Players (Online): 66 Players (Today): 406 Players (Active): 2,427
Players (New): 7 Visitors (Today): 3,786 Pets (Total): 8,232,973
Season: Spring   Weather: Windy
Welcome, Guest
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Owned By

Username: Sakurachan
Title: Trickster
User ID: 7174
User Level: 61
Joined: 8/5/2013 at 11:19:45am
Last Online: 1,197 Days ago
Account Age: 3,908 Days
Profile Views: 2,778
About Me
I have the Gingerbread Attire(Frosty Frosting), Gingerbread wand(Festive), Gingerbread Rolling Pin(Traditional), and Gingerbread topping(Peppy Pink) for Sale.

Holding: Ryo Essence for Castielle
Click my babies, they'll DIE if you don't!
Free rose pet for Goldennautilusdreams
5/3/15: Stables have been organized nearly perfectly with organization being like:
Themed , Breed alphabeticaly, Theme type, And finally Gender
Regular, Breed backwards, Gender except special circumstances.
Hi, I am Sakurachan. You can call me Sakura. I love anime, dogs, and pretty much all animals in general. If you see a pet you would like to breed with or buy just PM and we can negotiate. You can friend me if you want, I won't scare you away. I like breeding for traits and beauty and sometimes stats.
Summer Sales Thread:
Ny'vene Stat Project:
Griffi Stat Project:
Projects Thread:
Project Sales Thread:
Free Testing Thread:

Turn 41: Un-named has defeated Katana the Heart Queen!!!
Your Party was victorious! You defeated 1 Enemy!
(Yes Awesomeness)
Keanai owes me melted chocolate ryori.

Self reminder: Start with 2 carry then next do one of a vis and one of another, then breed till 2 vis.

I owe Altea, Scarlettkitsune, and Dauntlessscale1 a offspring from the Starry Night Morrkos.

Eye Colour: C514E0
Colour One: 0CDDEC
Colour Two: 9405B8
Colour Three: FAF86E

Gene Colour Three: 1C1152
Mutation Colour One: 9405B8

To do list: Make these later/Future Projects

Eye Color: NNgd2
Color 1: BBgd3
Color 2: NNmd1
Color 3: NNmd2
Gene 1: DDmd3
Gene 2: NNec
Gene 3: 40ff00
Mutation 1: 000000
Mutation 2: 030003
Mutation 3: 000000

Eye Color: F700FF
Color One: FFFFFF
Color Two: CFCFCF
Color Three: 00676E
Gene Color One: 5E5E5E
Mutation Color One: 770080

Ignore this just a reminder to self!:
Whee, I finally got it to download, the tab of my laptop wouldn't go down and it was blocking the download button but after an excruciating 5 minutes, I finally had a burst of genius and sized the window till I could see the button! XD :3

Anyways here is the link to the picture:

P.S.: Hope it helps out with your projects!
Pet Information
In order to help reduce Server Load, these stats have been temporarily disabled.
Exploration Information
Battle Record: 2,771-49 (98.26%)
Mission Record: 756-75 (90.97%)
Gold Earned: 5,220,674
Scales Earned: 24,904
Quests Completed: 18
Sylestia Completion: 12.05%
Dungeons Cleared: 4
Bosses Defeated: 14
Elites Defeated: 34
Superiors Defeated: 280
Mythical Items Found: 0
Legendary Items Found: 57
Epic Items Found: 159
Rare Items Found: 328