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Forum Index > Fan Fiction > Talon Dies-Magyak101's POV
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Level 68
The Tender
Joined: 8/3/2016
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Posted: 4/7/2018 at 3:33 PM Post #1
As I turned the corner, the hallway dead-ended into a large room. I cautiously entered, seeing a caped figure sitting on a throne at the far end.

"You just couldn't let it go, huh?" I recognized the haughty voice even before Lord Talons face was illuminated as he stood up and strode into the light. "You really shouldn't have followed me here. Whether you defeat me or not, you are doomed either way. You think the food chain ends with me at the top? He smirked. Not even close."

As he brandished his sharpened glaive and tilted it to reflect the faint sunbeams that drifted from a narrow, barred skylight, I immediately tensed, ready to order my pets to attack. Talon seemed to notice, chuckling.

"Strike me down, you'll be signing yourself up for a death wish that you will never be able to get out of. Trust me."

Jinxie darted forwards, looking infuriated. My stomach performed acrobatics. She would doubtlessly say something that would only make it worse.

"Turn yourself in then! It doesnt have to be this way. But we cant let you go if youre going to keep hunting my friends!"

'We?' I knew I should've ditched her. It was one thing for her to make a mistake during a quest. But how could she ruin my secret plans when she didn't even know about them?

"I'm afraid I cant do that," Talon responded, talking to Jinxie though his eyes were locked with mine.
"Unfortunately, that just isn't an option." His speech seemed slow and meaningless, as if he were battling to make a decision. Finally, he made up his mind.

"Im sorry for having to do this, truly, I am." His expression went stony, and with a flick of his wrist, he signaled two previously-still sylestis--fearsome creatures that I had thought to be statues.

Of course. Talon and his pets. At least I had brought mine. You can never trust a villain, even when you think youve befriended them.

Seconds moved like hours. As my champions met Talons, I thought I saw a glimmer of sympathy in his gazebut I must have been mistaken. If anything, it was just him pitying my foolishness for ever caring.

He fought hard but the battle was won in minutes. With his pets Ember and Sapphire felled, and himself fatally wounded, Talon dropped to his knees, defeated. Even in his helplessness, his bold gaze sent shivers down my spine.

"You are a valiant foe, Magyak101. I am sorry for what you have gotten yourself into... Do not make the same mistake I made. Do no... do not trust him. Whatever you do... do not tru..."

With these words, Lord Talon collapsed into a pitiful heap. His voice echoed in both the cave and my mind, stinging like a stab in the back. Of course he would say that, the way I fell for him. Of course he would think me just a soft, trusting amateur adventurer who would believe anything.

"I almost feel sorry for him..." Jinxie murmured softly from my side. "I don't think he was an evil person after all. He seemed more like a broken person... I wish it wouldn't have ended like this." The pain turned to rage as I realized that in the end, this was all her fault.

I didnt say a word, yet in my heart, I ached like someone who had just witnessed the death of a loved one. But Talon was never loved...not by me, not by anyone.

Or was he...?

"Come, Magpie," I whispered to the loyal zolnixi that had always been by my side. "Raid. Roseiro. Let's find a way out."

While my companions searched the cavern, I turned back to the now-still body on the floor. Dropping to my knees, I ran two fingers across his face, shutting his eyes and knowing they would never open again. I'd spent so much time battling Lord being my enemy, he had, in this lonesome world of Sylestia, become a very close friend.

I removed the armor from his pets, and added it to my already-too-heavy load.

"Mag!" Jinxie's voice startled me, and she gestured frantically towards a tall door in the cliff face. It was hewn from the rock, and almost unnoticeable.

I nodded, and as they opened the door and rushed into the sunlit Viridian Meadows, I unhooked Lord Talon's cloak, shoving it into my satchel. Vorkids don't usually wear such adornments, but then, I never was a very good Vorkid.

I exited the dungeon and never looked back.
Edited By Magyak101 on 4/7/2018 at 3:40 PM.
Level 68
The Tender
Joined: 8/3/2016
Threads: 114
Posts: 2,151
Posted: 4/7/2018 at 3:37 PM Post #2
The idea behind this story is that, while Jinxie was captured and away, I met with Lord Talon. Through negotiating for her release and his withdrawal from the Viridian Meadows, we formed an enemy's bond.

I enter the dungeon, a good deal of time later, with the intention of forming an alliance with Lord Talon. Succumbing to ambition and this strange sense of friendship, I nearly take the path of darkness. And it might have been the best decision I would ever make--but Jinxie, with her eternal goodness and painful ignorance, ruins the whole thing. I'm forced to kill Talon.

I might follow this story with more, as Talon isn't the only villain who nearly persuades Magyak101 to join the dark side in this headcanon of mine.

THIS is also back when Magyak101 was a Vorkid Venomspitter in a Sylestia human form.
Edited By Magyak101 on 4/7/2018 at 3:45 PM.
Level 68
The Tender
Joined: 8/3/2016
Threads: 114
Posts: 2,151
Posted: 4/7/2018 at 3:40 PM Post #3

Was it King Desius that Talon was referring to with his "do not trust him" comment? Or some other, more devious villain from another zone?
Edited By Magyak101 on 4/7/2018 at 3:41 PM.
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