Players (Online): 74 Players (Today): 347 Players (Active): 2,371
Players (New): 14 Visitors (Today): 2,538 Pets (Total): 8,251,728
Season: Spring   Weather: Stormy
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Username: Crimby
Title: Trickster
User ID: 115444
User Level: 75
Joined: 8/9/2018 at 4:17:35am
Last Online: 43 Minutes ago
Account Age: 2,092 Days
Profile Views: 1,046
About Me
Previously Whispchicken

You can call me Crimby, Crim, or Bitty!
I live in Australia, I like art and animals of course, and my favourite Sylesties are Puffadores, Zolnixis, Nyvenes and Griffis.

Notice: I dont really talk in chat much because of my anxiety which strikes up when speaking in a public chat room/similar scenarios. When I do say something I try to make it as coherent as I can and I have a habit of overthinking it. Thats why it takes a while for me to respond sometimes.
Additionally, I sometimes might not respond to a thank you or a compliment or something because I just dont know what to say and i wonder if you are actually expecting me to say something else or not. Please just know that I appreciate everything in those moments!

Please check my stables and hatchery for pets for sale, I think they are reasonably priced and rarely exceed 10,000g. Also I have a bunch of pets up for breeding and I dont think they exceed 1000g if I remember correctly.

*Feel free to buy and release! I generally dont like releasing my own pets because I grow attached even if I dont want them. If you buy one of my pets then its yours to do what you want. I dont worry about it anymore

**I price pets based on their looks/their amount of traits so some prices might make more sense than others oops

Also I can sketch one of your pets for free if you want, just message me
Pet Information
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Exploration Information
Battle Record: 14,863-28 (99.81%)
Mission Record: 29-4 (87.88%)
Gold Earned: 10,598,928
Scales Earned: 21,321
Quests Completed: 19
Sylestia Completion: 12.05%
Dungeons Cleared: 20
Bosses Defeated: 0
Elites Defeated: 0
Superiors Defeated: 0
Mythical Items Found: 4
Legendary Items Found: 29
Epic Items Found: 551
Rare Items Found: 570