Dark angel training
How to fly without wings
Fairy Fall Training

After school stuff:
Cafeteria job:
Before school: 5-7:15AM ( $5 every ten minutes)
During School: 10:00-12:15 ($5 every ten minutes)
After school: 2:15-5:15 PM ($5 every ten minutes)
School Post office:
Normal shift: 2:30-5:30 ($45 every hour)
Extended shift: 2:30-8:00 ($25 every half hour)
School Protecter job(recommended for boys):
Night shift: 6:00PM-5:00AM ($100 every hour $1100 total shift, work job for 1 week you will get $7700)
(More jobs coming)
Student council members:
(to sign up for any clubs, jobs,etc. you must got to the assembly after the first day of school)
Edited By CuddlyFierc on 3/8/2015 at 12:50 PM.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/17/2013
Threads: 179
Posts: 2,253
Posted: 12/29/2014 at 3:09 PM Post #2
Places in the school:
for big pets
angels must put on waterproof wing covers before they swim. The pool is only used by the cool club. (Sign up on first day)
School Cafeteria:
There are waiters there, after all it is a castle

School spa:
For good students




the garden is near rainbow falls
Pet Spa:

The pets get bored all day, the maids and all treat all the pets with care, after school, the pets will be returned to owners, however, it might cost a little (PM if you would like to put your pet there, it cost the RP's money, the one your character can earn by doing jobs)
Pet daycare:

Costs a little, but it's fun for your pet!


Blank room:

You may rent this room ^^^^^^ (PM cuddly21223 for prices)
Ballroom 2:

Ballroom 3:

Ballroom 4:

Ballroom 5:

Rainbow Falls:

This magical water has healing properties. It can cure anything as long as it is used for good. It's forbidden to evil angels (such as most dark winged angels). Lots of angels love to study near rainbow falls characters:
Princess Amaria
Prince Matthew
Aurora Dae
Cloud angels:
Dark angels:
Edited By Cuddly21223 on 12/29/2014 at 4:31 PM.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/17/2013
Threads: 179
Posts: 2,253
Posted: 12/29/2014 at 3:09 PM Post #3
Royal club:
Requirments: Being a royal or being a royals friend
Meet: Every day from 2:00-7:30 (no need to be there everyday they meet in the ballroom
What to bring: Your club ID and anything you would like to share
What you do:
2:00-2:30 Chat and relax while tea and gourmet snacks are served
2:30-3:00 Dance lessons
3:00-4:00 Free hour
4:00-5:45 Movie
5:45-5:50 Drinks served
5:50-6:00 First course served
6:00-6:20 Second course and third course served
6:20-6:30 Dessert served
6;30-7:00 Free 30 mins
7;00 10:00 Ballroom is open
(more clubs coming)
Club form:
Club name:
Meet time:
Where do they meet:
What to bring:
What you do:

Places where the clubs could meet:
School Spa
Ballroom (taken from 2:00-7:00 everyday, it is open 7:00-10:00)
A certain student's dorm
The school's garden
Blank room
Ballroom 2
Ballroom 3
Ballroom 4
Ballroom 5
School Grounds #1
School Ground #2
Edited By Cuddly21223 on 12/29/2014 at 4:26 PM.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/17/2013
Threads: 179
Posts: 2,253
Posted: 12/29/2014 at 3:10 PM Post #4
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/17/2013
Threads: 179
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Posted: 12/29/2014 at 3:10 PM Post #5
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/17/2013
Threads: 179
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Posted: 12/29/2014 at 4:04 PM Post #6
Author: CuddlyFierc
Time Posted: 12/29/2014 at 3:10 PM
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/17/2013
Threads: 179
Posts: 2,253
Posted: 12/29/2014 at 4:04 PM Post #7
Author: CuddlyFierc
Time Posted: 12/29/2014 at 3:10 PM
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/17/2013
Threads: 179
Posts: 2,253
Posted: 12/29/2014 at 4:06 PM Post #8
you may post now; setting is the morning first day, it is 6:45 (Breakfast starts at 7:00) you should start getting ready for school
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/17/2013
Threads: 179
Posts: 2,253
Posted: 12/29/2014 at 4:33 PM Post #9
All my students go to eat
Level 75
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 2/9/2013
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Posted: 12/29/2014 at 4:54 PM Post #10
Day 1 @ 6:45

Amaria wakes up just as the sun comes up along the cloudy horizon. Carefully, she gets out of her perfectly-made white silk sheets. Across the room from her, her pet, Stargazer, stirred in her bed. Amaria carefully walks up to her and wakes her up. "Don't be lazy, Stargazer, we have a full day of school ahead of us." She smiles, trying to look entirely awake to Stargazer, even though she is very tired. Not being able to stop it, a yawn escapes her mouth. Amaria then opens her wardrobe, many gowns made out of silk that are the school uniform are in there. They are all deep and beautiful shades of purple, with streaks of gold to represent the royal family. Carefully fitting into one, she brushed her hair. She vaguely remembered the day before, when she asked her parents for no butlers or no assistance throughout the school year, she wondered what it was like to be normal, without servants. Her parents had been completely confused, and said that if she needed them, she could call them at any time and they would come within a matter of hours. Now, Amaria stood, Stargazer hopping on her shoulder, at the door. One last look at her tidy room, and she left. Walking down the big staircase of the dorms to the cafeteria. She then walked down a few halls and made it to the Cafeteria. She sat down on one chair,knowing no one would sit next to her, she helped Stargazer onto the seat next to her at the table.

Delania wakes up in her bed, her sheets crumpled and her wings crooked on her back, Corrupt sleeping across from her. "Ugh" She moans. "This time is too early to get up." Grumbling, Delania gets into her robes and beckons for Corrupt to follow her. "You can't come to class." She says angrily. "You have to be in the stables for the day, may you cause them utter chaos, then they'll let me take you to class." A mischievious grin cracks her face. Delania laughs at the thought of what Corrupt could do. "Come then, to the stables." Delania leads Corrupt to the stables, leaving him there before hurrying off to the Cafeteria for breakfast.
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