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Level 70
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Posted: 2/9/2014 at 6:26 PM Post #21
I personally hate the Shade part of the battle because I stink at math. I don't know whether to use all my mana BEFORE the 5th move, AFTER the 3rd move, or...y'know, chronological stuff like that. I know it's a 5 turn gap, (and sometimes it switches from 5 to 4 or 6 turns), but...idk. But it isn't impossible for me. Annoying (my pets die), but that doesn't matter to me all that much.

Lemme know how much % of health she loses per turn when she's up against Vierna/Shade, so I know how nice those defenses are. o:
I might just consider that build...if I ever, ever get gear like that. LOL
(probably never but oh well)
It looks really nice if it works. c:
Level 75
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Posted: 2/9/2014 at 6:50 PM Post #22
I decided for a more accurate idea of how well the team holds up I'd go in without any buffs from Aryth's Tower.

I was hoping I could copy paste the battle info but I didn't notice it doesn't keep all the turns saved (and it doesn't look like I can copy paste from it anyway). I can try to do another run without buffs tomorrow and just try to remember to print screen and glue it all together. The lowest Lenore got was 50% and I didn't heal her once in the fight. I could have though if I wanted to. Her health went back up a little bit here and there either from her draining the boss or from the light pet healing.

Edit: I forgot you were wanting to know per turn. Sorry. I'll try to more closely record things next time I fight her.

Ya know I actually don't know when Vierna does the mana drain. I've never payed attention enough. I kinda just feel it out? (Despite talking about stats and buffs and armor I'm really rather lazy. -_- ) I usually blow all of my finishers one after the other during the first phase. I don't know why I do it like this. It just feels better. Plus, I use Tiamat's Frenzy first round and wait at least a round for the mana to replenish. Then when phase 2 starts. I set up Frenzy again. I use up all their finishers in two or three rounds I think. Usually, if they need more health and I don't know when mana drain's about to come, I can just wait until after. I know I have enough time to heal both dps if I need to afterwards. Then I hold out again until after the next mana drain if I need to heal again. If it's close to the end of the fight I don't usually waste elixirs at all at this point. So long as neither the light pet or air pet get too far down in health I just finish the fight.

My team I use currently is Lenore (shadow), Un-named (light), and Tiamat (air).

(I usually use a fire pet instead of an air pet for most fights but Arcane gets left out for this fight, unless I'm really not paying attention and start the fight with him.)

Don't feel too anxious about gear. It'll happen. It just takes some time. I started that dungeon with no mythic gear at all. I slowly worked my way up to equipping each piece. And it gets faster and easier as you gear. I've recently switched mostly to fabled pets (with generated/offspring of generated stats) and the dungeon's even faster and easier than before. The only non-fabled I bring now is Arcane, a wild caught zolnixi. But you can succeed with wild caught non-fabled pets as well.
Edited By Savynn on 2/9/2014 at 6:53 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 2/9/2014 at 6:52 PM Post #23
I forgot to mention though that I hope if you try my tank's build it works out. I normally don't recommend her build because it's always kinda felt like I've been doing something wrong. It's just since I've not died in forever I've been reluctant to change it. But I've heard people mention how low her health is for a tank and I see other peoples' tanks with a lot more health and I have to wonder if I really should change something.
Level 70
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Posted: 2/9/2014 at 7:12 PM Post #24
I still do my battles with my wild/starter team. xD I feel much to lazy to structure a fabled/enhanced generated team. I still run Forsaken with legendary gear.
I definitely don't mind it though. I always win my battles with my team, and unless it's a boss battle like Shade, I never die.

It's cool, just get back to me when you read into the HP. xD
I always examine a boss based on how they deal damage to me. I always eye the %s of my health across my team.

I like using Frenzy when I remember to. It slips my mind because I work on gaining mana and stop looking at my buffs. xD;
But I have the same trees used as your current team, save for the fact they're all wild/starter.
Level 75
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Posted: 2/9/2014 at 7:30 PM Post #25
You might want to try fabled eventually. I try as much as I can to cut down on time it takes to do dungeons and I do think it helped. I've only not switched out Arcane yet because I want a nephini to fill the slot (unless I really fall in love with whatever the Spring Festival fabled is) and I'm waiting for it to be one that I really love and want to take along with me.

The switch itself though whenever I do switch out pets wasn't really too troublesome. I copied the stats/proficiencies of the predecessors. If you use orbs that you've acquired over time then you don't really have to bother with the time it takes to level them up through battling. The gear can come from their predecessors as well and if you still want to use your old team then their gear can be replaced in time. I still like taking my old team with me for some stuff.

I kinda think it doesn't really matter too much what species of pet you use for a proficiency tree but if you want to maximize stats then just take a look at the generator page and you can see how some pets can have a tendency to be better at some things than others. But technically, with people breeding pets and using elixirs, stats can be really different from the baseline.
Level 60
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Posted: 2/10/2014 at 7:24 AM Post #26
I haven't figured out how to judge when she'll do her first Mana drain, so I just try to keep my mana low for that... After the first one, use finishing moves on every fourth turn and she won't be able to use any of your mana. I always heal/use mana potions on turn 1 and 3 to take her down faster.
Level 70
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Posted: 2/10/2014 at 7:31 PM Post #27
@Sav: talking about stats makes me wanna get an arena team ready. xD
At any rate, I think I'll pull together a small team one day. For now, especially with week of love, I'll stick with my wild team. I still have to figure out whether I wanna use my mythical pets for arena OR exploring, hmm.

And it seems like ny'vene are best for strength, nephini for int, and ny'vene/griffi for HP. Hmmmm. /super ponder

@Divinis: I think it's 4-6 moves. I figured out that within the first 4 moves, build up and blow all my mana with finishing blow, and then keep my pets' MP at 0 with block or so until after the drain. I also use elixirs during the first 4 moves when I know the MP won't be sapped, so my pets won't die while waiting through the mana transfusions.
Level 75
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Posted: 2/10/2014 at 11:51 PM Post #28
Okay, here's how Lenore's health went during battle. I'd probably have to do a few of these to be sure there's no anomaly but I did do the fight without any tower buffs. I also didn't use a single elixir on her.

Turn 0: 8,142
Turn 1: 7,951
Turn 2: 7,730
Turn 3: 7,584
Turn 4: 7,192
Turn 5: 6,808
Turn 6: 6,442
Turn 7: 6,244
Turn 8: 6,085
Turn 9: 6,011
Turn 10: 5,900
Turn 11: 5,925
Turn 12: 5,832
Turn 13: 5,894
Turn 14: 5,739
Turn 15: 5,589
Turn 16: 5,438
Turn 17: 5,297
Turn 18: 5,324
Turn 19: 5,054
Turn 20: 4,692
Turn 21: 4,491
Turn 22: 4,379
Turn 23: 4,535
Turn 24: 4,379
Turn 25: 4,431
Level 70
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Posted: 2/11/2014 at 1:36 AM Post #29
Wow, those aren't some bad numbers. o:
I saw though that your cannons had half the health she did. They survived too at around 50%?
Level 75
Sweet Solver
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Posted: 2/11/2014 at 3:19 AM Post #30
I do use elixirs on the cannons but I'm generally not too worried about them. I think it's usually four elixirs I end up using on them together. But it can be more. (I'm not sure if it's bad or not that I rely on elixirs for them.) They both finished the last fight above 60% and the one that was down that low I just didn't feel like using an elixir when the fight's getting close to over. The other one had a good bit more health at the end of the battle from what I recall.

But as far as the tank goes, she seems to be able to last the entire fight without a single heal so long as you don't count her absorbing health from the boss or the light pet slightly healing.
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