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Forum Index > Roleplay Games > Journey to the Unknown [RPG]
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Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
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Posted: 1/11/2018 at 12:42 PM Post #31
*Slides in a reserve*
Characters name
Matty (Matt)
Image (Human)

Image (Animal)

(Ignore the little eye flame thingies they don't exist)
She is very small and headstrong. All thought quiet at times she is usually happy and very bubbly. She is also a hopeless romantic. She loves kids even though she is awkward around them. She always tries her best to make everyone happy. She is very trusting and very loving. She loves being surrounded by friends and families and is always ready to give and show care to those who need it. She hates it when other people are injured and hates inflicting unnecessary harm on others. She gets anxious easily and usually acts nervous. She is very short and is 4'11. She is very skinny as well, almost too the point of looking underweight. She also has a tattoo on her right arm/shoulder
She was the third youngest out of seven siblings. Her parents were always very busy so she never got too know them well. They loved all of their children but being poor due to having so many mouths to feed they were constantly working to make sure the entire family could eat. She grew up surrounded by places to explore as that was all her and her siblings did as there family couldn't pay to go to other places. Matty looks back on her childhood fondly as they all just fun and her parents always managed to out food on the table. She misses her family but knows they are dead. She still feels slightly guilty for destroying the village for mistreating her family and making it where they had to work so hard instead of being with her and her siblings.
Animal type
Small Gray Tabby
Age & Gender
Animal Tamer
Attack - 1
Defence - 0
Intelligence - 3
Craftmanship - 0
Archery - 1
Herbalism - 3
Riding - 1
Observation - 1
Swimming - 1
Persuasion - 0
Caring - 2
Agility - 0
Balance - 2
Self control - 3
Strength - 0
Speed - 0
Stamina - 2
Edited By LivingInMyOwnReality on 1/13/2018 at 6:48 PM.
Level 62
Joined: 8/23/2016
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Posted: 1/11/2018 at 1:38 PM Post #32
New stuff added to sign up + new rule at the top & villages/ professions finished. Can change your village if you want .w. Also, backstory needs to explain why you wished for the village to be destroyed.
Edited By IvyCat on 1/12/2018 at 10:10 AM.
Level 75
Fright Master
Joined: 5/14/2016
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Posted: 1/12/2018 at 8:20 AM Post #33
What's this? A new rpg?
Dragon wants in!

Dragonrider1542 || 59737

Characters name
Astraeus [No last name]

Image (Human)

^^From the side^^

^^From the front^^

Image (Animal)

She's a very silent and lithe one in movement, also very bold. Her actions tend to be very straightforwards and harsh, sometime she'll even do preposterous things without warning, although whatever she does, she'll have thought it through and decided it's the best action to make given the situation, and she tries to help as much as she can to others, although it may seem like she's being bossy or making a move that was a wild move.
She's somewhat haughty and always holds herself elegantly, no matter the situation, and she regards others as all the same, no matter if they are a poor person or if they are a king; they are all the same in her eyes, and even when she moves, her back is always straight and her head held high, giving her a confident look to outsiders, although whenever she moves, she makes absolutely no sound, and if she wants to, she can blend into the crowd, becoming the needle in the haystack. She has trained herself to be able to copy another's movements, footsteps, and to an extent, their voice.
Astraeus enjoys the outdoors and nature, and likes to climb things and take creative routes to her destination, although those creative routes include walking on roofs and some parkour, she will always try to use the fastest path and even then, she'll enjoy it. If Dragon hasn't mentioned before, she likes parkour and being assassin-y.
In battle, she uses her stealth and speed to her advantage, tiring out her enemy before finally bringing them down, rather than directly engaging them in a fight. Or, if she can, she'll sneak up behind the enemy and do a flash attack strike before disappearing, leaving the enemy's allies or friends to wonder what had just happened. This includes, flying in her gyrfalcon form to right above the target and morphing in air before falling, using gravity to her advantage and performing an air assassination/attack on the person or animal before once again flash morphing into gyrfalcon and flying away, or, vanish into the crowds nearby.
However, due to her haughtiness in her personality, she doesn't take it lightly when she's insulted. She will retort, and if the insult was a pretty bad one, she'll proceed to logic roast and do what she can behind the scenes to ruin the offender's life. Not only that, and if anybody mentions anything about her dead family and especially, insults the fact that her mother and sister were dead, people are going to get hurt. Or, people are going to mysteriously disappear.
Because of her backstory, she has learnt the hard way that caring for somebody else will only result in pain, so she is careful not to form any attachments to anyone, and she has vowed to get revenge for her dead family members who were wrongfully killed, and she has also vowed to stop others from being wrongfully killed or mistreated, and if she discovers anyone doing any of the things mentioned above, people are going to get hurt or disappear out of existence.
All of the things she's seen and the events she'd been through have caused her smile to disappear... probably forever. Astraeus won't smile anymore, and if you get her to smile... it's as if you've made the sun rise up in the west or done some sort of impossible thing.

She was abandoned when young, and nearly died on the streets in one winter, but she stumbled upon a kind lady who took her in. The lady also had a daughter, and Astraeus took the sign to join in the family, even calling the lady her mother and the girl her younger sister. She and her sister were best friends, and they lived happily for quite a while.
However, when she finally recovered from her past of being abandoned and was allowed to go outside and socialize again, stuff happened. She preferred to live in the streets and learn the way of thieves and learning how to silently get from point one to point two, and her mother and sister respected that, and let her be, because they knew she'd be back once in a week or something. But then, as she made friends in the streets of Edrya, she also made an enemy, as she once pickpocketed a visiting powerful person, although she didn't realize that person was so important at the time.
The person, of course, was quite angry, and being a very powerful person that could do anything, the person started to hunt her down. When he couldn't find Astraeus, he decided to kill the ones closer to her to mess up her life, so he found her mother and sister, and framed them for a horrendous crime. There was a lot of drama and pleading going on as her mother insisted they did nothing, but Astraeus didn't know about it, because it was the time of the week she would spend on the streets with her friends. Before she knew it, a public execution was taking place, and of course, it was to kill her mother and sister.
She had no idea what it was at the time, only knowing something important was happening at the town square as her friends told her, so she was curious, and went to see. But cliche, cliche, she was too late, and arrived just in time to see her closest "family" members being killed. She was devastated and angry, and asked around for what had happened. Astraeus then discovered that they were falsely convicted by the visiting person, she wanted to find him and make him pay, preferably killing him, one life for the lives of her lost family. And of course, the person had left, knowing his life would probably be in danger should he stay any longer.
Astraeus just got increasingly angrier and madder during this time, vowing she'd take the life of whoever had her family killed. Then, things got worse. She found out that a small group of her friends on the streets had been bribed to keep her away until the execution was over, so she went to confront them. They were, essentially, no longer her friends. They jeered at her, calling her mother and sister short-lived, saying that they deserved what was coming at them. Astraeus just got more angry. Soon, all her friends had turned against her and she was alone, learning the hard way not to form attachments.
Yes, now she wanted her village destroyed. Everyone was against her, and in her fury, she didn't care anymore. Anyone involved would pay. Not just the powerful person. Anybody who did the same work as the powerful person did, slaughtering innocents for no reason or mistreating people, and she would do her best to prevent stuff like this from happening again, all the while avenging her dead family while she did so.

Animal type
White Gyrfalcon

Age & Gender
16 || Third gender (Prefers female pronouns, tho)



What's 4 + 5? Dunno, get a calculator.
*Some time later*
It's 45!!!! *Applauds myself for stupidity, because lol*
She's third gender, meaning she ain't female nor male
She usually wears a white or grey robe, tailored perfectly for easy movement and free-running/parkouring

Skills (you have 20 points to spend. Must invest in 5 skills)
Attack - 3
Defence - 0
Intelligence - 4
Craftmanship - 0
Archery - 0
Herbalism - 0
Riding - 0
Observation - 3
Swimming - 0
Persuasion - 0
Caring - 0
Agility - 4
Balance - 3
Self control - 0
Strength - 0
Speed - 3
Stamina - 0

A blanket of snow pressed down in front of you. Your head ached. it was pain on another level. Everything was whizzing around you as the cold came in, flakes numbing you as it landed on your skin, sending out pangs of pain. As you looked up, the sky was a clouded blue grey. It made your eyes ache to look at it. Before your eyes, the place had faded away in front of you, covered by a thick large of impenetrable snow. Your home.
Everything you knew.

You had little idea what exists now and what was out of there, where you would go or where to even start searching for life. Was the whole area infected like this?
In a way, your heart ached as a sense of guilt washed over you. You looked at your hands. They didn't flicker with the usual light that panned down through the valley. You'd wished them dead that night. A pitiful morthling like yourself - the way they said you were a deformed version of mankind, was it true? Did you do this? Thoughts flooded your mind. The feeling of the ground shaking and snow falling down alerted you to your senses. You needed to get out of there.

My eyes snapped open as I felt the freezing cold against my skin, to be rewarded with a wall of snow. Everything was gone now, yes? A tiny pang of guilt flashes through me, but dies down. My work here is done, and I'd wished them dead, so I got what I wanted, nothing to regret. What lay behind me was a past of betrayal and hatred, and going back was not what I want.
The ground shakes, and I tense. This was bad. I quickly leap and gracefully run over the snow, wondering which way I could go to save myself. Snow... winter is coming.

Edited By Dragonrider1542 on 1/19/2018 at 10:39 PM.
Level 62
Joined: 8/23/2016
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Posted: 1/12/2018 at 10:10 AM Post #34
Backstory needs to include why you wished for your village to be destroyed otherwise good to go
Level 75
Fright Master
Joined: 5/14/2016
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Posted: 1/12/2018 at 6:11 PM Post #35
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 1/13/2018 at 2:37 AM Post #36

Characters name:

Image (Human)

Image (Animal)

Kind, However she can be a bit wary of trusting some people, others she is drawn to she can get along with easily. she has little to no temper, and if she is angry she normally hides it away.

The village people were often Kind to her, and she rarely shifted into the other form, as thumbs were a necessity to work with herbs. But she would often use her other form to gather herbs being small and able to fit into other places. Aside from that she was rather lonely and tended to keep to herself and her work. she wished for the village to be destroyed that night due to the people treating her differently once they found out about her other form. They had trusted her for years, but that one even changed everything. even though they love the animals here, she was not considered animal or human and so they pushed her away.

Animal type
Fennce Fox

Age & Gender:
21 | Female



9, She is really short

Skills (you have 20 points to spend. Must invest in 5 skills)
Attack - 0
Defence - 0
Intelligence - 4
Craftmanship - 0
Archery - 0
Herbalism - 5
Riding - 2
Observation - 0
Swimming - 0
Persuasion - 0
Caring - 5
Agility - 1
Balance - 2
Self control - 0
Strength - 1
Speed - 0
Stamina - 0
Edited By Katelynn4545 on 1/14/2018 at 11:48 AM.
Level 62
Joined: 8/23/2016
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Posted: 1/13/2018 at 5:02 AM Post #37
The snow got into your shoes as you ran, splattering the outsides. it was numbingly cold. The canyon towered above you, snow hanging at the edges threateningly. The silent was unnerving and the path seemed to go on in front of you. Snowflakes fell down on the snow as you ran, one landing on your nose and melting. your breathes came out in front of you, fading into the surroundings. A few things were stuffed into your pockets and you heard what sounded like a wolf cry out. Behind you from another large thump and you heard the ground shake again moments after.
Level 75
Fright Master
Joined: 5/14/2016
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Posted: 1/13/2018 at 5:29 AM Post #38
The snow got into your shoes as you ran, splattering the outsides. it was numbingly cold. The canyon towered above you, snow hanging at the edges threateningly. The silent was unnerving and the path seemed to go on in front of you. Snowflakes fell down on the snow as you ran, one landing on your nose and melting. your breathes came out in front of you, fading into the surroundings. A few things were stuffed into your pockets and you heard what sounded like a wolf cry out. Behind you from another large thump and you heard the ground shake again moments after.

I flick my head back to check whatever it is that thumped behind me before morphing into my animal form, flapping silenced wings against the snow, hoping to get to somewhere safe before the frost sets into my feathers. I screech, then circle away over the cold landscape, observing everything I can with a gyrfalcon's keen eyesight. They deserved this. My village. Their deaths, carried on my wings, and I will shoulder this burden, I will carry it with me as a reminder of my goal. I must find that pest of a man who dared to kill mother and sister, and as my emotions dropped colder and more bitter than the falling snow, me barely even feeling the cold of my surroundings, I reflected on the past and planned for the future.
Edited By Dragonrider1542 on 1/13/2018 at 7:57 AM.
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
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Posted: 1/13/2018 at 6:45 PM Post #39
added OwO
Level 62
Joined: 8/23/2016
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Posted: 1/14/2018 at 2:38 AM Post #40
Changed the backstory myself a little to fit with starting post other wise you can go.
Edited By IvyCat on 1/14/2018 at 2:39 AM.
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