Players (Online): 73 Players (Today): 383 Players (Active): 2,408
Players (New): 10 Visitors (Today): 1,960 Pets (Total): 8,242,640
Season: Spring   Weather: Stormy
Welcome, Guest
Member Since
Owned By

Username: Kaufee
Title: The Perfectionist
User ID: 8816
User Level: 70
Joined: 9/23/2013 at 12:17:22pm
Last Online: 820 Days ago
Account Age: 3,866 Days
Profile Views: 5,368
About Me
Hello all! My name is Kaufee. I'm 28 years old and live in Colorado. I'm a banker, and I love reading, writing, and playing video games, namely League of Legends, Pokemon, Diablo III, and any indie horror game I can get my hands on. I'm very friendly, so feel free to send me a message just to say hello or ask me any questions you like. As long as I've talked to you before, I'll accept any friend requests as well. My favorite species of pets are ryori, draeyl, luffox, lighira, kelpari, lupora, ny'vene, morkko, and faelora and Fall is my favorite festival. Thanks for visiting my page! c:
Also! My boyfriend Zeroff (#41352) and I live together and share the same IP address! Check out his profile, too!

- If you see an item of mine listed on the broker, the price is negotiable, but keep in mind that the amount of gold it is listed for is what I value it at, and I am unlikely to lower the price significantly. I will, however, consider item, pet, and diamond trades for the items I have listed.
- All of my male pets are available for breeding. If I don't have a breeding fee on a male that you would like to have a pet breed with, please feel free to contact me and I will set one up.
- All pets within my "Sales" barn are for sale. You can send offers or ask what I'd like for them if they are not set up.

- Save up 5 million gold. Save up 10 million gold. Save up 20 million gold.
- Defeat Fire Eyes, Stonewing, Kim and Kat, Oogar, and Malgron. Finally done!
- Defeat Plaguebringer.
- Complete all campaign currently available.
- Buy more eggs from scale/Ethernia stores to record outcomes.

- Spoil the f out of Artolis for the White Raven omg
- /// 174, 5210, 12970, 25375, 41307
Pet Information
In order to help reduce Server Load, these stats have been temporarily disabled.
Exploration Information
Battle Record: 144,653-169 (99.88%)
Mission Record: 1,104-45 (96.08%)
Gold Earned: 45,767,667
Scales Earned: 28,904
Quests Completed: 19
Sylestia Completion: 12.05%
Dungeons Cleared: 33
Bosses Defeated: 104
Elites Defeated: 210
Superiors Defeated: 1,891
Mythical Items Found: 7
Legendary Items Found: 207
Epic Items Found: 1,884
Rare Items Found: 9,651