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Username: Viper2000
Title: The Perfectionist
User ID: 137028
User Level: 40
Joined: 10/29/2019 at 8:51:59am
Last Online: 331 Days ago
Account Age: 1,641 Days
Profile Views: 2,382
About Me
Hey People who have stumbled onto my profile.

I am selling my Nevermore Aurleons. Just PM me with the one(s) you want an I'll tell you how much they cost.

People Whom I have deals with:

100k golds (complete)
Have at least 20 Spectral Ny'vene at one time (In the works)

LGBT+ Club of Sylestia
Zolnixi Club
Anime Club!
Ryori Romp
Hatchling Club

Flamekeeper, thank you for writing this for me.

One day in the clan of the great liguras, the prides alpha had his first born child.
"Isn't he stunning Zeus?" Nomia, his mother smiled, tears in her peachy eyes.
His father, Zeus, was speechless with happiness. He nuzzled his newborn baby and cleaned his little head.
"He deserves a name worthy of a king." Nomia said, licking her newly born kitten.
"Paisley. Thats his name. He's my little warrior!" Zeus meowed to his mate, licking her head.
"He looks weak. Why is he being so praised?" The pride's elder Blind Eyes growled.
"Well, he's my son, and you should learn to respect your alpha!" Zeus growled.
"Calm down Zeus, he is merely being himself. Let him be annoyed." Nomia said calmly to her mate.
The pride went quiet for a moment, then left the alpha with his son.
After a few months, Paisley had grown a little and had begun warrior training.
Welcome to warrior training! Here, you will learn the skill of combat! A fierce ligura named Horizon said.
The young and energetic liguras cheered in excitement.
"You've been chosen by the elders to defend the clan from enemy clans and ferals. So today we have our first lesson, which is learning the art of the chase. If you cant catch your enemy, then you are useless!" Horizon said, his white mane blowing in the wind.
The young eager liguras lined up, ready to chase him. Paisley was first. Horizon got into position in front of him and roared to start. Paisley ran with all his might, chasing him.
"Remember about stamina and pace!" Horizon shouted over his shoulder.
Paisley instantly paced himself. When he was close to Horizon, he lept and landed square on his shoulders.
"Good for your first try. "Horizon smirked before kicking his stomach and pinned him to the ground. "That, is called an escape. And this is a trap pin." He continued, lifting his large paws off of him.
Paisley shook himself off, thankful that he was out of Horizons sharp claws.
"Why are you even letting him train with you?! He is weak, accept it! "Blind Eyes snarled from his rock to Horizon.
"Father, leave him alone!" Horizon growled at his father.
Paisley looked at Blind Eyes and sighed. He slipped to the edges of the training area to hide from everyone. Paisley watched the others run across the plains.
"Hi! That was pretty good for your first try." Another student smiled as she returned from her assessment.
"Thanks, you were good too!" Paisley smiled.
"Well, I'm Talini. Whats your name?" Talini asked.
"Oh, my name is Paisley." He replied to her.
Paisley and Talini became fast friends in those months they were training.
"I am proud to say Horizon has trained more fine warriors to defend our pride. He has trained Wyven, Yepo, Talini, and my son, Paisley. They have passed and are now official members of our pride! I warmly welcome them to the pride." Zeus said grandly to the pride from his rock.
"I cant believe it! Were full members of the pride." Talini said happily to Paisley.
"Me neither! Lets go hunting to celebrate!" Paisley purred.
The two liguras ran off to hunt in the jungle. They caught a few deer, and decided to rest for a bit.
Well that was fun. Cant believe we are warriors now. Talini said.
"That also means we have to pick mates in the summer" Paisley said nervously.
"Jeez. We have to pick one ligura to be with. Thats going to be hard." Talini said, looking up at the stars.
"Well, who do you want to be with? Wyven? He likes you, I think." He replied.
"No, he's too rude to everyone. No, I had someone else in mind." She purred.
"Who?" Paisley asked.
"You." Talini purred with passion, her eyes big.
Paisley just looked at her with disbelief, then with love. He licked her ear, realizing he loved her too. They curled up and returned in the morning.
"Ok everyone! Summer is nearly here, so we need to prepare for the journey to the golden cove and start thinking about who to pick as a mate if youre younger." Nomia said from the rock, along with Zeus.
The liguras started grabbing food from their rock and prepared for Zeus to open the portal. Zeus stood upon the rock, closing his eyes and opening a golden portal. The pride walked into the portal. Paisley and Talini ran into the portal.
As they arrived, the warm sand went between the liguras claws and the warm sun shined onto their fur.
Paisley and Talini ran towards a cave, preparing to become mates.
"Talini, since were in the cove, will you take me as your mate?" Paisley smiled.
"Of course! "Talini cried with happiness, licking him lovingly.
The two curled up together, feeling happy. After a few hours, they heard the sound of boots. Talini and Paisley awoke to a cruel human darting them.
Paisley woke up in a cage next to Talini, who was also just waking up.
"Whats happening?! "Talini said with fear.
Right as she said that, a girl walked in with the man. Her face had a look of concern for them. After a lot of talking with the man, she put them in a cart. She brought them to a large, spacious stable.
"Hi, I'm Rowan. Don't worry, you're safe here. I know you might miss your home, but you're safe here."Rowan smiled.
Talini and Paisley looked at her, realizing Rowan couldn't understand the ligura tongue, but they knew she was good. They stayed there with her, content with their life.

To Whom have scrolled this for pm me 'Mr. Clean is just big foot but shaved' and I will send you a free Nevermore Aurleon.
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Battle Record: 906-68 (93.02%)
Mission Record: 20-3 (86.96%)
Gold Earned: 5,917,688
Scales Earned: 1,721
Quests Completed: 15
Sylestia Completion: 4.62%
Dungeons Cleared: 0
Bosses Defeated: 0
Elites Defeated: 0
Superiors Defeated: 0
Mythical Items Found: 0
Legendary Items Found: 0
Epic Items Found: 2
Rare Items Found: 21