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Forum Index > Battle Discussion > The Perfect Team?
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Level 61
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Posted: 2/6/2015 at 4:42 PM Post #1
Well I really need to organize my team so I can beat Natalya. If you could critize my pets and tell me which should be in which role I would be very greatfull. I have reset all their points except trees. Here they are.
They have no current roles right now.

And for the last go to advanced search and see which pet in my stables would be the best for the last role left.
Sorry there are no picks.
Level 61
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Posted: 2/6/2015 at 4:43 PM Post #2
Oh and please PiNG me!
Level 75
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Posted: 2/6/2015 at 5:11 PM Post #3
This thread should be in battle discussion.

But taking a look at your pets it really doesn't matter about the specific pets too much unless you went out on purpose to pick pets with higher stats. These would be something like ones descended from naturally higher stat pets or ones that were stat bred. That can make fights easier. But if you're attached to these then you should still be able to fight with them.

You'll want one pet to be a tank. This pet will be in the middle of the other two in the battle soaking up most of the damage. I'd personally recommend shadow or water. I've heard of others being used as tanks, too, but those two I think are particularly powerful for tanks at the time being.

Remember that all tanks can make better use of agility than dexterity. This is because agility gives mitigation keeping your tank up better. Water attacks do physical damage so you'll want strength to increase damage. So for a water tank you'd want to use assassin gear or the natureguard mythic equivalent. If you go with shadow, they use magical attacks that's increased by intelligence. So for a shadow tank, I'd give them illusionist gear or the mythic revenant version.

As far as your other pets go. It depends a bit on what you like but also I think certain pets do tend to do a better job at certain things. There's lots of flexibility, however, so it's just coming up with something that works for you.

I use as the core of my team a shadow tank and a light. Light can be set up so it heals a bit with every attack it does. It has an optional multi-target attack which is nice for groups.

For my other two slots I use either a fire pet or an air (wind). The fire is set up so it attacks three targets each time. It feels faster to me than the air for clearing out groups. This can be dangerous though for fights where you might want to only be doing single target attacks. In situations I don't want to use my fire pet in I switch to an air. Air are powerful at single target attacks.

Light and fire both do magical damage. You'll want intelligence for their gear. And since they're not tanking, dexterity is more important than agility. Dexterity increases the damage of their attacks. I recommend evoker gear unless you get the archon mythic version.

Air does physical attacks so it needs strength. And with it not tanking then I'd be using dexterity over agility. This would mean myrmidon gear or the mythic primalist version.

I'd definitely see about working on gear. It's best for gear to be as high level as possible. I know it's not always the easiest while leveling but better gear can really make things a lot easier.

I'm sure others can recommend other builds that work to you as well. Again there's a good bit of flexibility. I'm surprised at what all can work.

Something else you might want to consider is putting at least five points of health into your non-tanking pets. I do that myself. For your tank you'd want more health in proficiencies probably unless you make an agility tank.

Edit: Spelling errors and I realized I missed the part about you having the third slot available but just trying to figure out a good pick.

As far as a good pick goes it depends on if you want to focus on stats or if you just want something you like or a combo of both. If you want to look for pets that are specifically high in certain stats for team spots I'd check out the advanced search for which pets are for sale and look at the stats that concern that type of pet. Like for a tank I'd look maybe for one really high in health and compare it to other pets available. For pets that do physical damage I'd look for one that's high in strength. For one that does magical damage one that's high in intelligence. And then other stats that also benefit what you're looking for.
Edited By Savynn on 2/6/2015 at 5:23 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 2/6/2015 at 5:12 PM Post #4
This thread has been moved to: Battle Discussion.
Level 61
Joined: 8/5/2013
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Posted: 2/6/2015 at 7:33 PM Post #5
Thanks so much it really helped me out.
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