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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Dawn of Darkness
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Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
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Posted: 8/10/2022 at 5:52 PM Post #1
Soft hoof falls accompanied her as she made her way down the cobblestone road. A soft hum was the only other sound that broke the morning silence. Baby Bell slowly cantered towards the boarder of Ponyville and the Evergreen forest. It was still early morning, the dew still wet on the ground under her hooves. It wasn't often that she came out this far, but with the incoming of fall the flowers were getting harder and harder to find. So she was forced to go a bit deeper towards the woods in search of new seeds to add to the garden. It shouldn't take that long...right? The tall dark trees of the forest came into view, causing her ears to drop slightly. It was so much more intimidating up close. Swallowing hard she pushed forward, cowering some as she drew closer. "I'm not going to go far...just along the edge." She muttered to herself before setting to look for anything of interest. Lowering her nose to the ground she began to mill around the towering trees.
Level 61
Joined: 11/9/2019
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Posted: 8/10/2022 at 6:02 PM Post #2
Echo yawned fast asleep in her little tree Hut in the middle of the foreverfree forest sleeping after working the night shift at the palace and the bat pony nuzzled deeper into her pillow her wings were folding up on her back and out of the way so she could sleep better without the fear of accidentally lying on one of them making it sore in the morning. Echo despite her age was becoming a rather good night guard slowly completing her training so most of the time he just paste around the Halls of the palace just in case and intruder or someone was crazy enough to try and break in.

Shadow storm was walking down toward Pony bill levitating a book using the magic from his horn he wore a brown satchel around his torso filled with fairy books quills and other items he might need for his blessing that had ended some time ago he seemd Happy and peaceful going about his day not being a bother to anyone. Shadow used his magic to levitate apple towards his mouth taking a bite magical so easier to multitask now he could read and eat at the same time "hmm for this spell to go correctly I need to gather some ingredients some of them I'll be hard to collect but I like a challenge" he said the levitating the book back into his satchel as he arrives in Ponyville
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
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Posted: 8/10/2022 at 7:21 PM Post #3
She nuzzled around in the leaves, taking short breaths as she sniffed for anything of value. "If I was a flower where would I be hiding?" Bell said more to comfort herself than anything else. The darkness of the forest was slowly getting to her, making her antsy. "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea..." Snorting slightly she rose her head, shaking her mane some. As she did the curved ram horn on the right side of her head caught a tree branch snagging it. Its leaves gently tickled her back immediately startling her. She yelped, bolting forward in fear. With her the small branch followed, fully engulfing her face and mane. Shrieking she dashed forward, despite her vision being blocked.

"Excuse me!" The bright colored filly asked as she dashed forward. In her hooves she carried a large cardboard box. "Can't see! Excuse me, important mail delivery coming through!"
Level 61
Joined: 11/9/2019
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Posted: 8/10/2022 at 7:37 PM Post #4
Echo's eyes wide and hearing strange squeaking sound and he bolted out bed "what happened now?" She groaned softly still half asleep and got out of bed do the quick stretch before she walked out the door towards the forest "i swear if it is another young stallion (aka teenage boy) going out here on some foolish dare i will scream" she mumbled remembering that often teenage stallions often dared each other to stupid things. Echo flew low down from her treehouse looking around before she followed the sound and of pounding who's on the ground 'yep definitely someone' she thought with a yawn as sge continued to follow the sound of bell

Shade storm looked around hearing voice of a young foal to his surprise he saw a foal that was basically his exact opposite sweet, angelic looking, pastel and girly "hmm I wonder where she's going in a rush hello it's none of my business I shouldn't meddle with others" he thought to himself as he took another Bite of the Apple sweet apple Acres always did good apples "perhaps i should go shopping now than vist Echo to help me gather the more rarer ingredients that you can only find in that Forest I'll bribe her with a mini cake and apples always works" he mumbled
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
Threads: 324
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Posted: 8/10/2022 at 7:46 PM Post #5
She continued to run forward, blind in her panic and from the tree branch blocking her view. The only thing that halted her was the larger tree she came crashing into. With a winded thud she was thrown to the ground, dazed and gasping for air.

Star fluttered forward, that box teetering as she began to loose her handling on it. "Steady....steady!" She fought to keep upright, though the weight of the item caused her to lean too far left. With a thud her and the box both hit the ground. "Shoot!"
Level 61
Joined: 11/9/2019
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Posted: 8/10/2022 at 7:52 PM Post #6
Following the sound of a painful sound in third Echo finally arrived at the scene letting out a sigh at the site before Echo wasn't a bad person normal she mean she pretty much reached the point where she got used to people coming into this forest and even getting lost or hurt. Echo walked over removing the tree branch from the poor mare's head "are you alright?" She said softly titing her head

Shadow storm stopped dead in his tracks hearing the thud and use his levitation magic to levitate the box in the air above his head and move towards a young foal and than use the same levitation magic to levitate her to her feet "you alright foal?" He asked looking at the box who ask someone that's small to carry your box this big without the use of magic it seems a little foolish in his opinion but he kept his mouth shut
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
Threads: 324
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Posted: 8/10/2022 at 9:02 PM Post #7
At the voice she scrambled to her feet, the branch still trapped in the ram like horns on her head. Bell trembled, her feet wide as she steadied herself. "W-who's there?" She asked in a failed attempt to sound brave.

"Hey! Who are you calling a foal!" Star snorted, fluttering her wings some. "That's filly to you sir! And I'm fine! But I really need to get going, I can't be late!"
Level 61
Joined: 11/9/2019
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Posted: 8/11/2022 at 4:38 AM Post #8
Echo watched her attempt rolling her eyes and alowly pulled out the branch in her hornsto not hurt her"My name is Echo I'm a Royal night guard of Princess Luna" she said the female bat pony had a stern but friendly expression on her face and her wings were folded on her back out of the way "I'm not a threat mare, what are you doing this far in the forest " ahe said as her fluffy batpony ear flicked

Shadow storm nodded "sorry i didnt want to assume you're gender or gender identity" he said levitating the box to the ground "where are you going with such a large box, I'm impressed you can carry it at all due to its size " he said
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
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Posted: 8/11/2022 at 10:55 AM Post #9
She flinched as the branch was pulled free. At the sight of the new pony she relaxed a bit relieved it wasnt a monster. I-I was looking for flowers Bell said in a rather soft voice.

At this Star puffed her chest out some. Its all part of the job! Come rain or shine, Ill make sure the mail gets there on time! She dashed over to the box again. Or in this case of the box weighs as much as two fillies together.
Level 61
Joined: 11/9/2019
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Posted: 8/11/2022 at 11:14 AM Post #10
Echo explained that flowers didn't grow this deep as the thick tree branches blocked out the sunlight so flowers couldn't grow as they needed sunlight "flowers grow on the outer edges though be careful people always end up picking to many,we ysed to have daffodils growing but people would come and pick thousands to sell unaware they wwre destroyed the flower beds" she said and streched her wings "let me walk you safely home before the timberwolves take a fancy to us" she said she didn't know what bell was as ponys didn't have horns last she checked

Shadow storm smiled he knew complements always worked to make others feel better "sounds heavy and impressive well done" he said and looked at the box noticing the address was a in the same direction of a shop he had to go and the same road to sugarcube corner "would you like assistance carrying it?" He asked no matter her answer he was going in the same direction
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