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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > High Rise Rider School~ Sign up
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Level 54
Joined: 1/25/2016
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Posted: 4/25/2016 at 10:17 AM Post #1

Hello! Welcome to High Rise Rider School (HRRS)! This is a roleplay created by yours truely, with help from xxx (previously Homera), where you basicaly go to a school that has horse riding in the curriclum (like, everywhere), which, I think, is awesome and want to know why I dont go there :P

I would recomend this to people who have at least a little horse riding experience. But if you dont, and want to learn some stuff, that is fine as well, just ask if you need a little help!



RP thread:

-Follow the rules (or else muh hu ha ha...)
-This is set in the real world, so be realistic
-Ping me when applying!
-If you have read all this put your favourite horse breed at the bottom of your post (or any if you do not have one)
-Do not mess me. If I say it happens it happens.
-Everyone starts off with 750c (roleplay currencey -needed to pay for your horse and anything else you may want -you can earn more by doing jobs)
-If swearing please put sybols eg. %@&!
-Be honest when applying. I will be able to tell how much you know by the way you play.
-Have fun (that is a rule)

-Take care of your horse!
-Horses MUST be ridden at least once a day unless stated otherwise by vet, farrier, etc.
-Watch out for fellow riders
-If you fall off get strait back on (unless dangerous)
-Tell a responsible adut before hacking out

-Complete homework ontime (you will get some -but it will be simple and help you learn about horses :D)
-No bullying
-Dont be late for class
-If skipping class (for good reason) give note to teacher
-No pets in lessons
-Wear school logo at all times -unless weekend (horse & horseshoe)

-You are responsible for you own belongings
-Only go in another person's dorm with their permission
-No opposite genders sharing dorms

(may add more later)


(this can change if you are training)
7:00 am. -Wake up
8:00 am. -Muck out, water, and give horses morniing feed.
8:45 am. -Eat breakfast (no skipping -you need enegy)
9:00 am. -Go to first class (unless assembly -resume class at 9:30 am)
10:00 am. -Go to second class
11:00 am. -Break, do whatever, (grab food, talk to friends, see horse, homework, hang in common room, etc.)
11:30 am. -Go to third class
12:30 pm. -Lunch (possiblity to ride, or do a club)
1:45 pm. -Go to fourth class
2:35 pm. -Go to fith class
3:25 pm. -Free time (can do extra class, have a lesson, clubs, go on a hack -unless in detention)
5:30 pm. -Second horse feed
6:00 pm. -Dinner
7:00 pm. -Be in common room
9:00 pm. -Bed, lights out.

8:30 am. -Latest allowed time to wake up -go sort out your horse!
9:15 am. -Breakfast
9:45 am. -Free time (as above)
11:00 am. -Snack if hungry (if not continue freee time)
12:30 pm. -Lunch
1:50 pm. -Can go into town where there is general shops, the vets, tack shops etc (if not go to free time)
3:50 pm. -Be back from town
5:30 pm. -Second horse feed
6:00 pm. -Dinner
8:00 pm. -Be in common room (non-school nights only -fri and sat night -otherwise normal time)
10:00 pm. -Lights out (^as above^)

On Monday and Thursday mornings there is an assembly in the main hall.

Clubs will have their own threads where you can talk about said topic. I may post some info about it.
You may be in any number of clubs (as many as you have time).
You are automaticaly in Homework club, however you dont have to take part).
-Art (B11)
-Cookery club (B9)
-Programing club (T12)
-Sport club (S16 -S19)
-Book club (M1)
-Music club (T13)
-Drama club (S20)
-Gardening club (Alotments)
-Homework club (work on homework together!) (M3)

Main Block (M):
-M1 & M2 = English & Maths
-M3 & M4 = Humanities (history geography)
-M5 & M6 = Science
-Main Hall
-Teacher Offices

Bottom floor of other block (B):
-B7 = Resistant Materials/ Woodwork (Design Tech)
-B8 = Cookery (as above)
-B9 = Textiles (as above)
-B10 & B11 = Art

Top floor of other block (T):
-T12 = IT suite
-T13 = Musice room (two small practice rooms close by)
-T14 & T15 = Languages

Sport block (S):
-S16 = Sport hall
-S17, S18 & S19 = smaller sport rooms (gym, classroom, 1 on 1)
-S20 = Dance/Drama hall
-changing rooms

-Ms Lyder (headmisstress)
-Jose Green (English Riding instructor)
-Lizbeth Sanders (Wetern instuctor) -Homera

-Other teachers I will fill

Age (14-18):
Riding style (English, Western or driving?):
Riding ability (1-10 1 being absolute novice 10 being i've done absolultly loads -only teachers will be 10):
Your riding ability (you):
Own horse or School horse? (anyone with 4 and below riding ability has school):
Appearance /discription:

Horse Form
(only for those who own a horse -you may have more than one)
Gender (mare, gelding, stallion only for experts):
Purebred? (y/n):
Height (hh please):
Riding style:
1st horse, 2nd horse, etc (ask me if you dont know what this means):
Good/Bad dooer:
How long you have had them:


Everyone starts off with 750c. This is the RP currency (in this one anyway). You will need it to pay for your horses nececities such as feed, hay, tack, the vet, shoeing your horse. However you can also use c to pay for people to care for your horse if you are away for a while, your other pets, and for your own stuff (thing avalible to be bought in town). You can earn more c by working for other people, aka special requests. But we will always keep a few jobs running.

A year in the game lasts four months so there is one season per month. I think this will just make it more fun :3

-Animals include: all pets & horses
-All animals must be cared for. They each have for important bars.
Health: 100%
Hunger: 100%
Happiness: 100%
Trust: 100%
-You must keep them as full as possible. If your animal's health drops significantly take them to the vet. If you fail to do this then all your animals will be taken off you and you wont be allowed a new one for 1 month.
-Animals need to be fed at least once a day. If they get to hungry their health is affected.
-Spend time with your animals to improve happiness. Animal neglect will again result in them being taken of you.
-Trust builds over time. All new animals start with 0% trust (unless stated otherwise)

-You can gain animals off friends, get them in town (either at the pet store or the rescue centre), and other ways that are more uncommon.

-You buy animal feed in the pet store, along with toys, beds, colars, etc.

-Horses need to be feed twice a day to (in smaller amounts) to remain healthy.
-Horses must be ridden once a day, unless stated otherwise or in feild.
-Horses need to be vistited by the farrier once every 6 - 9 weeks.
-Horses can and will get ill on occasion.
-Horses cost more than pets.
-You need to be dedicated to your horse.
-Your horse will behave better if you have a higher trust.
-Horses can be bred but you must talk with the head first. Mare remain pregnant for 11 monhs before giving birth. All bills will increse during that time.
-Horses cannot be ridden until they are 4 years of age.
-Horses can be bought, sold and loaned (part or full).

I will set homework that will be simple and easy. I will base it on the BHS (Brittish Horse Society) and the Pony Club qualifications. This will help those who know little about horses learn how to do stuff correctly, and more experienced riders what is offical (it was an eye opener for me :P). Homera will set Western homework. Homework will be issued roughly once per week, via PM and should be handed in via PM.

Have Fun!
Join away! :P
Edited By Moggaz on 7/11/2016 at 12:27 PM.
Level 54
Joined: 1/25/2016
Threads: 36
Posts: 1,296
Posted: 4/26/2016 at 3:19 PM Post #2
School Block

Barn Exterior

Barn Interior

Tack Rooms

Indoor Arena

Common Rooms

Dorms -though not with them bedsheets :D


For other rooms, eg Art, just go with the standard rooms :P
Edited By Moggaz on 6/5/2016 at 12:15 PM.
Level 54
Joined: 1/25/2016
Threads: 36
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Posted: 4/26/2016 at 3:49 PM Post #3

(Headmistress) Ms Lyder -Me
(English Instructor) Jose Green -Me
(Western instructor) Lizbeth Sanders -Homera

Kat Green (F)

Skylar Winds (F)
Mik Stonebrook (M)

Mimmie Jones (F)

San Eikanisk (F)
Conner Diniti (M)

Silvia Burbank (F)

[TEMPLINKREPLACE]Kylie Arron[/url] (F)
Edited By Moggaz on 6/17/2016 at 4:45 PM.
Level 54
Joined: 1/25/2016
Threads: 36
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Posted: 4/27/2016 at 9:01 AM Post #4
List of Animal Stats:


Edited By Moggaz on 7/1/2016 at 1:11 PM.
Level 54
Joined: 1/25/2016
Threads: 36
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Posted: 4/27/2016 at 1:50 PM Post #5

Name: Ms Lyder
Age: late thirties
Gender: F
Riding style (English, Western or driving?): All
Riding ability: 10
Bio*: Headmistress of HRRS, also a sub for all lessons.
Personality: Friendly, nice when you know her but may come off as cold, not afriad to get angry.
Appearance /discription:

Other/Extra*: Her horse: Capra (Lipizzaner stallion)

Name: Jose Green (call by first name)
Age: mid twenties
Gender: F
Riding style (English, Western or driving?): English
Riding ability: 10
Bio*: English riding instuctor at HRRS, also a sub for all lessons
Personality: friendly, sence of humour, jokey, nice to be around
Appearance /discription:

Pet*: Max (who wanders around the stable)

Relationships*: Has a cousin who goes to the school
Other/Extra*: Jasper (hanovarian -gelding)

Xara (thoroughbred -mare)

(Formerly Homera's teacher)
Name: Lizbeth Sanders (real name is Elizabeth but goes by Lizbeth or Liz -call by first name)
Age: Mid-Twenties
Gender: F
Riding style (English, Western or driving?): Western, English
Riding ability: 10
Bio*: Western Riding instructor of HRRS, also a Sub for all classes
Personality: Kind, detail oriented, timid
Appearance /description:

Other/Extra*: Her horse: Star Fire, Tenneesse Walker/Quarter horse mix
Edited By Moggaz on 7/1/2016 at 1:12 PM.
Level 67
Joined: 2/28/2016
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Posted: 4/27/2016 at 4:28 PM Post #6
This is a place where you can claim and see avalible jobs. You won't acctually have to do anything to be successful. Message me, Lizbeth Sanders if you want to accept any job. You can't ride your horse or have free time during the hours your doing the task. Some tasks will require certain skills. You may only be on one per day unless you earn the ability to handle more. 25 special requests from players you can have 1 more mission. Then 50 special requests and so on.......

Special jobs will be notices from certain students needing help or something else, please message me, Lizbeth Sanders if you want to put up a Special Request/Job.
Please fill out this form:
Task description:
Requirements (optional):

Jobs that are always available:

Give Basic Lessons to Kids in the town - Give basic riding instruction to kids on your own horse. You must own your own horse and be at least 5 in expirience. 1 hr. Reward is 50 coins.

Give Advanced Lessons to kids in town - Give advanced riding instruction to kids on your horse. You must own your own horse and be at least 6 in expirience. 2 hrs. Reward is 100 coins.

Give Intermidiate Lessons to Kids in town - Give Intermidiate lessons to kids on your own horse. You must own your own horse and be at least 8 in expirience. 3 hrs. Reward is special sack.

Help Ms. Potter w/ Garden - Help Ms. Potter pick herbs and arrange a potluck for the town. Must be in Gardening or Cookery club. 3 hrs. Reward is 2 horse feed + 25 coins.

Mountain Exploring - There are many wolves and other medium carnivores where the trails are, you need to travel down them and ward of the predators. Must have at least a 6 in expirience. 4 hrs. Reward is 100 coins.

(More will be added)

Special Requests/Tasks/Jobs from players:

Edited By Homera on 5/22/2016 at 2:31 PM.
Level 54
Joined: 1/25/2016
Threads: 36
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Posted: 5/22/2016 at 2:14 PM Post #7

No horses currently for sale.


No horses currently for loan

To make your horse avalible for sle/loan PM me with this form:

Character's Name:
Horse's Name:
Loan or Sale?:
Horse's age:
Horse's breed:
Purebred? (Y/N):
Horse's Height (hh):
Edited By Moggaz on 5/22/2016 at 2:18 PM.
Level 54
Joined: 1/25/2016
Threads: 36
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Posted: 5/22/2016 at 2:22 PM Post #8
Have fun! :)
Level 54
Joined: 1/25/2016
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Posted: 5/22/2016 at 2:23 PM Post #9
Name: Katrina Green (Kat)
Age (14-18): 15
Gender: F
Riding style (English, Western or driving?): English predominatly, but wants to do all.
Riding ability: 8
Your riding ability (you): 8
Own horse or School horse? (anyone with 4 and below riding ability has school): own
Bio*: Had horses all her life
Personality: determined, friendly, happy, confident, sarcastic
Appearance /discription: has fawn coloured hair, and blue/green eyes, never wears skirts/dresses

Pet*: (awesome pic lol) Jazz (lurcher)

Relationships*: Cousin is English instructor at school.
Clubs: Art club, Drama club, Book club.
Other/Extra*: Looking for a young horse to bring on

Name: Brandy Apples (Gin -stable name)
Age: 12
Gender: mare
Breed*: x breed, but part arab
Purebred? (y/n): N
Height: 15'1hh
Riding style: English
1st horse, 2nd horse, etc: 4th
Temperment: not spooky but will have a tantrum if doesnt get her own way, has a sence of humor, acts like a large pony, will do anything for food, loves jumping
Experience: lots. been hunting, to shows, basicaly done it all.
Good/Bad dooer: too good.
How long you have had them: Kat has only been her offcial carer for the past two years but her family had her since she was one.

Other/extra*: Kat would be interestedin putting her in foal
Edited By Moggaz on 7/1/2016 at 1:15 PM.
Level 70
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 1/4/2015
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Posted: 5/22/2016 at 2:31 PM Post #10
Yay! *has been waiting for this for a while now*

Name: Skylar Winds

Age (14-18): 15

Gender: Female

Riding style (English, Western or driving?): English, but can do Western

Riding ability (1-10 1 being absolute novice 10 being i've done absolutely loads -only teachers will be 10): Insists she's not that great, but is actually 8 or 9.

Your riding ability (you): I dont really measure my riding ability? I cant afford my own horse, so I do schooling, so that limits my knowledge about caretaking, but for riding, I guess I'm like 6 or something.

Own horse or School horse? (anyone with 4 and below riding ability has school): Owns many horses, but was only allowed to bring a couple to the riding school (Hope and Princy).

Bio*: Comes from a fairly rich family who are established arabian breeders, animals love her for some reason.

Personality: She's a bit shy and often seems distant, but fiercely protective of her pets and loved ones. She doesn't like showing off or taking credit for the amazing things she can do.

Appearance /description: Her eyes have brilliant gold flecks in them that sparkle when she's excited/happy.

Pet*: A male cat named Simon, plus her horses.

Relationships*: None, but open.

Friends*: None, but she hopes to make some. She doesn't know how to confront people, though... they will have to reach out to her.

Clubs: Homework, Gardening, Book Club

Other/Extra*: None for the moment.


Name: Keep Hoping (aka Hope or Dreams)

Age: 6

Gender (mare, gelding, stallion only for experts): Mare

Breed*: Arabian

Purebred? (y/n): Yes (yeah, I know 100% purebred arabs are rare/expensive..but I love them <3)

Height (hh please): 15hh

Riding style: English

1st horse, 2nd horse, etc (ask me if you dont know what this means): somewhere between 4th and 5th, but can be ridden by novices on a good day.

Temperment: Proud and well-behaved, but unpredictable at times. Gets excited when cantering/jumping/etc.

Experience: Can go on hacks, but only if the rider knows how to stay on when a horse is excited/spooked. Experienced in jumping, learning dressage.

Good/Bad doer: bad (skinny in winter)

How long you have had them: She has only personally owned her for 4.5 years, but she was born into her family


Other/extra*: None for the moment.


Name: Eclipse (aka Princy)

Age: 5

Gender (mare, gelding, stallion only for experts): Stallion

Breed*: Arabian

Purebred? (y/n): 98% Arab so pretty close. The other percentage is thoroughbred.

Height (hh please):
15.4hh- tall for his breed.

Riding style: Classical- he bucks too much with western tack (dunno why, he just does)

1st horse, 2nd horse, etc (ask me if you dont know what this means): 5th horse type behaviour

Playful, Fast-paced, Hyper, Has good manners for a stally, Intelligent, Acts like a puppy sometimes :3

5- Hes got a lot to learn still, but he knows what hes doing. Usually.

Good/Bad dooer:

How long you have had them:
Since birth. Her family bred him and she was immediately given him.

Apperance/discription: Black with classic arab features <3

Skylar is planning to put him up for breeding or possibly lease to someone who can handle his hyper-ness.
Edited By Pegacorn8 on 7/7/2016 at 12:33 PM.
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