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Forum Index > General Discussion > Troubled Economy? Whats YOUR thoughts?
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Level 60
Nature Walker
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Posted: 2/6/2014 at 4:21 PM Post #51
To me gold is not the most important aspect either. It is actually not important to me at all, except for feeding my pets and buying traps :3

But when I started out pretty multi-vis pets were actually rare. Breeding a 6-vis was an accomplishment and you couldn't buy them as a new player. It was something to work towards and made breeding your first 6-vis through lots of time and effort special. The same goes for fabled species.

There are plenty of raffles and charities on the forums for new players to get cheap/free pets and you can indeed reach out to new players to welcome them and offer them a pretty pet. But flooding the market with cheap pets is something I still have trouble comprehending.

I guess I'm just one of those older players who feels like we lost something with the pets value decreasing and auctions becoming quite useless (except for the special holiday pets).
Level 70
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Posted: 2/6/2014 at 4:52 PM Post #52
I was? ;w; (eee yay)
(it really makes my day when the newbies I reach out to grow up in the game and keep playing it...but my memory is so terrible that I forget who the newbies are >A< sorrysorry)

I'm happy to see people like Shee (Fabled Adoption Center for example, among other things) and Vishenka and others (Second Chances) take up similar endeavors to reach out to newbies the same way I have. c: For now, I should focus on cleaning my stables. One day, maybe, I can go back to doing the newbie thing.

I'm an old player as well Shasita, but I found it a bit ironic when Zolnixis were the first to be 6vis. xD (Who doesn't love foxes on the internet?) Their market per gene/mutation was one of the first to tank once people started to mass breed them.

The secret, to mass breed for multiple carries to vis, got out to many others, imo, and was exploited from the point those breeders learned how to do so and got the pets to do so until their "markets" tanked, and now I feel those breeders care most about them only now...
Of course, I try not to name names, but I'm probably wrong in trying to label blame here...

I see no problem with things losing value. Often, pets and achievements should be valued with SENTIMENT anyways. Try to tack gold on them and that's your own fault.

Actually, I remember watching Food Inc. earlier today. In the demand to please people, food producers grow their agriculture with chemicals and fertilizer to have a bigger yield and thus cause a sway in the market. A farmer said in there that he wanted to keep "the integrity" of the occupation, and try to compromise anything else, like wanting more profit or less time to grow food, and you lose said integrity.
I'd parallel the consumers to both breeders who want to see more vis on their pets, and the breeders want more coin in their pocket (not to mention clear out any small competitors).

I'm probably jumping the gun making a comparison like that, but I remember when pets weren't abundant, the process for breeding was slow. People didn't really think to breed 10 girls to 1 stud, or auction things every single week, and people definitely didn't complain about the system for breeding on this site nor the prices of pets, etc.

As an old player, I'm not sad for the values of pets.
I'm sad for the values players hold against both pets and other sellers...
Level 70
The Tender
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Posted: 2/6/2014 at 8:02 PM Post #53
Before I joined Sylestia I played Flightrising, and the devaluing of pets here is pretty similar to the devaluing of dragons there. The Imperial, the limited species which can only be obtained from breeding or Imperial scrolls given to kickstarter backers(so there aren't that many to begin with, and they disappear upon use), their prices had fallen from over a million to under 5k in the span of about six months. The Imperials take 30 days to grow, and a cooldown of 30 days every breeding. Each breeding has a chance to give 1-5 eggs(simplified), but 3 eggs would be the most common. So this can be simplified to needing 10 days per egg, which is higher than Sylestia's 7 days per egg for fabled species.

So what I think is this: It is not feasible to stop new pets from devaluing. Even if each Sylesti have limited breedings, the population will still increase (unless each can only have 2 breedings) and the prices for those will still be lowered.

Also, at the start of Flightrising, pretty much all the dragons are expensive. While I cannot earn the amount of treasure I used to when selling my hatchlings, I do not have to spend hours playing games for the money to buy a single dragon. I have similar situations with buying and selling pets here, and I don't mind it.

I have also played other breeding games over the years, and to me, a pet is only truly valuable when it has many visible genes/mutations AND nice colours. (Maybe not too many. 6 vis look far too busy to me sometimes.) A high-visible pet still looks like mud to me when it has ugly colours, and I value them because they can pass down their traits, not because of their looks. I am proud of my 3 vis puffs that I am breeding for my dye project, but they are still ugly.

And I like the idea of exchanging unwanted pets for scales. I find the price of pet dyes are quite expensive right now, and would like to see them cheaper. Dyeing all of a pet's colours would require a lot of dyes and a lot of gold.
Edited By Electrifying on 2/6/2014 at 8:03 PM.
Level 70
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Posted: 2/6/2014 at 9:06 PM Post #54
"And I like the idea of exchanging unwanted pets for scales. I find the price of pet dyes are quite expensive right now, and would like to see them cheaper. Dyeing all of a pet's colours would require a lot of dyes and a lot of gold."

/glad to see I'm not the only one lolol

I love breeding wildly. I do agree that 6vis pets look muddy. x: I didn't know the breeding virtual world had a term for it lol.

I figure that once people come to realize that project pets are perhaps the neatest and most managed things compared to over-populated/over-bred/over-sold pets, they'll start doing something in that direction. s:

Projects are super expensive if people wanna keep the integrity of the market and their investment. (I don't even know why people want to sell their projects for high sometimes; isn't a project supposed to mean more to a maker sentimentally than economically?)

That's why I ABSOLUTELY LOVE wild breeding, or using offspring bought from pet search to create projects. I plan to dye the final, ultimate-vis pets once I get to that point. (Like atm I'm mass breeding (and releasing chaff of) kelpari for a simple 3vis project; I'll dye the 3vis offspring when they come, otherwise all parents are kinda pastel!dirty.)

The NPC for pet->scale exchange was a suggestion, and I think support added to it would be much appreciated. c:
(Where the HECK did I find it anyways, I seem to have lost it OTL. It has been mentioned though...)
Level 75
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Posted: 2/6/2014 at 9:24 PM Post #55
I think it was me who suggested it? XD Although perhaps not in the best way. (I think my example was like melting or breaking them down for scales, LMAO/ No~ really I feel bad for suggesting it that way. >.>;; )

I kept a log of everything I was buying from the sales, and after a while I agreed that it was pretty pointless. Most of the Ny'venes that I picked up were a.) hidden so far in the folds of the old search that it really took some messing around with the search to find them, so I figured that it was just really hard for breeders to find what they were looking for or b.) were never bred themselves, I think 5 out of the 150 or so I picked up were bred, and picking up the offspring that were constantly bred with the same parents didn't really help raise the stats of the Ny'vene.
I really believe the new search will help out a lot and I really do hope we'll eventually be able to sell the offspring that don't meet breeding project requirements to a scale vendor. :) I'd love to be able to get dyes a bit easier~ I've really been having fun re-dying pets that were previously unwanted/on release row.
Level 70
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Posted: 2/6/2014 at 9:29 PM Post #56
We can just say we're turning them back into essences. xD;
And what's left behind are Sylestian scales. /lolol

/would love to be the NPC-figure for it.../sigh~!

I wish stats weren't an issue and weren't dead'd when rebred to same parents. xD; I never really cared myself, but if this scale thing really does happen PLUS crafting to combine philters happens, I'd LOVE to see combining 4-5 Lesser Philters into a Regular Philter happen. Makes the possibility of breeding for stats a bit easier. xD
Level 70
The Tender
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Posted: 2/6/2014 at 11:03 PM Post #57
Flute, yours is in purple because after looking at this, I don't think the quotation marks help that much, since it has a lot of text in it.

"/glad to see I'm not the only one lolol "

I doubt we are the only two as well. Right now the pet dye's lowest price is at 56000(?) gold each, so fully dyeing each pet would cost 560k gold. Really, really expensive. Not everyone would dye all the colours, but one is probably not enough to give a makeover.

"I love breeding wildly. I do agree that 6vis pets look muddy. x: I didn't know the breeding virtual world had a term for it lol."

I am breeding like crazy with my puffs right now, each male gets a harem of 4 girls to advance it faster since I do not like waiting for ages to turn the carrieds into visibles. Waiting for them to grow is already long enough. I am not sure about the term, but I had heard it used a few times. Dirty laundry water would probably be the closest for the 6 vis though, most are in weird shades of grey. XD

"I figure that once people come to realize that project pets are perhaps the neatest and most managed things compared to over-populated/over-bred/over-sold pets, they'll start doing something in that direction. s: "

Maybe. Ovipets, a pet site I have been on before, was like that. Well, maybe not really, but a lot of people start selling their projects for a much cheaper price since most people started making their own project pets.
I was surprised at the cost of the essences when I first joined, from other pet sites, customs usually require real money or are expensive in general, even for the least dominant/less rare species. Those customs are mostly already finished in the first generation though, but they aren't really expensive unless they are fabled.

"Projects are super expensive if people wanna keep the integrity of the market and their investment. (I don't even know why people want to sell their projects for high sometimes; isn't a project supposed to mean more to a maker sentimentally than economically?)"

I would not expect to make a profit off project pets. I haven't searched around too much, but it seems like it wouldn't be enough to cover the costs of enchanted (seems to be most commonly used) essences. Or maybe just a lot of them are fabled and therefore very expensive. And your taste will also clash with those of others' so not everyone will be willing to pay the price(I know I love super bright colours but not everyone seems to).

"That's why I ABSOLUTELY LOVE wild breeding, or using offspring bought from pet search to create projects. I plan to dye the final, ultimate-vis pets once I get to that point. (Like atm I'm mass breeding (and releasing chaff of) kelpari for a simple 3vis project; I'll dye the 3vis offspring when they come, otherwise all parents are kinda pastel!dirty.) "

If there weren't dyes, I wouldn't be crazily breeding for Puffs with higher visibles the colour of mould. (Some of them are the right shade of green. XD) It is also much faster to get a 6 vis pet from already bred offsprings than to start anew. Plus I can also get offspring with higher health. (Was looking at 6 vis Nixis.) If it weren't for the cost, I would plan to do that more often.

"The NPC for pet->scale exchange was a suggestion, and I think support added to it would be much appreciated. c:
(Where the HECK did I find it anyways, I seem to have lost it OTL. It has been mentioned though...)"

Look at Fai's post, which is the second post?
Level 70
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Posted: 2/6/2014 at 11:20 PM Post #58
I've seen worse in this thread, apparently. xD

"I was surprised at the cost of the essences when I first joined, from other pet sites, customs usually require real money or are expensive in general, even for the least dominant/less rare species. Those customs are mostly already finished in the first generation though, but they aren't really expensive unless they are fabled."

I'm happy to say that Sylestia isn't a custom-based game. Omg sad to say, because I started with games like Sylestia (and Neopets) first, I think customs as on other games like Aywas (my friend showed me her customs) are EXTREMELY PRETENTIOUS. Not everyone has cash nor time to devote to a site, but Sylestia is definitely lenient on players that don't have diamonds in comparison to those least imo.
It puts all creativity that diamond-players like to have for their gameplay on level grounding, or at least limited grounding, as regular players. I don't care about breeding anything in that pretentious level...

(man I sound so biased)

"I would not expect to make a profit off project pets. I haven't searched around too much, but it seems like it wouldn't be enough to cover the costs of enchanted (seems to be most commonly used) essences. Or maybe just a lot of them are fabled and therefore very expensive. And your taste will also clash with those of others' so not everyone will be willing to pay the price(I know I love super bright colours but not everyone seems to)."

I think the only people who buy project pets are either those who donate the essences or people with diamonds to convert into the currency needed easily. xD;
Otherwise, it's a hefty price to pay if enhanced essences don't come to you on a silver I agree with you.
On a side note, I think it's pretentious to try and limit breeding of project offspring. I assume you've seen that, where after a project, there's a restriction on offspring to not breed? I think that's just extremely unsavory and pretentious. (/shot for bias)

"If there weren't dyes, I wouldn't be crazily breeding for Puffs with higher visibles the colour of mould. (Some of them are the right shade of green. XD) It is also much faster to get a 6 vis pet from already bred offsprings than to start anew. Plus I can also get offspring with higher health. (Was looking at 6 vis Nixis.) If it weren't for the cost, I would plan to do that more often. "

Didn't know about the higher health thing, but that's cool. o:
I think breeders who are pro-pet-economy (for last of better term) want to make all players work for their vis pets, either by increasing prices or limiting offspring supply. Sad, isn't it? s:
I agree, it's much easier to get a 6vis (or anything you want if you plan it right) than to start with essences or something. But again, people perceive it as "oh no they undervalue our final vis pets", so...back to another quote, it's "impossible to please everyone". (that quote went out of my head OTL)

"Look at Fai's post, which is the second post?"

/bops my head ;A;
Though, I could've sworn this was brought up somewhere in the Suggestion Forum as well...
Level 70
The Tender
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Posted: 2/6/2014 at 11:27 PM Post #59
When I read that, the first thing that I thought is: "Are you a sadist?"
Maybe you aren't, but breaking or melting them down seems quite brutal. XD
Or maybe I am the sadist. *Imagines the Sylesti trying to run away, but failled and ended up being scales*

I think being bred to the same parents is because of the time it takes for the offspring to grow. One month is quite a long time when compared to other games. Not only that, the cooldown period is quite short so there would be many offsprings.
Edited By Electrifying on 2/6/2014 at 11:28 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 2/6/2014 at 11:36 PM Post #60
Lol. It probably came off like that, but no~ I hate pain and everything that has to do with it~
When I suggested that to Krin in general chat during a discussion a couple of month back, I was thinking about how Sylesti can be generated from essences~ I was thinking like a reverse affect. The breaking down of atoms and the like. /I blame Tales Of Xillia for that mental image.

Yeah, that's part of the reason~ Sorta sad that there are tons of offspring that will never be...well...used. >.>

I'm trying to plan what to do with my philtered offspring. I've got multiple Ny'venes that I was thinking about giving away to new players as party pets since I work on improving stats. It would give them a nice tank/dps, they could breed them and those diamonds for the prismatic philters wouldn't go to waste. And they'd be breeding ready adults. :)
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