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Level 62
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Posted: 4/19/2018 at 2:38 PM Post #31
~ Interest Check ~
You were interested in the Pirates of the Caribbean roleplay, so I wondered if you'd like this RPG ^^ Pirating is a path, after all! Do note, it is an RPG, not an RP. I apologise if I have bothered any of you.
Level 62
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Posted: 4/19/2018 at 2:39 PM Post #32
Real Name
Angelica Yegrovitch
Sailor's Name
Beserker Eye
When she takes off her eye bandage, it shows a pure black eye with no white or colour. She can't see out of it, but it makes her go beserk. Some say it's because of a demons curse. However, unless you've directly been told of her people don't actually think Angelica is Beserker Eye.
Unknown, she is around 13-16 though.
Ship Name
Angel's Lair
Starting School
School of Trading

(No wings)
She's shy and quiet, she is quite angelic and isn't made for fighting. She is often hidden away and rarely seen, she hides and is in charge of the thinking. She has a hidden personality that she hates showing, hence why she hides one eye. It only appears, along with her taking off the bandage of her blind pure black eye, when she sees someone injure or try to injure those she cares about. It is also the only time she'll join an attack. In this time, she goes insane and will do anything to harm them and won't stop until their body is mauled or if she dies, making her beserkerish. As soon as the bandage is back on, she calms down. She doesn't remember anything that happens when her bandage is off and hasn't been told before, hence not understand her name "Beserker Eye" thing.
Angelica is often very forgiving and calm, she knows her way around caring and herbs from adventure school. Her raccoon is also trained to be able to find herbs so they can care for the hurt. She refuses to see any bloodshed around her and is treated with respect - if people know who she is. When they don't, they often tease her for being so small and innocent, not thinking she's fit to be a sailor. She is often fine with this and just meets them with a smile. She hopes one day she can free her brother and make him happy.
Angelica cares deeply about animals and especially her dead raccoon, Diana. She dislikes leaving anywhere alone, but will follow Eli anywhere. other wise she curls up and waits to die instead of moving to a safer place. She knows she's rather useless in that sense, but doesn't mind it. She doesn't hate herself. Sometimes she can get upset if Eli teases her too much as she doesn't want to seem as useless as she can be in this respect.
Her parents brought her up like a rich kid, telling her always to keep her eye covered after discovering about it. She obeyed and only really saw the disaster which could happen after a kid bullying her ripped it off at school. Despite being a high class child, she tried to associate herself with everyone and struggled at points being normal and fitting in, although she kept on smiling and trying.She hung around a lot of Eli and his friends, trying to be the most friendly to them although she could feel left out at points. This is one of the few times she ignored her parents woh acted like Angelica was their daughter and Eli just her bodyguard. As sailing became a massive thing, she told her parents she'd like to try it and they sent her off to sailing school, although her and Eli went to separate schools for sailing. They decided her learning how to trade could be very profitable. However they refused to send her to the battling one in fear. It is believed her eyes was caused by a curse her grandfather bounty hunter had, so they don't want her to become a bounty hunter like him. In her mind, she wouldn't mind if she did and is excited to see where it leads her.
Blood Status
25% bounty hunter, 75% nobility
High Class.
She is very caring and often can get people to trust her. She tries her hardest all the time and tends not to sulk if she fails. She notices things to do with emotion most of the time and will immediately deal with any issues the ship faces, no matter what. If her opponent doesn't know who she is, they may under estimate her or think of her as a weakling, giving her a surprise advantage if in beserker mode. She also tends to be left for dead instead of immediately killed. She doesn't fall for flirtiness because she is rather innocently minded. She is also half decent and suggesting orders that can be given and keeping moral up.
She's blind in one eye and can't control herself when the eye bandage is removed, as she isn't very sporty and not properly trained how to fight. Although she is very tentative and squirmy, she trusts too easy and can be easily manipulated. She struggles to hold a weapon, she finds it very heavy, unless in beserker mode when she won't notice her struggles. If she sees someone injured, she will try to help them, even if they're enemies.
She is of pure Russian blood. Her protecting 'brother' is Eli, she tends to get along well with him. Angelica used to have a pet raccoon as well. Angelica & Eli's fleet is called "The Windswept"
Edited By IvyCat on 4/20/2018 at 3:19 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 4/19/2018 at 6:38 PM Post #33
Save me a spot!
Pinging self as a reminder.
Level 75
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Posted: 4/19/2018 at 10:41 PM Post #34
Real Name:
~Allison Flowerfeather
Sailor's Name:
~Snow White
Ship Name:
~Devil's Cove
Starting School:
~School of Adventure
~Not my art

~She's a liar and good at it to. She doesn't always lie but most of the time she does. She can keep a secret if it's important other than that it's always out of the box. She's always trying to trick people into doing her dirty work. She's serious and bossy when she needs to be.
Blood Status:
~75% Pirate
~25% Civilian
~Finding stuff
~Her hometown is Spain
Edited By Moonlitwolf0 on 4/21/2018 at 10:32 AM.
Level 62
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Posted: 4/20/2018 at 12:18 AM Post #35
Please remember, this is an RPG. You wouldn't have a brother as a starting ally, nor would you have two characters. Your weaknesses and strengths seemed to be the same, also when we say that, we don't mean skills. Right now, your weakness is all the skills and you have no strengths in skills. So, yes, strength will be your weakness. You have no bargaining or intelligence experience, so they will also be your weakness.

When we talk about strength and weakness we tend to mean emotionally, not something we already tell you by using skills.

Just my two cents, and welcome to your first RPG. I'll try to guide/ help you through it as much as possible, so expect a lot of ooc stuff. I understand your form is a w.i.p ^^
Level 75
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Posted: 4/20/2018 at 1:03 AM Post #36
Ya so sorry about that... I've never been in an RPG before...
Edited By Moonlitwolf0 on 4/20/2018 at 1:03 AM.
Level 62
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Posted: 4/20/2018 at 1:30 AM Post #37
I noticed, it's fine. I'll try my best to help you and answer any questions you need. If you try learning them, bargaining and intelligence can become strengths. If you'd rather leave it blank because you aren't sure what to put, you can do that. If anything, it's usually best to put likes/ dislikes in there. ^^

Also, there is a secret rule to go under other that is important to gameplay you should add.
Edited By IvyCat on 4/20/2018 at 11:16 AM.
Level 62
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Posted: 4/20/2018 at 1:37 AM Post #38
Can you mini-chat tomorrow morning? owo
Level 75
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Posted: 4/20/2018 at 6:11 AM Post #39
Real Name:
Arthur Kirkland
Sailor's Name:
The Wraith
Ship Name:
The Ghost
Starting School:
School of Fighting

Arthur is relatively a gentleman when it comes to dealing with things, and always carries around an air of haughtiness, and when he speaks, it is with a sharp tongue and he's rather cynical about almost everything. Even though he is like that and acting all high and courteous all the time, it doesn't mean he isn't dangerous.
Inside of the mask he wears, is a ruthless, cunning, cold-blooded killer, and is silent when he does so. When he kills or tortures or anything of the like, he does it without remorse, as he's seen enough blood and gore in his life so he just brushes it off like nothing. He's manipulative, and will do things for his own gain without consideration for others, unless they were people in his soft spot.
He's also highly adventurous and likes to do random things and explore. He just does it for fun.
He's kind of bad at trying to express himself, so a lot of things he says might sound insulting, even when he means good. Although he doesn't care about anyone in the world, he still has a soft spot for his crew, his sister and his ship, which he'd named The Ghost, because why not?
He has a sister called Alice and he is super protective over her, even if he doesn't show it at first, but hurt her and Arthur will have more than just a few words for you.
VELP. British smol bean.
Blood Status:
100% Pirate
(-Great actor | Nonactivated)
(-Flirty, although he doesn't really care | Nonactivated)
(-Can lie/manipulate very easily | Nonactivated)
(-Silent in movement and pretty much anything to do with movement | Nonactivated)
-Pretty athletic
-Sucks at expressing himself, thus he acts all gentlemanly to try to redeem himself
-Doesn't take it lightly when he's insulted
-Rather introverted, even though he acts like he isn't
-Socially awkward, and again, acts like he isn't
-His temper is pretty bad and easy to arouse
Has a sister called Alice Kirkland :3
Also because there is no "Gender" entry for an application, I'm gonna go ahead and say that Arthur is Male

Also, Ivy, sure for the mini-chat. Idk when I'm gonna be up tho.
Edited By Dragonrider1542 on 4/20/2018 at 6:05 PM.
Level 62
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Posted: 4/20/2018 at 7:14 AM Post #40
You can't just copy and paste. Change accordingly because you're novice school level, not a pirate.^^
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