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Forum Index > Games, Contests, and Giveaways > ~Writing Contest! 2018~
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Level 60
Ghost Writer
Joined: 9/17/2017
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Posted: 2/7/2018 at 3:10 PM Post #31
When is this due?
Level 68
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/11/2016
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Posted: 2/7/2018 at 7:22 PM Post #32
Question. I didn't fully understand what "angsty fantasy" meant until I saw your post explaining it to someone else... Is it okay if I completely change prompts, or do I have to stick with the one I entered? I'm okay either way. Just asking.
Level 63
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Posted: 2/7/2018 at 7:43 PM Post #33
Pinging self.. again
Level 71
Nature Walker
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Posted: 2/7/2018 at 8:41 PM Post #34
Can I join? ID is 55959.
Dream Scenario
Darkness. Quiet, drifting night surrounded her, flowing through her lungs, brushing at her hair with long fingers, twisting and whirling around her still body. Most nights, the First Darkness would have seemed peaceful to her, but tonight? Something was wrong. The Darkness was not cool tonight, but warm like the steam from a pot of boiling tea, but less comfortable. Less kindly and familiar.
An orange warmth began to trickle across her back, and she stiffened, drawing a sharp breath of the darkness. She didn't want to turn, she wouldn't, she couldn't allow herself to be punished like this, all these years and only now the nightmares arrive? She hated it more than Gollum hated the sun, but unlike the twisted Hobbit, she felt as though she had a choice. But the Darkness vanished around her, and the amber glow replaced it. It danced and flickered and stabbed at her heart, forcing her to contort in fear, her thoughts jumbling and becoming nothing more than the sparks that drifted above her into the clouds of smoke. All around her, the flames burst and blazed, and she cowered to the ground, finally spilling that last bit of the shell she had built around herself. Somewhere behind her, she heard a faint trace of maniacal laughter.

The blankets folded around her as she jolted up in her bed, the last echoes of the fire-dream fading away. "Just a nightmare, just a nightmare," she whispered to herself, grasping to her chest the first thing she could find, an old teddy bear. She closed her eyes, leaned forward, and waited for her breathing to steady before climbing out of bed. Her instinctual plan to go eat breakfast and change clothes was abruptly shattered by a sharp silver blade sticking out of her door. Her heart raced again. The blade pinned a papyrus paper note against the wooden door, and on the note was unfamiliar, jagged, dark handwriting.

I carried the Fire for longer than I would care to admit. Now it's your turn.

The note was unsigned, but a pair of boots - leather, maybe? - stood directly beneath the note. With a growing feeling of dread, the girl looked behind her, to the wooden floor. Where her feet had walked only seconds before, a smoldering imprint of her feet charred the wood, and she swore she could hear the laughter again.
Level 70
Joined: 6/16/2017
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Posted: 2/7/2018 at 11:01 PM Post #35
May I join? Or is this closed or do I need to sign up somewhere else?
Level 57
Joined: 5/30/2017
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Posted: 2/7/2018 at 11:32 PM Post #36
ignore this
sorry if this made anyone upset i wasn't trying to upset anyone
Edited By Tburn2004 on 2/8/2018 at 7:48 PM.
Level 75
Fright Master
Joined: 5/14/2016
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Posted: 2/8/2018 at 3:36 AM Post #37
The due date is on her first page.
Level 75
Fright Master
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Posted: 2/8/2018 at 5:43 AM Post #38
As said on the first page, you can change anything you want as long as it's before the time limit, so if you want to switch, feel free to do so.
Level 75
Fright Master
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Posted: 2/8/2018 at 5:46 AM Post #39
You may join, since the contest is still in the first round. Just put your user and ID before your entry, and you'll be good to go!
Level 75
Fright Master
Joined: 5/14/2016
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Posted: 2/8/2018 at 5:51 AM Post #40
Um, okay?
I don't remember you signing up or entering, so there was absolutely no need for your little message there... anyways, thanks for notifying me, I suppose.
Also, I would never extend the due date for whatever reason, so you needn't worry about me accommodating you or whatever...
There are plenty of stories I look forwards to reading, so if you're here next year and wanna enter, do so. I'm okay if you don't enter, since there's 28 others .

Btw, you don't need to worry about me clicking the link because Google doesn't work where I am.

Truth to be told, I didn't like the tone you used in your small message thing. I don't know if it was intentional or not, but it managed to royally piss me off.
Edited By Dragonrider1542 on 2/8/2018 at 8:55 AM.
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