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Forum Index > Pet Marketplace > [T/S] Wheel offspring - 6v AB Ryori
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Level 75
Frosty Hands
Joined: 8/18/2013
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Posted: 2/25/2015 at 3:20 AM Post #1
Hello dears,

I have recently finished my goal of a 6-vis Aurora Borealis Ryori with at least Ghostly Wraps, Galaxy and Ethereal Horns vis.

Which means that I have lots of AB Ryori that need new homes, some of which are 6-vis, but just not with the genes/muts I wanted to have them.

I am more than willing to trade these darlings for other wheel offspring, with the exception of:
Lucky Scarab Ryori, most Mysterious Love Ryori (Unless they have something else than Shadow Wings vis in mutation 2), Dark Love Sylvorpa and most Puffadores.

I am especially interested in wheel offspring from the winter fest 2014 and love fest 2015, and wheel offspring that I do not already own.

When trading try to match the amount of gene points, otherwise I may decline your offer.

Most of these Ryo are up for public sale as well.

The 6-vis AB Ryori that I am willing to part can be related to each other (!)

Gene 1: (BD) Marbled
Gene 2: (AA) Kitsune
Gene 3: (AA) Nebula
Mutation 1: (AA) Ethereal Armor
Mutation 2: (CD) Fox Fire
Mutation 3: (BC) Mystic Mask

#2 He found a new home


Gene 1: (BD) Marbled
Gene 2: (AA) Kitsune
Gene 3: (AA) Nebula
Mutation 1: (AB) Ethereal Armor
Mutation 2: (CD) Fox Fire
Mutation 3: (BB) Mystic Mask


Gene 1: (DD) Snow Leopard
Gene 2: (AA) Kitsune
Gene 3: (AA) Nebula
Mutation 1: (BB) Ghostly Wraps
Mutation 2: (BD) Wings of Illusion
Mutation 3: (BC) Mystic Mask


Gene 1: (DD) Snow Leopard
Gene 2: (AA) Kitsune
Gene 3: (AA) Nebula
Mutation 1: (BB) Ghostly Wraps
Mutation 2: (CC) Fox Fire
Mutation 3: (BC) Mystic Mask


Gene 1: (DD) Snow Leopard
Gene 2: (AA) Kitsune
Gene 3: (AA) Nebula
Mutation 1: (BB) Ghostly Wraps
Mutation 2: (BC) Wings of Illusion
Mutation 3: (BC) Mystic Mask


Gene 1: (DD) Snow Leopard
Gene 2: (AA) Kitsune
Gene 3: (AA) Nebula
Mutation 1: (BB) Ghostly Wraps
Mutation 2: (BC) Wings of Illusion
Mutation 3: (BC) Mystic Mask

And lookie, there are also 6-vis Lucky Scarab Ryos up for sale/trade

Gene 1: (EE) Water Tiger
Gene 2: (AB) Kitsune
Gene 3: (AB) Nebula
Mutation 1: (AA) Ethereal Armor
Mutation 2: (CC) Fox Fire
Mutation 3: (BB) Mystic Mask


Gene 1: (EE) Water Tiger
Gene 2: (AB) Kitsune
Gene 3: (BB) Lucky Runes
Mutation 1: (AB) Ethereal Armor
Mutation 2: (CE) Fox Fire
Mutation 3: (AB) Ethereal Headdress

Ok so those were the 6-vis. Now there are also purebred offspring with not all vis up for offers.

Gene 1: (DD) Snow Leopard
Gene 2: (AA) Kitsune
Gene 3: (AA) Nebula
Mutation 1: (BB) Ghostly Wraps
Mutation 2: (BD) Wings of Illusion
Mutation 3: (NC) Ethereal Horns


Gene 1: (EE) Water Tiger
Gene 2: (AB) Kitsune
Gene 3: (NA) Nebula
Mutation 1: (AA) Ethereal Armor
Mutation 2: (CC) Fox Fire
Mutation 3: (BB) Mystic Mask


Gene 1: (AE) Shock Runes
Gene 2: (NA) Kitsune
Gene 3: (BB) Lucky Runes
Mutation 1: (AA) Ethereal Armor
Mutation 2: (CC) Fox Fire
Mutation 3: (NA) Ethereal Headdress


Gene 1: (BD) Marbled
Gene 2: (NA) Kitsune
Gene 3: (AA) Nebula
Mutation 1: (AB) Ethereal Armor
Mutation 2: (DD) Galaxy
Mutation 3: (NC) Ethereal Horns


Gene 1: (DE) Snow Leopard
Gene 2: (NA) Kitsune
Gene 3: (AB) Nebula
Mutation 1: (NA) Ethereal Armor
Mutation 2: (CC) Fox Fire
Mutation 3: (NB) Mystic Mask


Gene 1: (EE) Water Tiger
Gene 2: (AA) Kitsune
Gene 3: (NB) Lucky Runes
Mutation 1: (AB) Ethereal Armor
Mutation 2: (BB) Wings of Illusion
Mutation 3: (AA) Ethereal Headdress


Gene 1: (ND) Snow Leopard
Gene 2: (AA) Kitsune
Gene 3: (AA) Nebula
Mutation 1: (NB) Ghostly Wraps
Mutation 2: (AD) Ethereal Ribbons
Mutation 3: (NC) Ethereal Horns


Gene 1: (BB) Marbled
Gene 2: (NA) Kitsune
Gene 3: (AA) Nebula
Mutation 1: (AB) Ethereal Armor
Mutation 2: (DD) Galaxy
Mutation 3: (CC) Ethereal Horns


Gene 1: (EE) Water Tiger
Gene 2: (NB) Petal Markings
Gene 3: (BB) Lucky Runes
Mutation 1: (NB) Ghostly Wraps
Mutation 2: (NE) Icicle Orbs
Mutation 3: (NB) Mystic Mask


Gene 1: (EE) Water Tiger
Gene 2: (BB) Petal Markings
Gene 3: (NB) Lucky Runes
Mutation 1: (NA) Ethereal Armor
Mutation 2: (BE) Wings of Illusion
Mutation 3: (AB) Ethereal Headdress

#20 She found a new home

#21 He found a new home

Ok, I have even more of the ones like above. But if I list them all I will be busy for what seems like an eternity. Below are some random, pure offspring as well.


Gene 1: (NC) Double Stripes
Gene 2: (AA) Kitsune
Gene 3: (NN) Nothing
Mutation 1: (NN) Nothing
Mutation 2: (NN) Nothing
Mutation 3: (NN) Nothing

#23 He found a new home

Gene 1: (NN) Nothing
Gene 2: (AB) Kitsune
Gene 3: (AD) Nebula
Mutation 1: (NN) Nothing
Mutation 2: (NN) Nothing
Mutation 3: (NN) Nothing
Edited By Arkhantha on 2/28/2015 at 7:21 AM.
Level 75
Frosty Hands
Joined: 8/18/2013
Threads: 36
Posts: 1,156
Posted: 2/25/2015 at 3:20 AM Post #2
Whenever I am in negotiation on the possible trade/sale of a pet I may raise it's prize with an additional 1 before the original prize. That way I know the pet will not accidentally sell while we are still working out a deal.
Edited By Arkhantha on 2/25/2015 at 9:03 AM.
Level 75
Frosty Hands
Joined: 8/18/2013
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Posted: 2/25/2015 at 3:21 AM Post #3
reserved in case I add more later on
Level 67
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Posted: 2/25/2015 at 7:59 AM Post #4
Sorry for such an oddly specific request, but I was wondering if you happened to be selling any ABs with the following traits: Marble, Kitsune, Ghostly Wraps, Fox Fire and Ethereal Horns? Either all vis or a pair that I could get those vis with will do. (I don't care if it has a G3 or not, lol, so long as it's not lucky runes)
Edited By Talyn on 2/25/2015 at 8:06 AM.
Level 67
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Posted: 2/25/2015 at 8:16 AM Post #5
Sorry for a double ping... >< I found some ryos that I really liked, if you'd be willing to do some trades? If for nothing else than to lower the prices some. >< (#2 it seems) (#20 I believe) (#21?)

My wheel pets are in this tab:
And my wheel offspring are in this tab:
I'm more than willing to breed them for you (either to my own or to another's)

Please let me know if you're willing to negotiate?
Edited By Talyn on 2/25/2015 at 8:29 AM.
Level 75
Frosty Hands
Joined: 8/18/2013
Threads: 36
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Posted: 2/25/2015 at 8:58 AM Post #6
Hi Talyn,

I do have quite some AB offspring that have those genes, but only two that have them all vis. And those two I am not letting go as of now.

What I can do is breed you one with those specific traits vis. There is no chance of Lucky Runes becoming vis, because I do not have that trait in my gene pool and I doubt it even exists for the AB Ryos. The only thing I can get vis in G3 is Nebula.

Oh, I got another ping from you.
Let me know if I can breed you a Ryo with the traits you mentioned.

In reply to your second message.

For the 6-vis guy, the AB girl and the LS boy.
I'd love a breeding with your Sun Deity Griffi and an offspring from your Cranberry Crisp Aeridini preferably with this male. Also if possible an offspring from your Frosted Leaf Ryori.
Next to the wheel pets I'm very interested in a Horsemen Qitari offspring and a Melted Chocolate Ryori offspring from your pairs. And a baby from your gorgeous BC Griffi with Diamond Dust *drools*

If that's all possible then we have a deal
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 10/15/2013
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Posted: 2/25/2015 at 9:16 AM Post #7
Hey Ark!

I'd love to have this male.

I can offer 1 million in gold. OR if you like we can trade 6-vis themed for 6-vis themed. ;)

I have Spooky and Blood Scream Ryori, Full Moon Lupora, Reindeer Griffi, and Arctic Storm Griffi.

I'm also extremely close to hatching multiple 6-vis Thunderstorm Griffi. ^^
Edited By Xavion on 2/25/2015 at 9:16 AM.
Level 67
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Posted: 2/25/2015 at 10:20 AM Post #8
I'd be more than happy to agree to that deal. ^^ Especially since the CC boy's breeding fee is comfortably within my budget!

If you'd like, you can PM me a list of potential females you'd prefer my FL boy to breed with and I can work from there, or I can just look around myself to see what I can do. ^^ ((Edit: Took a look, and the only one up for public is for 250k which has one too many zeros for my comfort zone. XD I'd love for a list of girls I can ask about but otherwise I have a few friends who might be willing to breed. Lol))

For the SD girl, are you wanting to breed with her or a baby from her? I'm perfectly comfortable with either option. =D

I noticed that the two ABs are not related and are capable of producing the traits that I like the most. Would you be okay with me breeding them? If not, that's okay, I'm mostly interested in their looks, the capability is just an added bonus. ^^

Edit: Okay, I went ahead and did all that I could right now because I am bored and I figured I'd do it before I forgot. I've bred the Horseman, Melted Chocolate and Cranberry Crisp. I have spoken with a user with another BC griffi, but their girl is on recovery right now, lol. I've set my SD girl up to breed for you, but if you were wanting actual eggs let me know who to breed with. XD
Edited By Talyn on 2/25/2015 at 10:54 AM.
Level 75
Frosty Hands
Joined: 8/18/2013
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Posted: 2/25/2015 at 12:40 PM Post #9
I'm okay with you breeding them, I just hope that if you sell the offspring you will not flood the market with them priced cheaply XD But having dealt with you for a couple times now I know I can trust you with not flooding the market ;) (seriously these Ryori need more love)

As for the FL Ryo. I honestly do not mind what female you breed him to as long as the offspring will not have Jesters Crest, Mystic Mask or the Skull Mask. Those are my least favourite genes and I prefer to avoid them at all cost XD

For the SD Griffi: I have a male and I wanted to breed him with her so I'll do that right after I've finished this.

Let me set up the Ryo real quick. There they should all be set for you ^^
Level 75
Frosty Hands
Joined: 8/18/2013
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Posted: 2/25/2015 at 12:42 PM Post #10
Talyn was a bit earlier.
But on the up side. I can breed more Ryo like that.

So, how about I breed another one and when it's hatched I'll PM you?
I'd be extremely interested in either the Full Moon Lups, or the Thunderstorm Griffi
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