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Forum Index > News and Announcements > 4/24/2014 - Temporarily Disabling Cloudf...
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Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Site Administrator
Joined: 12/17/2012
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Posted: 4/24/2014 at 8:08 PM Post #1
This is just a notification that I will be disabling Cloudflare for the next few hours. During this time, a few things may seem slower to load and images (probably pets and avatars) will always reload on any command. The purpose of this is to see how well (or how poorly) the site runs without Cloudflare's use.

I am getting pretty tired of the constant Cloudflare errors and neither myself, our host, nor Cloudflare can figure out why they happen so frequently. This will serve as a small test to see how our server runs without their support.

I apologize in advance for any inconvenience.
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