Players (Online): 104 Players (Today): 392 Players (Active): 2,294
Players (New): 5 Visitors (Today): 2,139 Pets (Total): 8,268,651
Season: Spring   Weather: Clear
Welcome, Guest
Member Since
Black Cherry
Owned By

Username: Kittyblast
Title: None
User ID: 44189
User Level: 32
Joined: 10/27/2015 at 6:32:19pm
Last Online: 2,741 Days ago
Account Age: 3,121 Days
Profile Views: 1,351
About Me
Catching dreams are like catching stars but I am going to do it.

I accept all friend requests and message me!

Saving pets everyday well... its life there will always be bad and good people in this world lets make a difference and be the bigger person and help save a pet today!

I also want to give a shout out to our newly adopted pets lion cubs! Congrats lion and fox cubs and best wishes to you and your new owners! Please check out our other pets for sale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You guys are soooooo darn awesome!!!

Okay, lets say you don't want the pet you bought FROM HERE I can tell if you did or didn't and it is an adult{so you have time with them to think this through} I will buy them back from you for half the price you paid. {you paid 500 I pay you 250} or you can release them for no money.{Not all pets will be accepted}

Blood is thicker then water! The pen is mightier then the sword!
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present - Kung fu panda {i did not make up any of these, great people did }

I want to start a project soon I never did one before so any help or advise would be very very very VERY helpful!

Just so you wonderful people who buy from me, we are having a SUPER CHEAP SALE! ANYWHERE FROM 1-500 PER PET!!!{some maybe will be more sorry}
Pet Information
In order to help reduce Server Load, these stats have been temporarily disabled.
Exploration Information
Battle Record: 662-18 (97.35%)
Mission Record: 0-0 (0.00%)
Gold Earned: 45,223
Scales Earned: 1,186
Quests Completed: 15
Sylestia Completion: 4.16%
Dungeons Cleared: 0
Bosses Defeated: 2
Elites Defeated: 4
Superiors Defeated: 61
Mythical Items Found: 0
Legendary Items Found: 0
Epic Items Found: 1
Rare Items Found: 23