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Forum Index > General Discussion > Troubled Economy? Whats YOUR thoughts?
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Level 70
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Posted: 1/12/2014 at 8:08 PM Post #31
2. I'm not targeting your SOS; what I was thinking when Kurama said 'use dyes/mutators' was basically on all misc. captured pets you can think of. Randomly caught zolnixis, aurleons, morkkos, you name it. Just in general.
But purely, I think the item discussion can be left alone, because I think nothing is wrong with it, nor the use of it (I think you dyeing your ny'vene is smart use, nothing wrong with that either).

3. Forgot stables start out with 2. xD Hope they're just as cheap.

5. I think young players kinda learn the hard way on breeding as it is. s: They breed, try to sell, and their pets don't really work that well against other competitors (if you wanna call sellers of pets that). It's sad imo, but I don't think charging people to breed together pets should be the consequence of overpopulation.

"Second, we are looking into limiting breeding in some fashion. Let me say that I hate limitations that are just there to be a limitation. So we will never just arbitrarily add something like... "you can only breed 5 times a day" to the game. If the limit can't be justified, we won't have it." -Krinadon

I don't think 'overpopulation due to unwise breeding' is reason to warrant fees to breed within your own stables. I'm sure you and I warrant the caution of breeding (if there is any caution) without the site going "Are you *sure* you wanna breed these pets? You better take on the responsibility of having another pet", and while this may be hard to teach newbies, I...I just think that there's a better way to go about this than a blatant tax.

6. Sylestia has tons of room to grow -- new genes/mutations in the future, new species (and I have NO DOUBT their rarity will skyrocket just to combat all of this roflmao), all that kinda stuff, not to mention the imaginations of different players. Oh, forgot to mention all the other aspects that Sylestia deals with, avatar customization, communication, battle gameplay, but I guess we're aiming to please pet people here. s:

Breeders with projects who are conscious of their values (if you have to start a project, you gotta pay the essence fee) will fix their prices accordingly. I know Lostwords and Arux would like to remain adamant in their pricing of puffs. I know Luohs and Willow manage their prices wisely. Xavion? Her projects have tables of prices.
Also, why do people have to sell their projects anyways? Let's look at Draco. Do you see him talking avidly about his projects? He has some REALLY COOL pets, but does he bend to the market? Do we see people raving about his particular prices? Not really...
No one has to share their project. No one has to sell it. A project spouts from "oh I have an idea! let's make it" and whether the breeder wants to share it or sell it is up to them. They should be happy they started a project and got their end products, not being exasperated about a market. (Look at Vevina, who shares her Araceli babies, and compare to Draco, who...keeps angry virgins.)

Seeing Sylestia like it has a pokedex is inaccurate imo. Because
1. so many combos of colors
2. so many combos of traits
3. so many species
4. people didn't account for the future.

Hopping off of what Sav said, there's lots of potential with projects and future implementations of pets and their traits. What people achieve now, and the values pets have now, would be hard to compare with the future.
Level 70
The Perfectionist
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Posted: 1/14/2014 at 7:29 PM Post #32
I didn't read much of this thread I just wanted to pop in and mention that I think that a themed pet search is very awesome and would help a lot, especially as the site gets older! I make a good portion of my income on breeding my own Festival pets to make more for other users, and it's always nice to find fresh blood for breeding plans. c:

Additionally, the gene and mut search would also help to build breeding schemes!

I know I mentioned this in a suggestion forum but I will always come back to my one big point, the fact that the hatcheries are unlimited size is definitely hurting the website, as we just have too many junk pets being generated because.. well, why not? But after what Krin and Fai explained at the beginning of the thread I think they already have plans for this!

I'm really excited for the changes, and I really think they will help a lot. c:
Level 60
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 1/14/2014 at 7:35 PM Post #33
All the discussion and thoughts here seem worthy of a university course :)

Complaining too much about undesirable pets seems a bit high handed as among the unscrupulous breeders there are newbies entering into the market for the first time, so I do not think this will change that much, but to help maybe a time limit could be placed as to how long a pet remains on market? much like trades on the trade broker expire after a period of time.

Am not too keen on the hatchery limit but guess if it is tied to how many available spaces in your stable( with extra page to give room for purchases and caught pets ) it would not be so bad. Would it be possible to make a release sorter? so that when you have tested all the pets say for example bublories and have sent some to the stable to keep or sell, you could select to mass release the remainder blublori?
Possibly this could look like the inventory page where you right click to move them to the side box to sell but in this case release
Level 70
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Posted: 1/15/2014 at 11:38 AM Post #34
"I know I mentioned this in a suggestion forum but I will always come back to my one big point, the fact that the hatcheries are unlimited size is definitely hurting the website, as we just have too many junk pets being generated because.. well, why not? But after what Krin and Fai explained at the beginning of the thread I think they already have plans for this! "

Hatcheries...don't really have much to do with generated least not at first sight. (they go into the stables already don't they?! xD)

Anyways, I see what you mean, though I couldn't see it in that sentence. xD
Though I'm delighted to see generated pets all the time, and sometimes a few pets after.

After all, for every starter that is generated for every new member, their capture pet is the opposite gender made to make babies. Gotta start somewhere. c:
Level 70
The Perfectionist
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Posted: 1/15/2014 at 2:20 PM Post #35
I apologize, the word "generate" is often used to express pets being created on other sites, and I forget that on this website generated pets have their own designation as the pets created with essences. What I meant is that pets are being created (eggs being made from pets being bred) almost unlimitedly because hatchery sizes are infinite. A single male pet, with no breeding cooldown as they are now, can produce as many eggs as there are females available to breed with. Within a matter of minutes it's possible to make literally hundreds of what I call junk pets (pets with little to not purpose in being created other than to see what might come out.)

I explained this in depth in the suggestion thread and essentially suggested that either the hatchery sizes be limited so that users are forced to care about which pets they choose to breed, or that males be given a short breeding cooldown, even an hour or two. The hatchery limitation would help all around limit the amount of eggs being created, and the CD for male pets would also limit the amount of pets being created while not necessarily damaging those who create detailed breeding pairs. It wouldn't be too much of a hassle to wait an hour or two to breed a male with two pets, and I feel that it would be too inconvenient for players to carelessly breed pets they don't actually care about.

I feel that a hatchery limitation is actually the better of the two options but I also don't think that an hour or two cooldown for male pets would be a terrible idea, as Krin already mentioned the possibility of limiting breeding on pets being debated anyway.
Level 70
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Posted: 1/15/2014 at 3:30 PM Post #36
Oh, the first sentence or two made sense. xD Gotcha.
Level 60
The Artistic
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Posted: 1/17/2014 at 7:28 PM Post #37
Is there similar discussion going on about the economy for items also? I have noticed some.. weirdnesses, with non-pet stuff as well.
Level 70
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Posted: 1/17/2014 at 9:24 PM Post #38
I consider economy for items more natural, whatever their changes are. o: You can always start a new thread, or I guess talk about it here and share your thoughts, whichever.
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 1/17/2014 at 10:20 PM Post #39
Wouldnt it be possible also to make the breeding time longer in between breeding............
Level 71
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 1/17/2014 at 10:29 PM Post #40
There needs to be something in place so that pets with old genes have value.

The only way I can think of, is to have a stage past 'adult' where that pet can no longer breed. If someone has a better suggestion, that would be wonderful.
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