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Forum Index > News and Announcements > 3/4/2017 - Introducing the New Ability a...
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Level 69
Warden of Umbra
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Posted: 3/9/2017 at 3:38 AM Post #111
Author: Irabell
Time Posted: 3/6/2017 at 11:59 AM

What's the problem, Sapphirebell?
Level 75
Frosty Hands
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Posted: 3/9/2017 at 4:21 AM Post #112
Author: Krinadon
Time Posted: 3/8/2017 at 12:13 PM

You will keep all of your Pets, Stables, Avatar Items - things like that.

All Pets will be reset back to Level 0 and the storyline will be reset to the beginning. However, the storyline, quests, battles - all of that - will be brand new. So it won't be like you're just doing the same thing again. It will be an entirely new and improved experience.

Pet's base stats will be converted to the new system with similar stats to what they have prior. So a max stat pet atm will still be a max stat pet under the new system.

Equipment will also be converted somehow. So if you have Mythic equipment prior to the relaunch, you'll have equivalent equipment when we relaunch.

I honestly wouldn't worry too much about any of this though. The biggest points to emphasize are #1) This is a long way away still. #2) Don't worry, we will be sure to take care of everyone. You won't feel like you've 'lost' anything. It will all be a positive experience.

That's a big promise, but I'm not sure it's even doable to NOT make ANYONE feel like they lost anything with all their pets reset to zero ;)

And I don't even mind starting from the beginning with my battle team, I'm looking forward to a new storyline, and I love the new Proficiency system.

But, I have the stable full of level 60 pets now, which I would never have again afterwards. I'm not even using most of those to battle, so I'm aware I'm not losing something I'm actively using, I just happened to tame all of these at level 60. But it's still the equivalent value of rather a lot of time or experience orbs that I'm never going to invest in all of them. Probably not a big deal,and I know I'm gonna have battle pets of a MUCH higher level than I do now, but it kind of bugs me... *shrug* Maybe I'll get used to the idea...
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 12/15/2016
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Posted: 7/11/2017 at 11:19 AM Post #113
Will our user levels reset to zero too?
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 7/11/2017 at 11:58 AM Post #114
Author: Goldenfeather74
Time Posted: 7/11/2017 at 11:19 AM
Will our user levels reset to zero too?

When we relaunch? Yes.

All of that stuff will be using a brand new system so things will have to be reset so that they function properly with the new system. Let alone, we want players to go through and enjoy all of the new things we just added and that doesn't really work if you're leveled up way beyond it on Day 1. Kinda becomes game breaking at that point.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 7/11/2017 at 6:18 PM Post #115
Oh mah gersh, we will have to completely restart when this happens?! *facetable* noooooooo it's going to take me a whole new forever to get where I am! *sighs because it's for the better that this is happening* I do have a few questions though, and I have no idea if these have been asked or not (I'm having difficulty reading through all of those posts because if I read more than two paragraphs on something electronic I get a huge migraine so it took me forever to finally get all the way here) *squeaks an apology in case any of these questions are weird or out of place or have been asked already*

1.) What happens to all the gold and AP players have collected?
2.) The MZ isn't going to stay (I am still confused by this)? *pets begin to shriek in Arti's Stables at this*
3.) Player and pet levels will be reset (right?), but the ability part is still a bit confusing to me.
4.) So a whole bunch of the storyline is going to be redone? Does that mean the story is going to play out differently?

Augh, sorry to be a bother about this. I tend to ask some /really/ dumb questions. Or questions that have already been answered.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 7/12/2017 at 9:00 AM Post #116
Author: Articu
Time Posted: 7/11/2017 at 6:18 PM
Oh mah gersh, we will have to completely restart when this happens?! *facetable* noooooooo it's going to take me a whole new forever to get where I am! *sighs because it's for the better that this is happening* I do have a few questions though, and I have no idea if these have been asked or not (I'm having difficulty reading through all of those posts because if I read more than two paragraphs on something electronic I get a huge migraine so it took me forever to finally get all the way here) *squeaks an apology in case any of these questions are weird or out of place or have been asked already*

1.) What happens to all the gold and AP players have collected?
2.) The MZ isn't going to stay (I am still confused by this)? *pets begin to shriek in Arti's Stables at this*
3.) Player and pet levels will be reset (right?), but the ability part is still a bit confusing to me.
4.) So a whole bunch of the storyline is going to be redone? Does that mean the story is going to play out differently?

Augh, sorry to be a bother about this. I tend to ask some /really/ dumb questions. Or questions that have already been answered.

You will keep your currencies. Diamonds will not be touched. The other currencies may be exchanged or globally reduced or compensated if you are over a certain amount, etc. This is 100% speculative as nothing specific has been decided - I am just leaving the door open for the possibility to cover myself lol.

Well, technically, none of the zones are going to stay. We will relaunch with brand new systems, maps, and everything. While it will still be the same world, same locations, same characters, etc - it's all going to be redone. When this happens though, the MZ will not be returning as it is not intended to be a part of the world.

Yes, levels will reset to 0. You will have to go through the new game and progress. You will keep your pets and their new stats will reflect their old stats so things like max stat breeding projects aren't lost.

Yes, it will be a new experience. As I said, it will be the same locations, characters, etc. And the main story will essentially be the same. But there will definitely be a lot of new details and maybe some minor details may change just because of how the process will go.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 4/20/2016
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Posted: 7/12/2017 at 2:47 PM Post #117
Ah, okay. Thank you!
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