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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Angel Academy
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Level 57
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Posted: 5/5/2019 at 8:50 PM Post #1
Sign Ups -

There was a regular-looking school, with regular-looking people that did regular stuff (ex: sports). But, those people weren't regular. They were angels. And not all of them were...nice. (dun dun dun)

There are three types of students: Fallen Angels, which means they don't have the ability to do what most angels can do; Angel, they are still angels; Humans, which means you can't have wings, but are still in the school with many mysteries, they cannot see the angels' (fallen or otherwise) wings.

Most of the angels in this rp are, by chance, fallen. So watch your back. We will start on the first day of school. If no one minds.

School Grounds -
The School is surrounded by a fence, but kids climb over it all the time. Or fly over it. Whatever. The school is on a hill. There is a river on one side, the side that separates the school from it's forest backyard. If you understand the forest is not off limits, put your characters favorite food in other. The school is all connected, so we will mostly be wandering halls... I guess. The cafeteria has the nearest doors to the 'backyard'. To get to PE, you pass through there.

(Sorry if I spell things wrong.)

Situation (Fallen, Angel, Human):

Rules -
Please do more than one sentence per character.
Read the little thing about the school grounds.
Please put Flying High in your other if you have read this far.
If you do not plan on doing this regularly, like once every two-three days, please don't join.
Use common sense.

Characters -
- Orkhanna Powell - Orca2whale - Angel
- Owen Powell - Orca2whale - Fallen
- Conner Miguel Wilde - Scoutwolf - Fallen
- Ariel Wilde - Scoutwolf - Angel
-Miracle - Dragongem23 - Fallen
- Giliad - Dragongem23 - Angel
- Ash - Sslover - Fallen
- Zafira - Bluepearl13 - Angel, but regarded Fallen
- Ripley Donnie Jones - Sabira - Angel
- Kasey July Jones - Sabira - Angel
- Laylah Roseate - Duckymomo - Angel
- Magnus Draconi - Dragonsrcool54 - Fallen/Human
- - Hazlebaby -

Pinglist: Scoutwolf, Orca2whale, Sslover, Dragongem23, Bluepearl13, Sabira, Duckymomo, Dragonsrcool54, Hazelbaby
Edited By Scoutwolf on 5/6/2019 at 8:47 AM.
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
Threads: 36
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Posted: 5/5/2019 at 8:51 PM Post #2
Let the rp begin.

Conner was walking quietly around the school ground because it was the beginning of the day.

Ariel was chatting to him.
Level 73
Joined: 11/1/2018
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Posted: 5/5/2019 at 9:00 PM Post #3
Owen was being his usual jerky self. Orkha was pretending not to know him.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 8/21/2016
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Posted: 5/5/2019 at 9:08 PM Post #4
Zafira was dancing around the school grounds as she waited for the day to begin. She hummed a cheery tune as she did. She most definitely didnt act or look like a fallen, but despite it, she would likely be treated as one. Still, she was in a perfect mood.
Level 70
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 4/24/2018
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Posted: 5/6/2019 at 3:33 AM Post #5
Laylah finished eating the last bite of her apple before promptly putting the core into the trash bin. Sighing happily to herself, she readjusted her school bag then headed down one of the halls. She smiled and waved at the students she passed but most were a blur. Occasionally she would return a hello. It was still a little to early to head to class so she decided to wander around and she if anything interesting was happening.
Level 56
The Perfectionist
Joined: 5/7/2018
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Posted: 5/6/2019 at 6:22 AM Post #6
(For the record, Magnus is a Fallen Angel, but someone chopped off his wings as a child, and he pretends to be a human. His wings are just tiny little feathered stumps.)

Magnus wandered the halls of the school aimlessly, trying not to think about anything. He passed students left and right until he couldnt take it, then walked into an empty classroom and closed the door. He walked to a desk and sat down, then held his face with his hands as memories of his past, and his master flooded his mind. He couldnt do anything but remember, and cry.

(Open for interaction. Just walk in the room.)
Level 18
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Posted: 5/6/2019 at 7:47 AM Post #7
Casey carried his sister on his back. There was no reason for it, other than being siblings. She was like a very fragile backpack to him, so he tried not to drop her. "I'm hungry." , She grumbled, playing with his hair.

"I think I know that one, you tell asleep before you could eat." , He answered.
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 5/6/2019 at 7:49 AM Post #8
Ash wandered the halls, glaring at anyone who got too close. His hand rested on the sword that was on his hip. He had no idea where he was going and wasn't exactly sure he cared, either.
Level 57
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Posted: 5/6/2019 at 8:34 AM Post #9
Ariel smiled at people, and waved to the ones that smiled back. She may have a Fallen brother, but that didn't mean she had to get all moody and stuff. She accidentally bumped into Ash(Sslover's character and/or the other one, maybe both by all means) as she wasn't paying attention. "Whoops! Sorry!" Ariel said.

Conner grabbed Ariel's arm. "Watch where you're going." he hissed to her, wearily eyeing the other Fallen.
Level 73
Joined: 11/1/2018
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Posted: 5/6/2019 at 9:19 AM Post #10
Orkha escaped intot he nearest classroom, and slammedghe door in Owens face. "Go do somehing more productive i have buisness here! She yelled at him.

Then she turned and saw magmus. "Oh....uh...are you okay?"
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