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Forum Index > General Discussion > MAJOR pet peeve at Sylestia Trick-Or-Tre...
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Level 60
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Posted: 11/14/2015 at 2:45 PM Post #1
I have an extreme pet peeve about this sylestian trick-or-treating to the point I really want to contact someone and chew them out for their rudeness.

I HATE when people knock on your door over and over and over and expect you to give them candy/personal item and yet they have had an open request for you for WEEKS. Now, this wouldn't be a big problem for me if I could simply SKIP GIVING THEM ANYTHING and continue on to the others at my door. But YOU CANT SKIP. And I don't have time to surf by EVERY person on Sylestia to see if they knocked at my door. Yet I cant just ignore all the requests because its not fair to those players.

For example this one member (I'm not going to say names) has been knocking on my door everyday and yet they have not answered me when I put in the request many, many days ago. And I know I'm not the only one they're screwing over. Just look:

It really ticks me off (to the point I am holding myself back from putting so many swear words in this rant) that someone can be so greedy or lazy or both.

The worst part is? Its like I'm punishing myself giving them a piece of candy just so I can continue down the list of trick-or-treaters at my door. More than once have I been so close to complaining about these people to Krin or Fae but unfortunately I don't think they will or can do anything about it.

I just hope if they do this again next year, we can have the option of skipping/declining/ignoring people who are unfair like this. Or at least SOME type of option that won't let you allow to request candy from another player if you already received something from them and have still refused to answer their own knock at your door.

I'm sorry about this rant but I REALLY needed to get it off my chest =/ No one needs to reply if they want (and if you do reply, please don't attack me. I am allowed to voice my grievances). If you agree with me then please let me hear about it. It makes me feel less upset knowing I'm not the only one who feels this way.
Edited By Metalwolfgemstone on 11/14/2015 at 4:48 PM.
Level 66
The Hallowed
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Posted: 11/14/2015 at 3:21 PM Post #2
I completely, and utterly, agree with you. I know the user you speak of; they do the same to me, and several others. There are also several others who are similar, and it just <i>really</i> gets on my nerves. ToT is not just about taking - it's about giving too.

Of course, what I do to those people is I give them ******ty items like gnarled vines :D Because they 100% deserve it.

I agree with the skip option, though. But then again, some people may abuse the ignore/ skip option so that's why I feel it isn't implemented now.
Level 63
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 11/14/2015 at 4:01 PM Post #3
I believe I may be guilty of doing that. >_>'
Although I don't really do the ToT thing that much.
Times hosted; 394
Total Times or Tricks; 114
People waiting at my door; 168

The shear amount of them intimidates me. o_o It's a mob out there. So I sneak out and trick or treat a dozen doors every once an a while (like once every other day or so) and hope the mobbers don't notice me. XD

Edit: I've hosted more than I trick or treated though! So I guess I'm not too terribly bad.
Edited By Ladybeatrice on 11/14/2015 at 4:04 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 11/14/2015 at 4:51 PM Post #4
Fairy mushroom.
Level 60
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Posted: 11/14/2015 at 4:51 PM Post #5
I really wish I had crappy items to gift to people like that. X_X

That's why I was thinking in the future they could make a 'block' option:

Let's say "Bob" ToTs "Sarah".

In reply Sarah ToTs Bob and Bob answers, but Bob's still waiting for Sarah to answer.

6 hours later Sarah still doesn't answer but returns to ToT Bob again.

HOWEVER, Sylestia blocks them, saying something like "You can't trick-or-treat this person again without answering their first request". So Sarah HAS to treat Bob before requesting him again.

Or something to that degree.
Level 60
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Posted: 11/14/2015 at 4:52 PM Post #6
I was thinking that, but even though I have a lot of fairy mushrooms it doesn't show up in the "personal items" inventory I'm allowed to give out.
Level 60
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Posted: 11/14/2015 at 4:54 PM Post #7
Yeah, you're not the type of person I'm upset at. I mean It still shows I've trick-or-treated more times than hosted, but I make sure to treat EVERYONE that knocks on my door. So the type of person I'm talking about are doing it to be greedy, not anything like you. So don't worry :) Its other people that get on my nerves D<
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 11/16/2015 at 2:25 AM Post #8
I wondered if anyone else was noticing that. I usually trick-or-treat back for anyone who comes to my door. And I've noticed one or two who keep coming around that haven't answered my trick-or-treat request even once the entire time. :/ And their pages are like that. HUGE number of trick-or-treats and a MUCH smaller number of times hosted/candy given out.

It's ridiculous...

Like Keanai I've started handing them gnarled vines to those specific people. :')

I also want to clarify I don't mean someone who goes a day or two without answering because hey, life gets hectic, I get it. If someone skips me a day or two, I'm not gonna be mad about that. But when someone goes a whole week (or in one person's case, the entirety of the festival so far) of not giving, but expecting to get, then that's an issue.
Level 60
The Majestic
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Posted: 11/16/2015 at 2:58 AM Post #9
Gnarled Vines or other useless items are 110% the way forward. Don't reward people like this with Candy.

Such a strange, unfriendly and antisocial thing to do. I wonder why they do it.
Level 60
Mojo Master
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Posted: 11/16/2015 at 9:52 AM Post #10
Eep, my Trick or Treat numbers are higher than my Hosted numbers. I always give out to anyone who comes to my door, but not everyone I Trick or Treat pokes me back.
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