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Level 70
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Posted: 5/28/2016 at 2:31 PM Post #41
Interesting insight! o:
The template for that item box was already there (I assume one of the previous peeps on the wiki, like Animela, made it), so sometime, I'll try to see if I can recreate the box with a gray background aha.

Thanks for the tip! ^^
Level 75
Sweet Solver
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Posted: 5/28/2016 at 2:41 PM Post #42
My brain's kinda fuzzy on lack of sleep right now but I was thinking about a category for NPC's. There's ones both in the main part of the game and ones in the festival.

I'm hoping regarding past festival characters, maybe we can track them down from older threads. Also, maybe Krin could help us if he still has the coding for them.
Level 70
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Posted: 5/28/2016 at 2:56 PM Post #43
I was wondering about that, not just NPCs, but all fest content info.

For some reason, I fear it might be hard to grab good info or wholly accurate stuff. ;u; but it's worth a shot!
Level 75
Sweet Solver
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Posted: 5/28/2016 at 3:12 PM Post #44
I think during this fest we should grab any information we can while it still lasts that we might want to use that wouldn't be normally found in the overview. For example, the prices of items in the festival shop. There could be other info out there that would be of interest that I can't think of. But for instance one of the previous fall fests we had an issue where there were tagged themed pets that could have two possible buggy problems. One was having the genes/mutations all black. Another were ones that were randomly colored. These pets are still out there and could confuse those who aren't aware.

Regarding the previous fests, it'll be a hunt for past info. I know I recorded info on how avatar items were obtained and how much they cost for a little while when I was trying to keep up with an avatar item guide. I just couldn't keep up with it however after a certain point.
Level 70
Enchanted Explorer
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Posted: 5/28/2016 at 4:27 PM Post #45
Good idea.

I think such information that's already lost should be in the white content area of the page, where it's optional to put it in.
Putting such information in the item box (ie the black box in Priest's Bindings) or somewhere where it seems like the information should be present might make it seem like the page is spotty.

Finding that information will be a challenge (I doubt Krin recorded the info from before, but if he did, that'd be awesome!). So having it in an optional section, not quite like trivia but the priority of trivia, would be the best way to go about this, since it's not 100% certain we can go back and find the information for all items.
Level 75
Sweet Solver
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Posted: 5/28/2016 at 4:29 PM Post #46
If I have time today before the next contests start I'll try to do a round up of threads that might have useful info for the wiki.
Level 75
Master Sylestiologist
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Posted: 5/28/2016 at 7:46 PM Post #47
Maybe under the pets category we could include "wheel pets". I know there isn't really a wheel anymore, but it was brought back for love fest (right?) and I don't know how many questions I got regarding the wheel (jeez I still see people asking what the wheel is)! It's part of the history of themed pets so I think it would be a nice addition. If you disagree that's fine, I really don't care, I just thought it might be a nice suggestion.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 5/28/2016 at 8:04 PM Post #48
@Savynn & Flute - An NPC category would be a great idea! I hadn't even thought of that. We might need to enlist the help of some new players if we want to get all of them - that is, if we wanted to include plot characters like Cereth, the fairy queen, the hermit, Aryth...unless that would be too spoiler-y?

@FForFox - Yeah, I'm totally with you on that. We could go as far as to make sub-sub(-sub?) categories for things like Wheel Pets, Garden Pets, Mojo Pets, Fish Pets...we don't really have a limit on how many categories we can have! And this could also be something we could do retroactively if we need to.
Pages can be added and removed from categories relatively easily so we can always change our minds. :)

Thanks guys for your input! I will definitely be more proactive about this once the school I work at gets out for the summer.
Level 60
Gingerbread Architect
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Posted: 5/28/2016 at 8:15 PM Post #49
I agree with fox. The gray would look much better.
Level 60
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 5/28/2016 at 8:56 PM Post #50
Thanks for the ping ^ ^

Maybe instead of Misc philters, there can be "genetic philters" as a category in philters as well

Also another idea for main category is festivals/events maybe including previous festivals as well? :)

Otherwise this looks great so far!
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