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Forum Index > General Discussion > Ridiculous Pricing
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Level 57
Master Egg Hunter
Joined: 12/28/2014
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Posted: 5/23/2015 at 4:51 AM Post #1
Hi, I've been properly playing this game since about February this year, despite the date on my profile. I've noticed over the past couple of months that the pricing for sylesti in this game is absolutely ridiculous. Some people who play can't afford or don't want to funnel all their cash into buying diamonds JUST so they can get some rare tagged pet. Even normal, un-tagged pets are ridiculous. I sell a lot of 6-vis with very good colour schemes, un-named and unbred for under 1,000g and even at that I struggle to get them sold.

I think a general pricing scheme should be introduced because I'm getting slightly fed up of not being able to get anywhere just because I don't pour my money - or all my time (this part is more personal I suppose, I have this issue bc I an a full time student with a part time job and pretty much a gym/fitness enthusiast) - into the game and I can't be alone there. I just can't afford to do that, like many other people. Doing quests is a very slow way of making any money and it's unfair that people breed high quality pets, or even tagged offspring, and they are worth millions less than Tagged pets.

Also, the way prices fluctuate from person to person is ridiculous. For example, 12 point regen zolnixi. I bought 2/3 for a total of around 50k, The asking price for 1 is now 150k. That is a ridiculous, unnecessary difference. I just think there should be a better general idea of how we should price things and still be able to sell them.

Ps - I still love the game and the community is super nice, I just feel like this is a flaw that we should probably try to fix.

Also I KNOW that tagged pets are uniquee and there's only a certain number, but I still don't think paying like 800-900k is ridiculous.
Edited By DragoriBat on 5/23/2015 at 8:32 AM.
Level 60
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Posted: 5/23/2015 at 8:25 AM Post #2
I don't want to sound unsympathetic, since wacky pet site economy is definitely a thing on Sylestia, but:

Supply and demand is a thing.

There are only a finite number of tagged pets here. There won't be any more (or any more of that color scheme, for recurring themes) ever again, maybe. As people regen their Nixis, the price for the rest of them is going to go up, too, since there are fewer available. That tag, or that 're-generate this pet' button, is proof that you have something unique and special, and some people are willing to pay a lot more for that. Thankfully, there's an alternative for people who don't have that kind of money - you can always buy one of their offspring. It won't have the tag, of course, but you're buying the pet because you want the pet and not the tag, right?

(As an aside, I suspect prices for spring fest pets will start dropping as stables start getting crowded with flower hatchlings turning into adults, and people need to start clearing 'em out.)
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 5/23/2015 at 8:27 AM Post #3
I see why you're frustrated, but people have different ideas of pricing. We can't really create one pricing guide that would suit everyone. For example, what if some people consider Zolnixis to be more valuable than Puffadores, but a lot of people absolutely love Puffs? How would you settle on a base price if everyone values their pets differently? And how much is each additional GP really worth?
Also, so far almost every pricing guide I've seen on sites like this has meant pets would have extremely high prices, so I'm skeptical of that working. It's either two extremes for me - too cheap (very rare though) or too expensive.
Also, tagged are considered more valuable because there are only so many in the game and their number cannot be increased (unless Krin and Fai do another release, that is). 6-vis purebred themed offspring still sell for a lot, though, usually (although I'm having trouble selling my close-to-6vis Spring Glow Nephs o.O)

(Although really if you take advantage of fests and use them to stock up on's actually easier than I thought to reach the millions)
Level 65
The Hallowed
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Posted: 5/23/2015 at 8:39 AM Post #4
I don't think Ani could have said it any better. You honestly cannot control what others will sell their pets for with a free market. Supply and demand will always have the final say on what something is valued at. I've also never seen a pet site attempt to do a controlled market, either, since the overwhelming majority of players likely wouldn't want the admin deciding what their project pets are worth for them.

Tagged are finite, so their value will always be higher than something that is not, which, everything else in the game can be replicated in some way forever. At this point in the game, a six vis honestly isn't particularly rare. Each six vis also has the capacity to replicate itself over and over again. Their lack of rarity drives their prices down.

That said, the older, more dominant traits are readily available, and most people just don't *need* more pets of those genes or mutations really. Breed a six vis with much newer, more recessive genes and mutations, and they're likely to sell a lot better than say a 6 vis with all AAs and BBs for it's genetic slots. Demand is for the latest thing, much like the real world market. You can't sell yesterday's cellphone model for today's newly revealed one's price.

A tagged pet's offspring, once again, are not particularly limited. Those tagged pets can breed another hundred tagged offspring, given a little time. But no one can just crank out more tagged pets. That's the only thing holding their value up there. The tagged doesn't actually do anything special for you that their offspring don't. It's a prestige thing, a collecting thing. We value them because they are rarer, and for that reason, they will always cost more.
Level 60
The Tender
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Posted: 5/23/2015 at 11:42 AM Post #5
I'd also like to interject here that it isn't that hard to sell your pets, even the plain ones, if your even slightly active on the forums and chat. I don't know about anyone else but I've never actively searched for a pet to buy or even looked in the pet auctions all my acquisitions were impulse buys after perusing someone's stables. And most of my random sales happen while I'm active on the site.
Level 75
Master Sylestiologist
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Posted: 5/23/2015 at 1:12 PM Post #6
I've only skimmed the thread, so I apologize if I repeat anything...

Sorry to say but... nothing is fair in life... especially games. Everyone has their own idea of how much they want out of a pet and that will always be a thing. Having rules for pricing is flawed itself. Imagine only being allowed to sell a 6 visible pet for 1000 gold? Everyone would have millions and the economy would be even worse.

Concerning not being able to save up enough gold for stuff you want... take advantage of festivals. If you don't spend all your gold on trying to be the first to get an exclusive pet you can sell anything you collect in the zone for millions... and then you can use those millions to buy whatever pet you want.

Saying "it's unfair" gets you nowhere. Everyone who has stuff on here works really hard to get it, and it would be "unfair" for those hard-workers if everything they worked so hard for was suddenly so available. Don't you think? You're a gym enthusiast, you work hard to maintain your body, appearance and fitness level. Imagine if there was a potion that made everyone as fit as you, and gave them an equal chance of doing the same things. How would you feel? It would suck I'd imagine because you're no longer unique or deemed as a fitness enthusiast which I'm assuming you take pride in. In essence your pride would be taken away. It's the same concept here. If all my hard work on breeding was suddenly a normal thing, I'd feel devastated and demotivated.

I have never spent a single real cent on this website. I play it a lot, but not to the point where all day I farm dungeons and quests/tasks for money. Look through my hatchery and stables, you'll see a lot of extremely valuable pets in there... you don't need to devote your life to get stuff you want. It helps to make friends in general chat and through the forums, a lot of times you can make deals that don't involve money/gold/diamonds. Also I'm a full-time college student, and my classes are 8 hours every day, and it is more than a full time job because on top of that my instructors expect us to spend an extra 6 hours every day (including weekends) on our work. My point is, I know where you're coming from with having no time on here... but if I can do it then you can too!
Level 57
Master Egg Hunter
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Posted: 5/23/2015 at 1:35 PM Post #7
Lol. I don't think this game is ANYWHERE NEAR as intense as real life, and would in no way relate it to that. I don't really appreciate the way you went about replying to this but I guess I appreciate you trying to relate (?)

Also, being enthusiastic means you are super into something and enjoy it, If everyone just got super fit they would perhaps not all be enthusiastic about working out like I am. For example, you seem super enthusiastic about this game. And I don't know how proud someone should be about an online game and imaginary collection (I'm not trying to be rude I just genuinely don't take pride in these kinds of things... Mostly because they will never go on my CV as a real achievement x3), each to their own I guess, some of my friends would probably agree with you there.

I still think prices should be lowered slightly, But I did not at any point say that my post is specific to tagged or exclusive pets, which is how everyone has taken it.

Thanks for the advice though :3
Edited By DragoriBat on 5/23/2015 at 1:58 PM.
Level 57
Master Egg Hunter
Joined: 12/28/2014
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Posted: 5/23/2015 at 1:40 PM Post #8
- My post was not specific to tagged pets at all - but yeah, I understand that they're worth more but people shouldn't have to fork out an arm and a leg, yanno?
Level 57
Master Egg Hunter
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Posted: 5/23/2015 at 1:41 PM Post #9
I don't have time for the chat but I'd say I'm fairly active on forums. Still find it hard to sell 'em for more than 1000g.
Level 60
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Posted: 5/23/2015 at 1:41 PM Post #10
I getcha, but there's not much anyone can do about it except impose market caps, which isn't very fair for the people who worked hard to get those valuable pets.

It's just one of those things.
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