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Forum Index > General Discussion > Troubled Economy? Whats YOUR thoughts?
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Level 70
The Tender
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Posted: 2/7/2014 at 12:56 AM Post #61

Yes. Maybe some people think that waiting a month is too long. And uh...if you say it like that it looks more wrong than you saying it without the dots. >.>

Prismatic philters? I am interested, although I am not a newbie. XD
Level 70
The Tender
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Posted: 2/7/2014 at 1:02 AM Post #62
XD For me, I find it hard to keep track of everything so this is much easier instead of scrolling up and messing orders.

From your other post:
"/would love to be the NPC-figure for it.../sigh~! "

I would find it sort of disturbing that someone dressed in the colour of love is breaking pets into scales. Does the red on you doubles as blood or something? X'D

"I'm happy to say that Sylestia isn't a custom-based game. Omg sad to say, because I started with games like Sylestia (and Neopets) first, I think customs as on other games like Aywas (my friend showed me her customs) are EXTREMELY PRETENTIOUS. Not everyone has cash nor time to devote to a site, but Sylestia is definitely lenient on players that don't have diamonds in comparison to those least imo.
It puts all creativity that diamond-players like to have for their gameplay on level grounding, or at least limited grounding, as regular players. I don't care about breeding anything in that pretentious level...

(man I sound so biased) "

I was on Aywas a little before joining Sylestia, and I agree with you. They are also very expensive, considering that you have to provide the artwork and such. ($20 for the most popular one, which is the Blue Custom Crystal, right?) There are customs that doesn't cost real currency(they are still pretty expensive), but I think the ones that do are much more popular.

I like it that in Sylestia the less popular essences are pretty cheap and you can get customs quite easily. (Enchanted fabled is another story, but they are not as many fabled as regular species, and the site has to earn money.)

"I think the only people who buy project pets are either those who donate the essences or people with diamonds to convert into the currency needed easily. xD;
Otherwise, it's a hefty price to pay if enhanced essences don't come to you on a silver I agree with you.
On a side note, I think it's pretentious to try and limit breeding of project offspring. I assume you've seen that, where after a project, there's a restriction on offspring to not breed? I think that's just extremely unsavory and pretentious. (/shot for bias) "

I don't really know. I guess it depends if they like it well enough. For me, I generally save gold (until the prices on esseces and diamonds go down, then I snap them up like crazy) and haven't spent a lot on pets in general, especially project pets.
And as for the project offspring, I can understand that people do not want others to grab two unrelated project offspring and breed and sell their own. If it is that, it is partly the breeder's fault (for not making sure they only release related projects), and also the person who bred them (for no respect toward other's breeding projects).

But even if the breeder takes care, the person can:
1) Purchase two related project pets.
2) Breed one with another random pet until you get an offspring that looks quite close.
3) Breed the offspring with the other project pet since they are not closely related.
4) End up with what looks like the original project pet.

I don't think it is worth it, but if the project pet happens to be a six-vis fabled, some people may attempt it. So I would understand about the limiting breeding thing. But the buyer have to know what they are paying for, and this can be abused by other people not telling them. The prices will end up being lower as well since they can't breed as much.

"Didn't know about the higher health thing, but that's cool. o:
I think breeders who are pro-pet-economy (for last of better term) want to make all players work for their vis pets, either by increasing prices or limiting offspring supply. Sad, isn't it? s:
I agree, it's much easier to get a 6vis (or anything you want if you plan it right) than to start with essences or something. But again, people perceive it as "oh no they undervalue our final vis pets", so...back to another quote, it's "impossible to please everyone". (that quote went out of my head OTL)"

That is how I concluded that letting egg hatch does increase the health and can be passed down, because the muddier the nixi, the higher the health in general. XD
You can go read the Flightrising economy discussion posts. I am also pretty tempted to redirect the people fighting for higher prices to some of them. There were lots, and they mirror what is happening here. There are people who were upset that their dragons that they spent so much on are now nearly worthless, and the others which argues against them. Basically: each dragon can produce an infinite supply of other dragons and so, the amount of dragons are increasing exponentially. And so, eventually the price of the dragons plummet, because there is too much supply and not much demand.

(I still participated in some of those "Stop prices from falling!" threads though. Because I don't have enough patience to sell my puffs and what they offer is better than releasing them for nothing. I have released a lot of them that don't meet my criteria before.)

(And this is starting to look like a mini essay. XD)
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 2/7/2014 at 1:12 AM Post #63
Fluuute, your bias is showing!

I found Aywas and Sylestia at about the same time, and I admit that I have quite a bit more fun on Sylestia than I do on Aywas. I think it's more the community than it is the site itself; while I don't find the custom-pets pretentious, I do find the complete lack of respect for the artists and the general behavior of the staff to be pretty abhorrent. People will complain about the line for certain artists, and then complain even more when they get moved to what they percieve as a sub-par artist. It's horrible. For a site that required an application, I'm incredibly disappointed in the quality of person there.

In contrast, Sylestia's community is pretty upbeat and the people are all fun, and even debates are handled incredibly well. By and large, Sylestia has one of the best communities I've had the pleasure of being part of. It was really nice to get messages from helpful members within hours of my joining (Flute included!).

I'm probably a horrible person for admitting I don't have much sentimental value tied to any of my pets. My original two, perhaps. The three I won during Lunarshinobi's holiday riddles? Yeah, those too just because I've never won anything like that before! But I don't really feel any adoration towards the pets I have otherwise. I'm sure that'll change once I've invested in my own projects and gotten them juuuuust right, but right now? ALL THE PRETTY THINGS IN MY STABLE RAWR!


I feel that the money to be made off of pets stays in either the capture and sale of the rare named event pets, or the project pets that someone makes look really gorgeous and the backers help front the costs. I find many of the 6-vis projects to be very busy, no matter how beautiful they are (and some are drop dead gorgeous), but I like my simples. I'm currently working on making "Hippogryph" Griffi's, which have at /most/ four visibles. Three, ideally. I'll worry about dying them later, because holy crud are some of the ones that are captured/bred the most technicolor eyesores I've ever seen. :(

Speaking of eyesores... I need to get a pretty ice-mane carrier Qitari of mine a new color. The only visible IM boy I could find for breeding makes the resulting babies look... look... MY EYES...
Level 70
Enchanted Explorer
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Posted: 2/7/2014 at 2:51 PM Post #64
I would find it sort of disturbing that someone dressed in the colour of love is breaking pets into scales. Does the red on you doubles as blood or something? X'D

Oh, uh. FD;
I-it was for the Week of Love! I'm so excited for singles awareness day Week of Love!

I like it that in Sylestia the less popular essences are pretty cheap and you can get customs quite easily. (Enchanted fabled is another story, but they are not as many fabled as regular species, and the site has to earn money.)

I like how customs work here. If you want to have a marking you want or a mutation you want ingame, it ends up being shared with erry'body. c: Same with avatar stuff.

And as for the project offspring, I can understand that people do not want others to grab two unrelated project offspring and breed and sell their own. If it is that, it is partly the breeder's fault (for not making sure they only release related projects), and also the person who bred them (for no respect toward other's breeding projects).

I personally don't get project offspring for the sake of breeding them. I get them because they look pretty as they are. How they're used in my breeding is often way different than the projects. x: And usually, I don't mean to use them once I buy them. They just make my breeding easier.

I respect the design, but no, I have no rampant desire to sell offspring that look like the person I bought them from. o__o;

I don't think it is worth it, but if the project pet happens to be a six-vis fabled, some people may attempt it. So I would understand about the limiting breeding thing. But the buyer have to know what they are paying for, and this can be abused by other people not telling them. The prices will end up being lower as well since they can't breed as much.

I know several 6vis projects that I'm interested in, but their price tags. xnx
However, they're really pretty at the start; for someone to muddy them up by breeding and selling really shows how unsportsmanlike the selling is. x: Again, my personal want for them is my only desire to buy them and own them.
(Same with wildly-bred 6vis pets. I have a 6vis vulnyx and zolnixi and faelora I can't wait to recolor. ;w; And I can't wait to buy a 6vis qitari to recolor her too. They're gonna be pretty and I shall honor their breeders as much as I can~ I definitely don't want to breed more than them.)

You can go read the Flightrising economy discussion posts. I am also pretty tempted to redirect the people fighting for higher prices to some of them. There were lots, and they mirror what is happening here. There are people who were upset that their dragons that they spent so much on are now nearly worthless, and the others which argues against them. Basically: each dragon can produce an infinite supply of other dragons and so, the amount of dragons are increasing exponentially. And so, eventually the price of the dragons plummet, because there is too much supply and not much demand.

I'll skip, Flight Rising looked cool but I don't wanna lose any more attention to games. xD But I believe you; I guess it's sad, but again, it's haves vs have nots from this side of the argument.

(I still participated in some of those "Stop prices from falling!" threads though. Because I don't have enough patience to sell my puffs and what they offer is better than releasing them for nothing. I have released a lot of them that don't meet my criteria before.)

Fact of the matter is that when you offer incentive for "stopping prices from falling", like exchange points *u*, then it makes it worth while, at least for me.
But I always advise to make a profit from something other than breeding to let the breeding/selling/economy problems not affect anyone majorly.
Other than that, I don't mind what other peoples' takes on the issue is. I frankly judge based on how they fare as players. I kinda look down upon relying on sales as a major source of income. Being adept at earning gold otherwise says much else about a player imo.
Level 70
Enchanted Explorer
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Posted: 2/7/2014 at 3:30 PM Post #65
When I heard stuff about Aywas' community, it just sounded terribly biased, more than me. ;A;
/hides my bias
That's terribly sucky, I feel sorry for those artists. For the "longevity" of the site, the community just sounds...well. Intimidating and unwelcoming...

Anyways, I guess it's too much to talk about other sites in that manner. >__<

I have way too much sentimentality for things. Like in my kelp project, I keep the dad that gave way to a first batch of nice offspring when I'm 2 generations away from him. xD;
Pretty things are hard to let go of. It's such a challenge to hand them off to other players when so many people don't see the sentimentality you yourself once saw. x:

"I feel that the money to be made off of pets stays in either the capture and sale of the rare named event pets, or the project pets that someone makes look really gorgeous and the backers help front the costs."

Money's always in circulation, I guess that's a given.
But inflation, supply/demand, and all the stuff pertaining to economy are also givens. Guess that means a lot of this was bound to happen? o:

As for your IM qitari, I think that mutation is better put in planned project breeding. xD You can always dye it at least. Or buy essences. c:
Level 75
Sweet Solver
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Posted: 2/7/2014 at 5:00 PM Post #66
"I have way too much sentimentality for things. Like in my kelp project, I keep the dad that gave way to a first batch of nice offspring when I'm 2 generations away from him. xD;
Pretty things are hard to let go of. It's such a challenge to hand them off to other players when so many people don't see the sentimentality you yourself once saw. x:

I understand this feeling way too much. People have asked why I've kept so many 0 and 1-vis pets and it's sentimentality. I might not remember the exact moment that I caught many of them but I still remember how happy and excited I felt about having them. It was only my break from the game that helped me be able to release some pets. I just don't breed or capture pets very as much anymore outside of some specific projects I want to pursue, and I've become more selective about which pets I purchase as well.

Anyway, I don't want to make things go off-topic but I never quite had the words for my feelings and then I saw what you wrote and that was it.
Level 70
The Tender
Joined: 11/15/2013
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Posted: 2/7/2014 at 6:24 PM Post #67
Oh, uh. FD;
I-it was for the Week of Love! I'm so excited for singles awareness day Week of Love!

Hey, now you just made me remember I never had a boyfriend I am excited too, can't wait to see the new pet! Maybe I should go change my outfit to match as well.

I like how customs work here. If you want to have a marking you want or a mutation you want ingame, it ends up being shared with erry'body. c: Same with avatar stuff.

When I said customs here I mean generated pets (and totally forgot what the customs on this site mean).
I also like how you can submit your custom colouring of the monthly items. It gives it uniqueness but it still has the same base.

I personally don't get project offspring for the sake of breeding them. I get them because they look pretty as they are. How they're used in my breeding is often way different than the projects. x: And usually, I don't mean to use them once I buy them. They just make my breeding easier.

I respect the design, but no, I have no rampant desire to sell offspring that look like the person I bought them from. o__o;

I wouldn't buy them purely for breeding either. But sometimes I would breed them to get recessive genes.

'll skip, Flight Rising looked cool but I don't wanna lose any more attention to games. xD But I believe you; I guess it's sad, but again, it's haves vs have nots from this side of the argument.

I can understand (already played too many breeding games). The people there saying there is something wrong with the just far too similar to here. XD

Fact of the matter is that when you offer incentive for "stopping prices from falling", like exchange points *u*, then it makes it worth while, at least for me.
But I always advise to make a profit from something other than breeding to let the breeding/selling/economy problems not affect anyone majorly.
Other than that, I don't mind what other peoples' takes on the issue is. I frankly judge based on how they fare as players. I kinda look down upon relying on sales as a major source of income. Being adept at earning gold otherwise says much else about a player imo.

The devaluing of pets has been repeated over many species in this site (I haven't been here for long, but I can guess that it happened to Lighiras, Ny'venes and Puffadores.) and I think this can be expected to happen with all the others, including those still not yet released. It is not a surprise and so others should not expect to always be able to make profit off breeding.
Level 70
Enchanted Explorer
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Posted: 2/7/2014 at 6:40 PM Post #68
Yeah Sav, I know you're the type to have heart for much of Sylestia, heart over business. c: It's what I admire about you.

It's so weird when way back when, our first captured pets were the ones with yucky colors or weird traits, the ones that most people abhor when they see them in the wild, and yet we see them in our stable, go "oh I remember this pet!" and keep them anyways when we try to keep stables clean. ;A;

I remember letting go of many of my mission pets that were 1v or less. I hope they helped some newbies. I forget who the newbies are, and whether they still play or released the pets, I can always attempt to remember them by bringing new pets to have a similar name/visage/purpose like them.

/end sentimentality
Level 70
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Posted: 2/7/2014 at 6:46 PM Post #69
Hey, now you just made me remember I never had a boyfriend I am excited too, can't wait to see the new pet! Maybe I should go change my outfit to match as well.

You should. c: (so you can say you did, it's a trend lolol, bandwagon and all that)

When I said customs here I mean generated pets (and totally forgot what the customs on this site mean).

Oh, so that's what you meant. xD
Yeah, very very cheap. ;w;
(I was thinking you meant the real customs (pay $20-75 to have your own designs put into the game for everyone to use).)

I wouldn't buy them purely for breeding either. But sometimes I would breed them to get recessive genes.

True that. If there's one reason why I'd lose my gold over a pet, it'd be because of recessive visibles. Much easier to get those from generated pets. (And if someone bought the essences to breed them, why not spend less to get a baby?)

I can understand (already played too many breeding games). The people there saying there is something wrong with the just far too similar to here. XD

We can all learn a little something from other games. O:
What I really like about Krin and Fai are that they're gamers too. No doubt that some of the judgments they made concerning how Sylestia works is kinda based off of how other games work (like I remember they would talk about how breeding between Pony Island and here are same yet different in terms of relation or something, idk idk). At best, our suggestions will help guide to a choice that will benefit the community for the better. o: (I'm hoping they're reading this thread or at least skimming for ideas xD)

The devaluing of pets has been repeated over many species in this site (I haven't been here for long, but I can guess that it happened to Lighiras, Ny'venes and Puffadores.) and I think this can be expected to happen with all the others, including those still not yet released. It is not a surprise and so others should not expect to always be able to make profit off breeding.

Indeed. Kinda like a passing phase? /shrug
I think in this case, the only thing that wouldn't be affected are set-in-stone projects, like in the breeding forum. o:
Level 70
The Tender
Joined: 11/15/2013
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Posted: 2/7/2014 at 9:09 PM Post #70
You should. c: (so you can say you did, it's a trend lolol, bandwagon and all that)

How do I look right now? XD *Does not have any specifically Valentine outfits*

Oh, so that's what you meant. xD
Yeah, very very cheap. ;w;
(I was thinking you meant the real customs (pay $20-75 to have your own designs put into the game for everyone to use).)

(I can tell. It is pretty fair since they will have to pay the artist as well.)

We can all learn a little something from other games. O:
What I really like about Krin and Fai are that they're gamers too. No doubt that some of the judgments they made concerning how Sylestia works is kinda based off of how other games work (like I remember they would talk about how breeding between Pony Island and here are same yet different in terms of relation or something, idk idk). At best, our suggestions will help guide to a choice that will benefit the community for the better. o: (I'm hoping they're reading this thread or at least skimming for ideas xD)

If they are reading this, implementing the hatchery page limit first is probably better than implimenting the pet-for-scales first, because people are probably going to go on a breeding spree for scales. And I worry a little about the servers because even when the pets are released, they still have all their genes and colour information, which can add up to a lot.
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