Players (Online): 69 Players (Today): 372 Players (Active): 2,407
Players (New): 11 Visitors (Today): 1,738 Pets (Total): 8,243,104
Season: Spring   Weather: Windy
Welcome, Guest
Member Since
Owned By

Username: Mercyrose
Title: The Kind-Hearted
User ID: 113277
User Level: 68
Joined: 7/5/2018 at 12:54:25am
Last Online: 570 Days ago
Account Age: 2,121 Days
Profile Views: 484
About Me
Any pet in my Stables that has a breeding fee icon by it is able to be bred.

I'm working on saving up for more tabs so most species can have their own tab, so please breed if any interest you.

Standard Prices are:
For pets with ONLY hidden traits, Each Hidden trait (ex: NA) is 50g.
Pets with one visible trait are 100g.
For pets with more than one visible trait and/or hidden traits, it is a flat 500g rate.
For event pets there will be a standard fee of 1000g.

If there is a Sylesti you would like to breed with that is not offered, please PM me.
Pet Information
In order to help reduce Server Load, these stats have been temporarily disabled.
Exploration Information
Battle Record: 4,263-12 (99.72%)
Mission Record: 1,174-3 (99.75%)
Gold Earned: 11,355,075
Scales Earned: 19,996
Quests Completed: 19
Sylestia Completion: 12.05%
Dungeons Cleared: 3
Bosses Defeated: 0
Elites Defeated: 0
Superiors Defeated: 0
Mythical Items Found: 0
Legendary Items Found: 71
Epic Items Found: 303
Rare Items Found: 379