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Forum Index > Roleplaying > A Salty Sea Tale
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Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/16/2015
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Posted: 4/2/2017 at 10:54 AM Post #141

Ilmarinen ~~ 16 ~~ Male ~~ The North Star

He waited patiently for the little furball to decide on what they should do but as his stomach growled, making the waves that broke against the wooden ship sound like a soft purring from a kitten. The wind sound like nothing more than a soft summer breeze when his stomach told him to go eat once more. So without waiting for anything to do he picked up the little furball once more, standing on his hindlegs, putting her down on the nest. With that down he simply jumped out and sailed down to the deck. As he landed he walked up to his ... hidden ... fish and grabbed it with his beak. The grey and golden coloured nyte walked away to awoid beeing in the way for anyone he simply walked down below the deck. After some wandering he found what looked like a kitchen. The stow was still slightly warm so with a delightfull movement his frontpaws left the planks below him in what could only be described as a bucking he rushed up to it. The rather lage body wrapped itself around the slowly cooling object in the hopes to gain a bit of warmth while eating on the already half eaten carcas that had previously been a living fish.
Level 75
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Posted: 4/3/2017 at 11:14 AM Post #142

Finally heading out, they were at the hands of the pilot and the navigator until they were clear of the bay. First mate had the main deck, leaving her to second the masts. About at that moment she heard the unusual noise emanating from her companions stomach. "Avast there!" She squawked as Spots scruffed her once more and landed her in the crow's nest next to Kana.

She flopped down on her rump and watched the big bird brain head down below decks with his half eaten prize. A smile slowly grew on her cheeks as she watched him go about finishing his supper. His simple soul was something she envied, though not so much his empty wallet. Slavery was a nasty business, one she not only disagreed with but was one of the few pet peeves she didn't hide very well. Rather than let it get to her she moved onto conversing with Kana. "I t'ink Spots'll shape oop ta be a right fine matey, once he gets more o' a feel o' freedom un'er 'is wings.
Level 57
Fright Master
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Posted: 4/3/2017 at 11:29 AM Post #143
"Aye, he do seem a li'le hungry. Me jerky'l fix that righ' up!" Angel said, placing a small bag in front of Spot.
"Ye best want to eat that, before Clover'll be able to get 'is dir'y l'l paw on it." Angel said, padding away.
"Mummy, did ye get me any jerky?" Clver asked.
"No sorry, but I'll make ye some right now." Angel said, padding towards the galley.
"All right!!!" Clover yipped, skipping after his mum.
Edited By Nafariaandulin on 4/3/2017 at 11:29 AM.
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 4/3/2017 at 11:30 AM Post #144
Kana nodded " Aye, and twinkle toes may make a fie shot after some time as well" she said referencing the Tom. She would challenge him later to test his skills, but until they were no longer needed on deck she would do as told and keep an eye out for trouble.
Level 63
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 1/9/2017
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Posted: 4/3/2017 at 11:38 AM Post #145
Byrd took off from the warf and circled around coming in slowly behind the doe.
Being sure to keep his claws to himself he grabbed her around the middle and flapped hard to bring himself back up above the deck of the ship. "Ready yerself fer landing miss!" he said.
He felt the Doe's muscles contract as she positioned her legs as if she were in the latter half of a leap. Byrd came in low and, the very moment her hooves were about to make contact with the deck he dropped her. He circled back around and landed next to her, ruffling his feathers back into place.
Level 60
Fright Master
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Posted: 4/3/2017 at 9:36 PM Post #146
"Thank ye sir." The doe said winking. "Told ye we faes can stand as still as stone." She said gazung about the ship. "Haven't be'en 'ere for about a yeer. Takin' care of me young'ins."
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
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Posted: 4/11/2017 at 12:47 PM Post #147

"Come on lads and lasses put ye backs into et!" She shouted before taking the wheel in her mouth. Maybe this crew would make it after all, though the small scamp with the red and black spots didn't seem like he was going to make the cut. The whole time she was steering the ship from the port he was cursing her name it whatever language he seemed to be speaking. Least he had some sort of bite in his step even if it was just int he way of using words. The larger bird like animal made good use with his strength while the others seemed willing to help and follow directions. There was nothing like the feeling of a salty sea breeze as it brushed through one's hair, each time she went to port she seemed to forget just what it felt like to be on the open water. "Which one of ye be's a chef?" She barked out loud enough for all to hear. "If we be eating tanight then ye best get to cookin'!"
Level 57
Fright Master
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Posted: 4/11/2017 at 1:54 PM Post #148
"Oh yeah, that be me." Angel said. "Clover! Ye best get yer butt over here, b'fore I throw ye sorry rump into the sea."
"Aye mum!" Clover said, saluting her with a paw.
The little pup scampered after his mother.

The Galley~

"Clover, hand me that knife o'er there." Angel said, opening her ancient cookbook.
Clover placed the knife on the wooden counter.
"Do ye think I should make porkchops or sheep's butt?"
"What'd you think the captain would like?"
"Dunno, how 'bout ye go an' ask?"

The Poopdeck~

"Ummm... Miss Captain! Would ye like porkchops or sheep's butt?!" Clover asked.
Level 75
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Posted: 4/11/2017 at 3:23 PM Post #149

Taking a look back to the wharf, Crystal licked her lips and a tinay smile formed on her face. There was that bunch og brigands and scallywags all arriving to the dock too late to swim or give chase against them. Truly they had made themselves a little unwelcome to the darker spectres of that little shanty town. She giggled and danced a taunting jig on the crow's nest but she was too small for them to see and she knew it. But it didn't stop her from showing them her tail end and giving them the brush off.

"Gewd riddence ta' bad rubbish!" She squawked.

Already Kana was taking her part importantly, keeping her eyes toward the direction they were heading, not the way they were leaving behind.
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/16/2015
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Posted: 4/12/2017 at 11:21 AM Post #150

Ilmarinen "spotty" ~~ 16 ~~ Male ~~ The North Star

With his body still wrapped around the stow in the kitchen of the ship, the slightly warm body of metall was slowly warming him up. As the feathers got dry they slowly begun to smell a bit but not to bad. As a pair of softblue paws stopped before him and a gentle, werrypleasing voice was heard he looked up from the nearlycompleatly missing fish. Just a bit of the tail left, even the bones had been devoured by the massive nyte. His goldenb eyes looked at the nixi that was nicely decorated with wings and ornaments that lookd like jewlery to him.The grey head tilted to the side before he without a word put his head towards the pouch on the wooden floor. A bit confused as to how to get it open he sat up. His long, grey and golden tail was still wrapped around the stow that was used to make food upon. While sitting up his left front paw, still red and soar eith open wounds from the shackle reached out grabbing the pouch. A bit anoyed at not getting it open he begun to quickly open and close his beak, making a clapping sound with it. After a while he got really confused of how to open it so with no real understanding of how to open it he simply got a grip of it with his beak and pulled while holding it downwith his front paws. The leatherpuch ripped with a clear, high sound, making him quickly jump back. Nervusly and with anxious movements he walked in small cirkles, expecting nothing but a massive beating, be it with a whip, claws ... he were just expecting a massive beating any moment.
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