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Forum Index > Player Guides > Winter Festival: How to Fight the Ice Qu...
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Level 70
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Posted: 12/17/2014 at 5:05 AM Post #1
How to Fight the Ice Queen
warning, now picture-heavy!

I wanna make it short and sweet, because I wrote a mini guide last year.

Below is a quote, describing last year's Dynamic Event (which is why you see Bandits instead of Elf Bandits). I'll have an indepth guide for the Ice Queen's battle in specific after this quote.

Author: Flute
Time Posted: 1/1/2014 at 5:13 AM
Event Overview
Stage 1:
Collect reindeer in forested parts of map (south/east of the angel field)
Turn in to Mother Frost lady in the center of the angel (near entrance)

Stage 2:
Kill bandits in angel field (they wear blue maurader's outfits and hold snowflake staves)

Stage 3:
Kill Ice Queen (x:015, y:014) (a few paces south of Mother Frost lady, in the angel field)

How to kill Ice Queen
1. Kill Guards
-When they do Guardian Concentration, hit them with a lot of considerable damage. (You know how finishing blows do a LOT of damage because it has a % increase per mana? You don't have to have full mana to knock them out of concentration, but you have to hit hard to at least start making a dent.)

Yes, it'll take awhile. But focus on killing one guard at a time (don't spread your attacks, focus them on one at a time until one is down, and then on the other.
Just hit both guards hard when they start concentrating. When you knock them out of their concentration, it deals lotsa damage.

2. Kill Ice Queen
She's pretty straightforward.

I recommend having a tank+2 cannon build for this battle. It helps me because I can get through the battle without using any elixirs whatsoever, albeit it's slow. However, because their HP is pretty high, might as well make a team that hits hard and lasts long (your tank should be the only one worried in lasting, but if you're focused on giving it HP, it should be okay).

This guide is assuming that you're able to survive their hits. I would advise having a good build and good equipment for your pets.
My guide to Pet Speccing and Gearing
You should also stack up on elixirs, since it's a long battle by nature.

The step-by-step version:

Before you fight her, have all your pets at 100% mana. This is for finishing attacks.

My pets have 100% mana and I'm ready to fight the Ice Queen!

1. The Ice Queen will immediately tell her guards to focus. Attack her guards with finishing moves.
What I do is I split my finishing attacks between both guards (1 strong finishing attack for one, another strong finishing attack for the other).

Two pets use all their mana on one guard, and one for the other!

2. Keep attacking her guards until they lose their focus.
Once they lose their focus, they lose a reasonable amount of health. This is the easiest way to damage the guards in a short amount of time.When they're not in focus, they just lose health little by little.

Use normal attacks on the one guard left focusing...

Now both guards are damaged!

3. Once both guards lose focus, attack the Ice Queen until she makes them focus again, but DO NOT KILL HER.
It's IMPORTANT that for an easy battle, you do NOT kill the Ice Queen, because she's the only one that can make her guards focus, and make them lose health easily.

4. Get your mana back up to 100% for each pet (unless you have to Mend, that's important). Do this by attacking the Ice Queen, or if she's close to dying, attack her guards. It's important to get your mana up to 100% for the next finishing moves.

5. When the guards focus again, use finishing moves to break their focuses.

6. Repeat steps 3-5 until the guards die. Then once they're both defeated, attack the Ice Queen until she's dead.

I ended up skipping a lot of parts, woops...just keep attacking x:

Because the guards are the hardest to kill, you need to have the Ice Queen to get them into focusing. By making them take damage in big chunks than by attacking them and shaving off their health little by little, and instead attacking the Ice Queen while they're not focused, you can make it easier on yourself and output damage where it counts.

The Guards are vulnerable when their buffs are broken. (So attack them when they focus.)
The Ice Queen is vulnerable without her buffs. (So attack her when...nothing's buffing her haha)
However, without the Ice Queen, the Guards will never have buffs (focus), so there's no easy way to kill them than to attack them little by little until they die. Which is why having the Ice Queen around until they die first makes it easier.

That's basically it. I will add screenshots and try to make it sound clearer later.
Edited By Flute on 12/17/2014 at 7:53 AM.
Level 61
Nature Walker
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Posted: 12/17/2014 at 6:16 AM Post #2
This will probably help me a lot! It's close to what I was doing, but I see where I was going wrong (continuing to attack the guards when they weren't in protection mode)

Thank you!
Level 70
Vanquisher of Undead
Joined: 4/2/2014
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Posted: 12/17/2014 at 7:54 AM Post #3
Great guide, Flute! :D
She is no doubt the toughest boss I've ever fought in the festival map! XD
I think new players wouldn't be able to beat her.

Edit: Finally, I can beat her in 55 turns! =D

Previous best record.
Edited By Luga on 12/29/2014 at 10:55 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 12/19/2014 at 7:31 AM Post #4
thank you :D
Level 60
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 1/3/2015 at 2:49 PM Post #5
Thanks Flute, I didn't know I should attack the Ice Queen when the Guards aren't focusing, this should help :D
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