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Level 60
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Posted: 1/17/2014 at 10:09 AM Post #11
Is there a particular part of the battle you're having trouble with? I know I didn't realize for a while that in order to block you have to have 10 mana available... So make sure you have some mana for his status effect that washes you overboard. Also potions! potions! potions! lol
Level 75
Season's Greeter
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Posted: 1/19/2014 at 4:36 PM Post #12
ran out of potions and don't have enough gold to get more. I guess I'll just have to wait till my gold is built back up.
Level 60
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Posted: 1/21/2014 at 6:48 AM Post #13
Definitely keep up on doing missions! They're great for gold, and potions both!
Level 69
Adept Gladiator
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Posted: 2/2/2014 at 1:31 AM Post #14
I know, even with my super lupora project team, I got stomped twice... and I'm fairly well geared and had lots of potions. : \
Level 70
Majestic Brewmistress
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Posted: 2/5/2014 at 8:49 PM Post #15
Oddly enough I managed to beat him on my first go.

I didnt even block the tsunami because I didnt know I couldve. I had two level 58s and a 57.

Hera - My Tank. Shadow Proficiency, 7 points in health and then 2 each in Int and Agility.
Voltage - Main Damage dealer. He's a fire proficiency. 1 point in health, 2 each in Int and Dex, and 5 in Improved Fireball.
Strawberry - Secondary Damage Dealer. Air Proficiency. 2 health, 5 strength, 4 dexterity.

When I saw the tsunami thing pop up I just dumped potion health into my tanking lady and let it go. My attackers both have all legendary equipment. Tanking lady is some legendary some epic.

Granted, it took me a good while to do it and I was nearly dead at the end, but I managed the whole fight without anyone dying on me. Was more of a marathon than anything. I ended up having all three pets use their mend twice.
Level 69
Adept Gladiator
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Posted: 2/8/2014 at 4:26 AM Post #16
How'd you manage to faceroll that one, with all that you have, and win on the first try, when I got boosted stat Lupora, full myth. gear, and lost several times? XD
Level 70
Majestic Brewmistress
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Posted: 2/8/2014 at 12:31 PM Post #17
Honestly, no idea. I do know it wasnt all luck though because later the same day I sent my equips to a friend who was having trouble too and she managed it no problem that try.

Guess the right stuff helps more than infinite health or boosted stats?

Though my tanking lady's high agility might have come in handy too XD
Edited By Thunderess on 2/8/2014 at 12:36 PM.
Level 75
Sweet Solver
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Posted: 2/9/2014 at 12:58 PM Post #18
I can't really remember the fight well but I also got it the first time. Didn't even think to dodge anything, either. I don't recall having trouble with the fight. I may have used a few elixirs but I can't recall. I tend to use a few elixirs during the Shade of Vierna fight as well. I have full mythic gear so I just figured that was why I had an easy time at it compared to others.

The team at the time was either shadow tank/light/fire or shadow tank/light/air. They all had the appropriate mythic gear for their levels. I think it was my old team, too. A wild caught faelora, one regular generated zolnixi, and either a wild caught zolnixi or a faelora. I just assumed that the reason I did well was just because I had mythic gear.

But if it wasn't just because of the mythic gear then it could have been luck or maybe there was something about either team build up or proficiencies and stat distribution. I always hesitate to tell people how I did proficiencies and stats on my shadow tanks because it doesn't really look right. But because I haven't died in ages I've been too scared to change anything. When I finally replaced Pluto (my faelora) as my new shadow tank, I completely copied everything over to my new shadow tank. I'm not sure if there's any big difference with my non-tanking pets. I do put five points of health in proficiencies for them and then I just go into their tree filling out as much into their abilities I can.

So this is my new tank's proficiencies. Again, I don't know if I can really recommend this to anyone. She's more focused into agility in her proficiencies than health. All of her stat points are in health though.

Level 70
Enchanted Explorer
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Posted: 2/9/2014 at 5:43 PM Post #19
Curious with that build, does she ever die? xD
What damage % does she usually take from bosses per hit, like say Vierna, and do you have to use elixirs for her to stay alive?

Wondering how good the Agility is at that point. I'm a bit envious of the gear, which I think makes up a fair amount of her HP. xD
Level 75
Sweet Solver
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Posted: 2/9/2014 at 6:05 PM Post #20
So far Lenore's never died. I'm actually about to fight the Shade of Aran in a just a bit. (I go into the tower first to grab a buff there usually.)

This is her battle record. Battle Record: 17,075-0 (100.00%) I've been trying to get in the habit of going into the dungeon every day. Not sure how many times she's been used on Shade of Aran though. I think I switched to her somewhere around the Winter Festival? And I didn't do any dungeons then though. It was sometime after that.

Anyway, here's her predecessor Pluto's Battle Record. Battle Record: 54,103-4 (99.99%)
I can't remember when it was that he died. I think it was early on when I first switched to him because I was having trouble in the Dungeon of the Forsaken. I wish I remembered better. I can't remember why he died those four times. If it was lack of higher grade gear or if his proficiencies were different or what.

I wonder if there's any way that Krin can find out when we last had a team die?

I think Lenore will get down to maybe something like 50% by the end of the Shade of Aran fight? I don't normally ever have to give her elixirs. Usually, I end up using somewhere around four elixirs a fight but they're on the other pets, not the tank.

For the non-tanks, I use the highest grade elixirs currently in the game when I do. Usually, I wait until when they get to about 75% health. If I have to wait a bit longer waiting for that annoying ability of hers then they can hold out long enough. The Shade of Aran fight is annoying in that it's the one fight in the game where I have to pay attention to what I'm doing. If I slip up I'm still going to be okay but it does make it a longer fight and may mean more elixirs. (I've not ever run out of elixirs but I try to maintain a good supply.)
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