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Forum Index > Breeding Discussion > 6 visible breeding project!
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Author Thread Post
Level 31
Joined: 7/8/2015
Threads: 9
Posts: 213
Posted: 11/28/2016 at 5:22 PM Post #1
Welcome to Malfoy's breeding project thread!

Welcome to my breeding projects! In this space, I will be proposing new projects, updating project statuses, asking for advice, and selling the offspring of projects I have already started.

I would ask that you refrain from stealing the ideas that I post on this thread without asking first. They are mine, and it is rather rude for one to steal anothers idea.

Current projects

Monarch Puffadore (Themed)
Gene 1: Fur Smudges
Gene 2: Siamese
Gene 3: Totemic Runes
Mutation 1: Candy Wings
Mutation 2: Candy Crown
Mutation 3: Bell Collar

Irish Puffadore
Gene 1: Tiger
Gene 2: Glow Critter
Gene 3: Lucky Runes
Mutation 1: Candy wings
Mutation 2: Candy Crown
Mutation 3: Bell collar

Enchanted Forest Bulbori
Gene 1: Marble
Gene 2: Nightfall Gems
Gene 3: Advanced Runes
Mutation 1: Tail Wisp
Mutation 2: Petal Wings
Mutation 3: Enchanting Flowers

Currently on the second generation. Highest achievement; 3-carry male.

Pets are listed for the amount of gold they would cost to buy immediately. If you prefer to pay in diamonds, philters, items, etc., just let me know and we can agree on another form of payment.

If you would like to put in an order for a pet with more carries or visibles that I haven't yet bred or listed for sale, ping or message me and we can agree on something.

-Females will cost a baseline of 5,000 gold coins, and males will cost 6,000
-Each carried gene is 2,000 gold coins, while each visible is 5,000

All pets sold will be made infertile unless we negotiate otherwise in advance.

Sale 1

Male Enchanted Forest Bulbori
Gene 1: Marble
Gene 2: None
Gene 3: None
Mutation 1: None
Mutation 2: None
Mutation 3: None

8,000 gold coins

Sale 2

Female Enchanted Forest Bulbori
Gene 1: None
Gene 2: Nightfall Gems
Gene 3: None
Mutation 1: None
Mutation 2: None
Mutation 3: None

7,000 gold coins

Sale 3

Female Enchanted Bulbori
Gene 1: None
Gene 2: None
Gene 3: None
Mutation 1: Tail Wisp
Mutation 2: None
Mutation 3: None

7,000 Gold coins

Future project ideas

Mint Chocolate Puffadore

Black Death Puffadore
Edited By Crownmalfoy on 11/28/2016 at 5:57 PM.
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