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Forum Index > Pet Marketplace > Fest Theme Hoarder List
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Level 75
Joined: 6/18/2022
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Posted: 8/17/2022 at 2:06 PM Post #1
The following is a list of users who are hoarding collecting the given theme. You are free to ping or PM them if you have a theme they want. To be added to the list, ping me on reply and include the theme(s) you'd like to be listed for.

Themes in bold are new this year.
Themes in italics are from last year.
Themes with a single * preceding their name are from Regular/Fabled Catalysts.
Themes with three *** preceding their name are from Majestic Catalysts.


*Rainbow Pop: Mikazukichan
*Sea Serpent: Edmewolf

*Tropical Beach: Elevensins
*Prismatic Night: XxAniraxX, JonathanAnubian
Sunken Treasure: WickedPixie
Ghost Ship:

*Coral Reef:
*Mermaid's Purse: Vizor
Sea Slug: Mikazukichan, Mythnomer, EvilNapkin, XxAniraxX, Fangie2
Sunken Treasure:

*Vibrant Mandarinfish:
*Coral Reef:
Shrub Roses:
Emerald Temple:

*Triggerfish: Synnove, Neytiri875
*Coral Bliss: Synnove, XxAniraxX, Neytiri875
Plum Pie: Synnove, XxAniraxX, Neytiri875
Berry Dream: Agilupa, Neytiri875

***Floral Victorian: Aelingalathynius, XxAniraxX
*Mermaid's Curse: Entr0py, Aelingalathynius, XxAniraxX, Darkesse, Tigress
*Conch Melody:
Summer Sequoia: WickedPixie, Quailking, Aelingalathynius, XxAniraxX
Peppercorn Vine: Aelingalathynius

*Seaglass Beach: Fangie2
*Mystical Mermaid: XxAniraxX

*Mango Juice: BellaSara, Synnove
*Reef Triggerfish: BellaSara
Driftwood Beach: Mythnomer, BellaSara, Synnove, XxAniraxX
Nighttime Waters: BellaSara, Synnove

***Thermal Lionfish:
*Ocean Sunset: Shadowized, XxAniraxX
*Moon Jellyfish: XxAniraxX, Edmewolf
Volcanic Sands: YureiNeko
Lurking Leviathan: XxAniraxX, Edmewolf

*Wave-Tossed Shell: Neytiri875, Anemochory, XxAniraxX, Fangie2
*Rhinocerous Hornbill: Neytiri875, XxAniraxX, Edmewolf
Tropical Sunset Dancer: Fangie2
Darkening Eve: Neytiri875, Edmewolf

***Undersea Scarab: Pyromancer
*Sunset Moth: Quailking, Pyromancer
*Summer Spriteling: Pyromancer
Jade Mantis: Pyromancer
Tropical Allure:

***Sugar Dancer: XxAniraxX, Edmewolf
*Ocean Odyssey: Quailking, XxAniraxX, Edmewolf
*Sundried Spices: XxAniraxX, Edmewolf
Sea Slug: Mythnomer, Quailking, Everlost, XxAniraxX, Edmewolf
Savanna Hunter: Anemochory, WickedPixie, XxAniraxX, Edmewolf

*Picasso Bug: Mikazukichan
*Ocean Troll:
Coconut Crab: Wonderfulwander
Exotic Jungle: Edmewolf

*Fire Lily: Hiraeth
*Colorful Reef: Hiraeth
Maireener Shell: Hiraeth, SpaceElf1
Breaking Dawn: Hiraeth

*Jade Tiger: Quailking, Neytiri875
*Jungle Explorer: Neytiri875
Fairy Lights: Quailking, Neytiri875
Woodpecker: Neytiri875

*Green Macaw: Neytiri875
*Jungle Fowl: Neytiri875

*Tropical Jungle: Tigress

*Abyssal Serpent: Mikazukichan, BellaSara, Cosmichorse
*Black Pearl: WickedPixie, BellaSara
Mermaid Cove: Shadowized, BellaSara
Dragon Fruit: BellaSara

*Jellyfish Bloom: WickedPixie, Synnove, XxAniraxX, Darkesse, YureiNeko, Fangie2
*Tropical Beach: Synnove, XxAniraxX, YureiNeko

***Abyssal Caller: Frawn, Neytiri875, Pyromancer
*Siren Song: Frawn, Everlost, Pyromancer
*Mangosteen: Neytiri875, Pyromancer
Firefly Squid: Frawn, Neytiri875, Jadedragon07, Pyromancer, XxAniraxX, YureiNeko
Berry Tea: Neytiri875, Pyromancer

*Pineapple Mango:
*Desert Oasis:
Forest Scorpion: XxAniraxX, Agilupa
Buried Treasure:

*Hiking Trail: SpaceElf1
*Milkweed Monarch: Anemochory
Evening Show: Jadedragon07
Kelp Forest: Jadedragon07

***Themed Zone Epics: Tigress
***Themed Zone Eggs : Tigress
Edited By WickedPixie on 9/6/2022 at 3:04 PM.
Level 75
Joined: 6/18/2022
Threads: 17
Posts: 213
Posted: 8/17/2022 at 2:07 PM Post #2
Ping WickedPixie (me!) in this thread if you wish to be added! :D
Edited By WickedPixie on 8/17/2022 at 2:09 PM.
Level 75
High Druid
Joined: 10/4/2014
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Posted: 8/17/2022 at 2:23 PM Post #3
Always looking for tagged themed and PBO Sylvorpas! ^.^
Level 75
Joined: 12/29/2012
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Posted: 8/17/2022 at 2:46 PM Post #4
Please add me for abyssal vorp and siren song vorp! thanks :D
Level 75
The Artistic
Joined: 1/28/2014
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Posted: 8/17/2022 at 3:21 PM Post #5
I'd love to be listed!

Looking for these:
Sea Slug Bulbori (certain traits)
Rainbow Pop Aeridini (catalyst / certain traits if hatched)
Picasso Bug Morkko (catalyst / certain traits if hatched)
Abyssal Serpent Qitari (catalyst / certain traits if hatched)

Happy to be PMed/pinged ^.^
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 7/14/2015
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Posted: 8/17/2022 at 3:31 PM Post #6
always hoarding nephs \o/
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 10/26/2018
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Posted: 8/17/2022 at 3:31 PM Post #7
I'm looking for ocean sunset lighs and mermaid cove qits depending on traits
Level 75
Enchanted Explorer
Joined: 1/2/2014
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Posted: 8/17/2022 at 3:32 PM Post #8
im collecting FERRIKKI *Mermaid's Curse XD if you wanna add me to the list lol
Level 75
Omniscient Gardener
Joined: 6/2/2018
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Posted: 8/17/2022 at 3:32 PM Post #9
Could you add me to the sea slug bulbori and lupora as well as the driftwood Kelpari please
Level 75
Guardian of the Realm
Joined: 11/3/2021
Threads: 19
Posts: 591
Posted: 8/17/2022 at 3:33 PM Post #10
I'd like to be listed.

New Faelora, Aged Faelora
New Zone Faelora

Thank you! :D
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