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Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 5/29/2019
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Posted: 12/12/2020 at 10:58 PM Post #11
Lily and ella walk into class ignoring that loud girl and taking there seats in the back

(I might change Lilly's name since someone has a lilly and it's confusing me a smudge}
Edited By Jolynnnarry on 12/12/2020 at 10:59 PM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
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Posted: 12/12/2020 at 11:22 PM Post #12
(Wait there is? *Checking and sees two lily's names and go bangs head on wall* sorry about that I skimmed through it and was in a rush to get this thread up and okay on the name change I edit the character's post and other things.)

Magnus sighed and closed his computer. Magnus then looks at the class and smiles. "Hello class today we are just introducing our self because their are new face around here," Magnus then got up and sat down. "I'll go first My name is Magnus and I am your art's teacher and martial arts teach as you can see." Magnus looks around the room. "Who wants to go first? Say your first and last name and what year you are in please please."

"Um I can go first," Athena said nervously. Magnus nods his head. Athena takes a breath and said, "Hi my name is Athena Moon-Kenya and I am a Freshman,"

Ace sighed and looks at the both of them, " How many students have powers?" Ace asked.

"Around 20 ish students maybe I lost count," Blyze said sitting down in the chair.

Phoenix is reading a book while waiting.

Phantom finished tuning the interments and got his guitar out and play for a bit.

Blitzen was getting the fabrics and other supplies ready for class.
Edited By Lovador on 12/12/2020 at 11:23 PM.
Level 75
Fabled Ice Carver
Joined: 2/26/2019
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Posted: 12/12/2020 at 11:36 PM Post #13
"I'm Cara and I'm a Freshman" I say

I roll my eyes and sulk, like hell was I gonna introduce myself

"Hi! I'm Lily Riley and I'm a (*inserts year above freshman*) and that grumpy sulk over there is my sister Lilith"
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 5/29/2019
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Posted: 12/13/2020 at 12:42 AM Post #14
The two girls don't say anything instead they open drawing books and start writing notes to each other and drawing funny pictures
Level 65
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/15/2018
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Posted: 12/13/2020 at 3:50 AM Post #15
@@Just so you all know I will be going to town _Bigger "City"_ for groceries and stuff for the upstairs bc I'm help my dad remodel it... With the normal hrs I get on here it shouldn't affect much, IDC if u move on without me I will catch up on what I missed and continue on from there

Finishes flyers and knowing Diego isn't in his office, goes and takes a nap in his office chair... "Shoot I knocked over his coffee, oh well it's like a week old anyway. What does Phoe'nyx see in this weirdo??"

"I've got an in w/ the local PD as a consultant on 'Supernatural' crimes... I'm doing my best to get the younger ones off the streets and into safe temporary homes w/ others who can help them... My extended family is helping house them, get others off the streets and help w/ their powers. But, some just don't want help or won't take it..." "I could really use some aid from the SPA..."

*is super bored at bodyguard gig*

Kitty + Whitney
*CPS shift*

"Hi, I'm Dash Rain and I'm a freshman. Oh, and my big bro is the gym teacher..." *growls at Fox's comment*

"Name's Nami, Nami Drift... I'm a fresh as well..." "My mom is the Swim Coach..." *snarls at Fox's comment*

"Hello, I'm Feather, it is nice to meet you all. I am a Senior..." *nudges Fox* "This is Fox, my twin."

^to Dagger Jr, Dash, and Nami^ "Yeah, that's the only reason you'll pass..." *chuckles and frowns when Nox elbows him* "I'm senior as well because Feather is my younger twin... I also won't have to deal w/ you fools next school year" "Hey!" *Nox elbowed him again*

"I'm Jace and Imma Sophomore, so uh yeah..." "Hi"

"Hi, uh, I'm Meg and imma fresh as well..." "I'm, uhh, colorblind, completely so uh, *chuckles nervously* don't expect me to color-code your homework..." "NOT, that I will do your homework for you, I just um, was trying to make a, uh, joke... *shuffles nervously*"

"I'm Theta and I am a Sophomore..."

Dagger Jr
"I'm Dagger Jr, Sophomore... You can call me Dag or Junior for short I don't mind..." "My aunts are the Vice Principal and Swim Coach..." *ignores Fox*

*elbows Fox* *rolls eyes, eibows Fox again and walks off to stand by Dag* "Nox Blackwolf, Junior"

"*smiles sweetly* Cali Blackwolf, Junior *w/ nod toward Nox and Neko*"

"uggghhh, Neko Blackwolf, Junioooor...."
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
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Posted: 12/13/2020 at 10:40 AM Post #16
Jynx Foerstner
Jynx listens to the teacher, reciting what she has to report about herself under her breath until it's her turn. "Hi everyone! I'm Jynx Foerstner and I'm a Sophomore."

Riley Thomas
Riley listens to each person, tagging faces with names to make sure he could remember everyone. "I'm Riley Thomas and I'm a Junior. Thanks for teaching the class, Mr. Magnus."

Destiny Rai Fayte
Destiny watches the group, smiling when the friends and siblings in the room annoyed and poked harmless fun at one another. She jumps when Jynx nudged her to let her know it's her turn to introduce herself. "I'm Destiny Fayte and I'm a freshman."

Res Adler & Niko Khanjia
Res, as you could probably have guessed, wasn't doing great sitting still and keeping quiet. Nikkie kept having to try and calm him down so he wouldn't bring unwanted attention to them. "I'm Res! Res Adler, at your service. I'm a Junior. Nice to meet y'all." Res then goes on to introduce Nikkie without waiting to see if Nikkie would introduce himself.
"And this is Nikkie Khanjia, and he's my best friend and he's awesome, until he's thrown something because he will fumbke and drop it, and very friendly, unless he doesn't know you well because then he's a bit more introverted, and will always be there for you, unless it's in a game of laser tag or any competitive game because he will crush you and not have any heart and... and I'll stop," Res says when he sees Nikkie's 'I will murder you' expression.
"Oh! He's also a Junior." Res finishes with a grin at Nikkie, who is staring fiercely at the floor in hopes a hole will open up and swallow him.
Edited By Scoutwolf on 12/13/2020 at 2:31 PM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
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Posted: 12/13/2020 at 11:02 AM Post #17
Magnus smiles and waits for the others to introduce themselves.

Athena is trying to remember all their names so she doesn't forget.

"Yeah I can send out people from the agency to help." Blyze said while getting on his phone to call the agency to get people to help PD.

Ace sighed and looks at the schedule, "Everyone got these and only those with power can see the magic/power class right?" Ace asked the two.

Phoenix then starts to put the return books on the shelf.

Phantom starts to create his song for the concert waiting for class to finish.

Blitzen was getting the seating charts ready for class.
Edited By Lovador on 12/14/2020 at 9:38 PM.
Level 75
Fabled Ice Carver
Joined: 2/26/2019
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Posted: 12/13/2020 at 12:16 PM Post #18
I look around my class, this was gonna be a weird year

I glare at Lily, how dare she!?

I watch the group of siblings closly
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
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Posted: 12/13/2020 at 2:44 PM Post #19
Jynx Foerstner
Jynx is paying attention to the class. Her leg bounces, but it isn't because she's impatient, it's simply a habit of hers.

Riley Thomas
Riley keeps glancing to Fox and then just as quickly returning his gaze to his own paws. He spots Res noting his behavior and Riley's ears flick backwards in embarrassment. He got caught looking at Fox. His mind screams at him, telling him he's a fool and why in the world did he like Fox and yadda yadda, all those other things your mind can get preoccupied with when caught having a crush on someone.

Destiny Rai Fayte
Destiny looks briefly at Athena, who she could tell is having some trouble with names. Destiny then returns her attention to her notebook to write and finish drawing something and the rest of the class as they finished introducing themselves. Destiny carefully, quietly, rips the paper out of her binder and slips it towards Athena. She didn't pay attention to her own actions, knowing that if she did, she had more chance of getting caught.
Amidst the doodles on the page, there was a short yet sweet note that said Destiny is willing to help Athena with memorizing names - or anything else as the class and year goes on.

Res Adler & Niko Khanjia
Res watches the rest of the class. Unlike earlier, where he was a bit loud and obnoxious, he is now silently telling Nikkie everything he observes. He didn't speak, rather alternated between sign language and Morse code, tapping on his friend's hand, when communicating to Nikkie.
Level 65
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/15/2018
Threads: 116
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Posted: 12/13/2020 at 7:15 PM Post #20
*still napping*

"Thanks, Blaze..." "Far as I can tell Ace only the kids w/ powers can see it. There haven't been any confused or freaked out kids. Yet... So I'd go with yeah..." *texts Diego to make sure he be at work on time* *shakes her head at his reply, not believing him* *rolls her eyes at his second reply* *laughs at his third then puts her phone on silent* *checks phone, responds, shuts off phone to remove temptation of hilarious BF*

*still bodyguarding - different person*

Texts - D is Diego, P is Phoe'nyx

P: hey
D: hey
P: r u gonna make it 2 work on time 2day
D: Totally gonna make it on time
P: I smell BS and I'm at the HS
D: That's the prob
D: HS is full of BS, like tests and people...
D: I know u just rolled your eyes at me Verda!!
D: And shook your head...
D: Do NOT laugh at me!!! I'm not joking!!!
D: Hey y u not responding to meeeee
D: Cooommmeee Baaacckkk
D: _cries_
P: BS and bye got 2 go bac 2 work :-)*
D: what was that emoji??
D: Phoe???
D: HEY!!
D: y am i leaving w/ +questions -answers

Kitty + Whitney
*visiting foster kids to check-in on them*

"Hello, you're Athena, right? I'm Dash... I can help remember some of these weirdos if you want..." *interested in maybe making a new friend*

*chuckles at Jynx habit recognizing it one she has as well* *plans to formally talk to Jynx at a later time/date*

*pays close attention to class*

*sticks an airpod in and listens to some of Phantom's music* *scowls at Dag*

"Theta, you okay?" *rolls eyes at his response* *is distracted by Riley's embarrassment then notes why* *smiles sweetly and goes to say hi and embarrass Fox* --in revenge of previous stunt - he did this to her

*soaks up information and surroundings*

*watches Meg worriedly and hums in agreement w/ what Jace said*

Dagger Jr
*jokes w/ Nox*

*laughs at Dag* *secretly watches Fox watch her* *smiles at Riley, let him deal the idiotness that is Fox Verda* Effing Fox, what's next 'You only passing grades bc ur friends w/ the Vice Princessable, dur, dur, dur,' Dumbie Cali worked hard to get here, Neko... Eh, debatable, for her, yes... Me, I just had to blow some stuff up w/ magic and Bam! Freaking Phoe'nyx effing Verda at our warehouse/temp-home door...

*watches Magnus* *looks at Niko* friends, maybe, I'm not sure he would want to talk to me or someone like me...

*Watches Cali and rolls her eyes* Though Res looks like an interesting ally* *plans prank on teachers* *plans to recruit Dash and maybe Res*
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