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Forum Index > News and Announcements > Nytekrie Revamp Final Stages
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Level 16
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Posted: 4/13/2020 at 6:03 PM Post #41
Level 62
Majestic Green Thumb
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Posted: 4/13/2020 at 6:04 PM Post #42
They are really cute! I am not sure what else to say ^-^
Level 70
The Perfectionist
Joined: 5/5/2019
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Posted: 4/13/2020 at 6:20 PM Post #43
I'm impressed, it reminds me very much of the Feathered Wings mutation for lupora. And so detailed, as well! Especially the tails, they've gone from being formless fur-things to defined rudders. I actually love the pinecone look, and it's starting to become my headcanon that not only can they slash with their claws and beat with their wings but club opponents with their pinecones.
Edited By Lampyridae on 4/21/2020 at 6:26 PM.
Level 72
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Posted: 4/13/2020 at 6:20 PM Post #44
They look SO much better than the old version, more serious and regal.

Can't wait to get one.
Level 57
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 4/13/2020 at 6:27 PM Post #45
Level 74
Grand Protector
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Posted: 4/13/2020 at 6:29 PM Post #46
I love them and may start collecting nytes after the revamp..
Level 70
Cutely Creative
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Posted: 4/13/2020 at 6:32 PM Post #47
I bet I might accidentally catch even commons thinking that the new beautiful work is mutation I did when lups got revamped
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 4/13/2020 at 6:42 PM Post #48
I feel like the shading is a bit extreme in terms of light and dark extremity? Maybe it's just the example colour picked. Maybe I'm just much more used to the matte shading of the current nytes. Maybe it's the addition of mane and belly colours that are just making the contrasts that much more.
(overall, no problem with the body shading in general, it's just very different from what I'm used to and it takes a bit to get used to, probably not helped by the fact that I saw them at 7am. We're already adjusting to it)
Wings feathers do fall under scrutiny though, considering that I was of the opinion last time I saw them that the feathers should blend more seamlessly into eachother, and with the shading added it looks like they took a step in the opposite direction, with the shading making the boundaries much more evident rather than less noticeable (I'd personally say let it be primarily the colours and a little bit of lining define the feather shape in the coverts and secondaries, rather than shading.)
In fact, the body feathers are doing a very good job of having smooth-looking feathers that transition nice and cleanly into eachother like, perhaps, the wing-feathers should?

(Shading on the beaks seems odd to me, also? Maybe they're just too shiny and could be made more matte? I'm not completely sure what about the beak shading that's odd to my eye.)

I see the palm pads on all the legs have been fixed up, which is very nice (especially the male's far hand.) Makes them look more grounded and like they could actually walk with them.
(Female's claws still seem like they somehow never got worn down by walking on the ground in her life, though.)

I don't think I mentioned it (maybe I said something about the male's thigh? And I do think I mentioned the strange concave-looking curve in the lower leg? I was typing for five hours I can't remember all the things I mentioned) but the hind legs on both seem a bit Noodly? Maybe it's just me but they do look very thin to my eyes.
(also, given that only a tiny tip of one claw of the far hind leg can be seen, does it need to be there? It jsut seems odd for there to be this tiny lonesome blip between feathers)
Also, thinkin' bout those front leggies and pose just because I can

Power stance

Last time we saw them we suggested making the s-curve of the female's neck... more, at the back, which... didn't become a thing; rather she's lost some of the crest feathers from there instead. Really would like to see the neck curve added (why no neck curve for She? The male gets one, why not her?)

Also still think they could do with some body feathers smoothing over the top of the arm so you don't suddenly have the jarring start of the wing feathers (nyte wings are very different compared to actual birds, since real birds have their flight feathers anchored along their hand and ulna, and not their humerus at all- the secondaries just have an extreme angle to just about form a triangle made of them, the humerus, and the body, and the humerus just has covert feathers to cover the gap that is that triangle. Nytes... don't really have that, they're Flight Feathers All The Way, so it's a bit hard to work with I suppose? but)
I like that the female now has a leading edge on her arm, and that the male has an actual arm angle evidenced by his feathers (though I personally feel he could still stand to have the front of his shoulder pulled a bit further down for a more crouching/readying to leap feel but that's more minor, especially with the slight shift in the arm and the change to the toes making it look better overall)

The crest looks quite nice, though the shading on the eyebrow feathers makes them look a bit more furry than they do feathery. It seems like the intent is one feather for each brow, but they each have two 'layers' of 'feather' falling downwards over eachother, rather than vanes coming off a shaft

Though I suppose it could be that the brows do have more than one feather like a sulfur-crested cockatoo at rest? Though that would be a bit odd.


The female's tail-fan being made darker absolutely makes it look better- it being belly-colour would have been quite odd.

The alterations to colour arrangement (namely the previously mentioned addition of 'mane' down the back and especially chest/belly) are scary to me as someone with a dyed nyte project that I spent a year working towards

my children, what will happen to your excellent magma-ness?

Since I last saw them, I have discovered the ratchet-tailed treepie, which is both a hilarious name and also an amazing-looking bird

what a funny bird
which makes the new tail design amusing to me

I think that's most things? Probably. It's kinda wild to go and look at how far they've come since the initial sketches back in september
Edited By Scathreoite on 4/13/2020 at 6:45 PM.
Level 75
Luck of the Draw
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Posted: 4/13/2020 at 7:33 PM Post #49
How exciting! I love the shading on the main body and the details on the claws. The addition of a spinal crest is really cool, too. Props to the site artists for their hard work :D

However, I'm not sure how I feel about the wing/leg/tail feathers - as mentioned by others, they look rather... unnaturally consistent? In addition, the shading causes these feathers to appear very thick, while natural feathers are usually paper-thin and wispy at the edges
Level 61
The Tender
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Posted: 4/13/2020 at 7:47 PM Post #50
I like the new look.... but some of it seems silly/.... The back leg on the both seems THIN...
The head looks cartoonish. I Liked the more hawkish look of the original better
Edited By Teremko on 4/13/2020 at 7:48 PM.
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