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Level 37
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Posted: 3/5/2017 at 11:01 AM Post #31

Whisper herd the captain talking, "they're gonna need a pilot," she thought in her head as she watched.
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 3/5/2017 at 1:32 PM Post #32

Kana smirked knowing she had gotten the bucks attention the way she had planed "I ain't lookin for a fight, Just a bit of adventure that's all.." She said, her green eyes full of a fiery determination. even if he said no she was determined to go, besides she could be quite the benefit in and out of port. she glanced at the others hoping she wasn't to abrupt, as she normally is. She dipped her head to them all and to the buck after a moment, " Name's Kana, by the way, and I'm quite the specialist in weaponry and a bit of a sharp shooter, but if your not needing a gunnie then I will at least be able to bring in a bit of side cash while we are at port." She said with a hopeful wag of her stubby tail.
Edited By Katelynn4545 on 3/5/2017 at 1:46 PM.
Level 63
Warden of Umbra
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Posted: 3/5/2017 at 6:02 PM Post #33
Byrd lifted one massive paw and extended its claw. He dipped it in the ink and signed his own contract with his own rather unique signature, his name written in a large slanting font ended with the print from the toe pad of his dewclaw.

Byrd turned to the ol buck as he wiped the ink off of his paw.
"The names Byrd by the by, might I ask the name of my new captain?"
Edited By Deidriel on 3/5/2017 at 6:03 PM.
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 3/5/2017 at 7:27 PM Post #34
Garvin "Gar"~male~ The North Star

The old buck gave her a quick look over. He needed all the ship hands he could get at this moment so why refuse any willing to help? "Yer in if ye can sign the paper thar. As fer me name I be but Garvin Mcoy at ye service." He said before climbing up on one of the tables. "Listen up ye scurvy land lovers! I be lookin fer me a hearty crew fer me ship. If ye be looking to join then sign the contract, we be leaving the docks in ta morning at dawn!" He announced to the whole room. What a night fine day tomorrow would be.
Level 75
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Posted: 3/5/2017 at 8:21 PM Post #35

Crystal wanted to roll her shiny blues at how cliche Captain McCoy was being. With all the hubbub she couldn't get the attention of any bar wenches and wasn't going to take kindly to be mistaken for one. She quietly padded her way over to the bar under the captain's table, then borrows a young puffadores fluffy tail to launch herself up onto the bar top. There was still lots of gold in the pilfered pouch she had but she had it in her possession for quite a long time now. She decided to order a little snifter of port for a couple of coins, downed it, then leaped off the bar and started heading out the door. She chanced by a draeyl who happened to have an open loop on its belt, so she deposited the pouch there and made her way to the coat locker to collect her seabag. As she produced her ticket, the ny'vene she had lifted the purse from walked back into the bar and happened to notice his goods on the unfortunate draeyl.

"You're mighty light on the fingers kully." the ny'vene hissed at the draeyl.

"Eh?" The draeyl replied. "Go sleep it off scum!" He bellowed back.

The Ny'vene's breath smelled sour from an unusual mixture of indiscriminate alcohol's on the fire breather's foul breath. It was a wonder the creature hadn't ruptured his fire lung. He grabbed at the pouch on the draeyl's belt and shoved the happless dino through two or three other patrons at the bar! "Gimme back what's mine ye lazy, good fer nuthin' thief!"

Both reptilioids were hissing and spitting for a brawl. Already the other patrons that got knocked down with the draeyl were getting up to get their own licks in. Soon the ny'vene's shipmates came rushing in through the bar doors as the other patrons shipmates stood up to help their fellows out. McCoy's new crew wasn't going to get out through the front door without losing a couple teeth, but Tavi just waited to get her bag, then slung the received parcel over her shoulder and waltzed out, saluting the cap'n before he and his got caught up in the scrap.
Edited By Harleyc on 3/5/2017 at 8:34 PM.
Level 71
The Artistic
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Posted: 3/5/2017 at 8:59 PM Post #36

Kana was signing the parchment when the scuffle broke out, she wasn't one to fight but an all out brawl between these big brutes would tear the place down, and the Barkeep she had beaten in a game of darts earlier that night was a tenth of their size. After finishing her swirly mark on the paper she turned to the two large reptiles and leaped up onto an uneasy bar stool so she could be seen as she spoke. " Hey, why don't you two plastered halfwits take this argument and you fellow dogs out from under the rafters.." She said turning to show the array of razor sharp knives on her strap, a few long enough to pierce the draeyl ear hole to ear hole. Though she was a competitive player of darts, Knives were her preferred weapon, and these two buffing buffoons wouldn't be much trouble on their own but them and their buddies would make taking them down a bit more tricky. Though this was the last thing she wanted to do, " No one want's to get blood on the floor and i'm sure you'll have better fightin range out side" She said tilting her head to the side and giving a smirk.
Level 63
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Posted: 3/5/2017 at 9:13 PM Post #37
The intoxicated reptiles weren't likely to take kindly to the little nixi's confronting them. Perhaps were they in the right mind they would have recognized her as a seasoned fighter but in the state they were now she would need a little help.

Byrd walked up behind her and drew himself up to his fullest height and spoke rather more loudly than he normally would have, which served to make his deep voice seem all the more vast.

"I'd suggest you listen to my little friend here, I've seen her take down brutes twice your size." This was of course not at all true, but he said it with such authority that even if they chose to ignore the nixie Byrd himself would definitely seem enough of a threat. After all a full grown winged male lighira was quite intimidating especially with his large mane and plethora of scars gained through various means.

He accented his statement with a deep growl loud enough to rumble through the bodies of everyone in the tavern, the kind of growl meant to intimidate enemies from long distances.

That Tavi was going to need some straightening out if she was to be under his authority.
Edited By Deidriel on 3/5/2017 at 9:28 PM.
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 3/5/2017 at 9:29 PM Post #38
Garvin "Gar"~male~ The North Star

The fight broke out rather quickly in the crowed bar. Nothing could be head over the noise from the fighters. Narrowly escaping as one of the reptiles fell upon the table he had been standing on, Garvin though it best for them to leave. Three new crew mates was a good number for now though there had been others that caught his art as well. He would have to find them later, now was time for finding an escape route. Retreating back to the furthest reaches of the bar he found himself face to face with a hungry looking vulynx. The cat lundged at him though missed when the rabbit like animal jumped over it causing it to land in the rubble of the table. Things were getting heated by this point, any longer and they wouldn't be able to get free without fighting. By this point the buck had retreated back to the fire were a large bird like animal with feathers had taken up residence. With a leap Gar mounted the animals head. He looked like a brute, he could be their way out! "Ye get us a way out and I'll make it worth ye while." The Bulbori said into the golden spotted bird.
Level 63
Warden of Umbra
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Posted: 3/5/2017 at 9:44 PM Post #39
Of course... the fight spread quickly aided by the alcohol undoubtedly. This was not the time for complicated methods of intimidation.

Byrd drew in his breath and roared loud enough to shake the tavern itself. As he did so he flared his wings. He swiped at the head of a drayel who charged to confront him and knocked him out without half trying. With his size the only way he was going to secure a way out was by proving himself to be the biggest threat in the crowded tavern. The roar alone was enough to get the attention of most of the brawlers, causing the intensity of the fight to immediately lessen.

Making no effort to be polite any longer he shoved his way through the subdued crowd towards the door maintaining a low rumbling growl the whole way. He hated to act the brute but sometimes it was necessary and being the biggest sylesti in the building was definitely to his advantage in that respect.
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 3/5/2017 at 9:52 PM Post #40

Kana Took this as her chance and stayed close to the Large cat as he made his way to the door, dodging a few of the poor souls he moved out of his path and being sure not to be under his feet she was small enough the larger animals did not notice her though she did glance back to check on the bar keep who was no where to be seen.
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