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Forum Index > Other Fiction > Rocky Story: An Original Tale
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Posted: 3/1/2016 at 6:03 PM Post #31
*walks back in* Phew, heh. ^^' Well, time to write the next chapter. X3 I seriously love reading your replies though. I get to see if anyone is enjoying it and having a good laugh or feels trip. :3

Danny: ewe ~Sam and Hope, sitting in a tree-

>:C NO! *throws the paper and misses*

Danny: -w-

*sighs* Enjoy Chapter 14 while I teach this dirty Shipper a lesson.

Chapter 14
Born Of Ashes

It has been a day since Hope started traveling in the Rocky Plains with Sam and their companions.

Hope feels the cool glass bottle filled with a mysterious milky white liquid resting in her pocket.

She has heard rumors that 'Arcnic's local hero' has been stealing from the other towns and villages. The Healer gave her a Truth Potion. Though, she doesn't really want to use it.

Sam looks over their shoulder and looks at Hope, "How's it going back there?"

"Apart from my feet, I'm doing fine," she replies in a joking manner.

"Haha, don't worry, you'll get used to it," Sam reassured her.

"If you say so," she replies doubtfully.

Several more minutes pass, and they get to some weird rock piles with holes as wide as watermelons next to them.

"What are those things?" Hope asked Sam.

"I think those are dens," Sam answered. "Probably badger dens," they added.


"Yeah. Why? Ya scared?" Sam teased.

"No, I just, don't want to get bit by one..." Hope told them.

"So, you're scared," Sam confirmed.

"I am not!" Hope said defensively.

"I was kidding, jeez," Sam chuckles.

Hope then sees a pair of glowing amber eyes in one of the holes.


The eyes shifts it's gaze toward Sam.

"Oh my Aqdas! Is that him!?"

An ash gray cat leaps out of the hole and runs up to Sam.

"It is! I can't believe I am meeting you for the first time! I told them I would meet you in person, but they wouldn't believe me!" it meowed excitedly. It turns it's head to the den it came out of, "Ya hear, Ma!? You were wrong!" The young feline turns back to Sam, "I'm Ash by the way." he introduced himself.

Hope couldn't see Sam's facial expression because of that hat, but she could guess that they were surprised.

"I-I, um, you can call me 'Sam', it's nice to meet you," they greeted.

"Ok Sam! Wow, I can't believe I get to know your name too! I've heard many good things about you from the lynxes in Arcnic village, but they never mentioned your name. I want to come with you. I want to be your follower!" Ash's eyes sparkled.

"Woah, I can't just take someone with me, it would be too dangerous," Sam explained.

Hope guessed this was just an excuse to not let him come, or maybe because he was to young?

"But, I really want to come with you! Please?" Ash persisted.

"No-" Sam began.

"Please!?" Ash interrupted.

"It's not-"

"Please!?" Ash yowled.

"But your parents-" Sam wanted to mention.


"You wont take 'no' for an answer, will you?" Sam asked hopelessly.

"Nope," Ash meowed.

Sam sighs, "Look, I..."

Ash gives Sam the Sad Eyes a Lip Quiver.

Sam can't help but chuckle, "Sorry bud, that won't work on me."

"Please!?" Ash yowls.

"Okay, okay, you can come," Sam sighs in defeat.

Ash bounces around excitedly, "Yes yes yes yes yes!"

"Just don't make me regret it," Sam warns, "or it's back to the den with you."

"I wont let you down, Sam!" Ash reassures.

They continue traveling to Serta Town with a new companion. Ash walks next to Sam closely, praising them for the things he heard about. Sam seems uncomfortable by his praise. They are either a modest hero, or someone that knows they don't deserve that praise, and feel guilty about it.

Hope once again touches the Truth Potion in her pocket. She hopes that they are just modest about it, because she wouldn't know what to do if Sam isn't what they seem to be.

To Be Continued

Mwahahahahaaa. -w- Until next time, on... Rocky Story! >:3 Eheheh.


Oh my gosh, light bulb!

Danny: ???

Not a literal one, Danny. Anyway. :3 I'm thinking there should be a character Q&A post for a 100th chapter special. ^w^ You guys can ask the characters questions through my PM, and all in one post, the characters will answer your questions. ^^' Though, don't do that now because we are only, what 14% of the way there? So, now might be too early to ask questions. :3 Maybe until we are half way there. Yeah. ^w^ So, that's all I have to say on the matter, I think? Anyway... wait... where is my script for Chapter 15?

Danny: *holds up a booklet labeled Chapter 15*

Danny, put down the script, and no one gets hurt.

Danny: *lights a match and holds in near the booklet* >:)

Danny, don't you dare!

Danny: *the match inches closer*

D:< Danny! *bolts after him*

Danny: OnO *runs away*
Edited By Angelkitty77 on 3/19/2016 at 4:30 PM.
Level 24
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Posted: 3/1/2016 at 7:37 PM Post #32
CoolGilr's Bloopers: NOT CANNON

Me: So Sam what do you have to say about Danny and otherstrying to ship you with their girl OC?

Sam:*Blushes and hides in Coolgilr's cookie jar*

Me: O3O get out of dar! *jumps in*

Both: *Teleports to the real world*

That is it for now T.T
Level 60
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Posted: 3/1/2016 at 7:46 PM Post #33
*turns red and facepalms* I... Sam wouldn't do that sort of thing, but that's what the "Not Canon" lable is for. ^^' Heh. Also, you spelled "Canon" wrong.


XD Oh my gosh, Maddie is laughing, like, really hard. I'm going to have to let you make more bloopers.
Edited By Angelkitty77 on 3/1/2016 at 7:51 PM.
Level 24
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Posted: 3/2/2016 at 12:55 PM Post #34
Again NOT CANON!!!!!!!!

Both: were are we?
*cars zoom by*
Cool: Ummmmm I think we are where people dont have Sylisties.............*looks at Lillith sadly*
Sam: *gets bit by a dog* OUCH!
Cool:*gets kidnaped by creator* NUUUUUUUUUU!
Sam:*hold on to Cool's creator's tail* GIVE HER BACK! *Holds onto cookie jar as he is pulled away*
Level 60
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Posted: 3/2/2016 at 1:37 PM Post #35
Hahaha, that was pretty funny. XD Keep doing whatchya' doing.

Danny: Er, Kitty? Wont this cause some sort of paradox or something?

As long as it is labeled "Not Canon" it shouldn't. :3
Level 60
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Posted: 3/2/2016 at 6:05 PM Post #36
:3 Well, it's time to write Chapter 15. Danny? ... .3. Danny?

Maddiebird: *kicks something into a cage*


Maddiebird: What? He tried to burn something of value.

He may be a pain in the butt sometimes, but he is also the one that checks for grammatical errors.

Maddiebird: *kicks the cage away*

Heh, well, hopefully I wont need him to correct anything for this chapter, haha. :3 Anyway, enjoy Chapter 15.

Chapter 15
The Town Of Rocks

They finally arrive at Serta Town. The buildings are made of oddly cut stones that fit into each other like puzzle pieces and the roofs are either made of tied down straw or clay shingles.

The townspeople are, sensitive, to say the least. One has to be careful about what they say around them, because these ruffians can take some jokes too seriously. Sam has learned that the hard way.

Sam stops by a boulder near the edge of the town.

"Why are we stopping?" Ash asked.

Sam puts Sera and Princess Nya on the ground.

Nya looks disgusted and flies onto Hope's shoulder.

"Last time I was here, eh, I got into a bit of a, 'situation'," Sam rubs their left arm, I know rocks are their thing, but why would they keep them in their pockets?

"Are you scared?" Hope teased.

Sam looks at Hope and chuckles, "No... well, sort of. They lobbed me with rocks when I simply offered some advice. And I didn't want to hurt them, so I just ran off," Sam explained.

Hope raises her eyebrows in surprise.

"I know right? So, I am going to change my appearance," Sam said as they go behind the boulder. "No looking."

Hope turns away from the boulder, "Pft, whatever."

Ash looks a bit confused, a cat wouldn't understand the human concept of privacy.

After a few minutes, Sam comes out from behind the boulder, "You can look now."

Hope looks at Sam with wide eyes, she could barely recognized them in that cotton tie-dye T-shirt and ragged blue jeans. And especially with that pony-tail of long, dirty blonde hair. "I know you said you were gonna change your appearance, but I didn't know you were going to look like a girl!" Hope exclaimed.

Sam laughs, "Hahaha, exactly. No one would recognize me like this. I can be good with disguises when I want to be," they added.

"No kidding."

Sam wraps up Roch and Brander in their warrior clothes.

"Wait, wouldn't anyone think your voice is a bit deep?" Hope pointed out.

"No worries, I got that covered too," Sam reassured while they hold up the wrapped up weapons.

Hope couldn't help but giggle a bit.

"That's the spirit. Come on, lets go," they put the weapons on their shoulder then walk into town.

Hope picks up Sera off the ground and cradles her in her arms while Ash pads up to Sam and walks in pace with them.

Sam looks around, this place actually looks different. They don't see any straw roofs, just fancy colored clay tiled roofs, and the open windows are decorated with bits of gemstones and hanging curtains. There are even stone pathways.

They all stop in front of the Inn.

Sam clears their throat and says in a convincing woman's' voice, "Now, I want you to be on your best behavior. I am going to be away for a while, so you are responsible, Hope dearest."

Hope, Ash and Princess Nya's jaws drop in astonishment at the voice change Sam pulled off.

Sam giggles, and gives Hope their money pouch. "If you ever get hungry, here is some money for the Inn's Dinner room. Tootles." Sam twiddles their fingers and walks away.

Hope can't believe what just happened, Sam, who is probably a middle-aged man, pulled off a mother persona, flawlessly. She closes her mouth and looks around to see if anyone saw what had just happened, no one was paying attention to them.

"Hahaha, that face was priceless," Sera laughed.

"Oh hush," Hope simply said.

To Be Continued

XD I wanted to do that for a long time. I was laughing just thinking about it. :3 So, I was thinking, maybe I should let y'all choose who will be focused on in the next chapter. Tell me through the PM and I will count up Le votes. ^w^ Well, until next time, on-

*Danny breaks out of the cage* Danny: Freedom! *runs off*

Maddiebird: *pushes a button on a remote control and a new cage falls from the ceiling and traps him*

Danny: -n-

Oh my gosh... -3- Don't interrupt my outro. Anyway, until next time, on... Rocky Story! :3
Edited By Angelkitty77 on 3/19/2016 at 4:28 PM.
Level 60
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Posted: 3/3/2016 at 6:46 PM Post #37
:/ Why does this even surprise me? No one voted. Not even Maddie. .3. Oh well... ;-; ... .3. Or maybe you guys didn't have the chance to vote. Maybe. So, I'll guess what you guys might have wanted. :3 Enjoy Chapter 16.

Chapter 16
Possibly Deceived

Hope exits the Inn, feeling full from the meal she had. She notices that it is getting close to dusk.

Ash grooms his whiskers, "I never thought human food could taste so good," he meowed.

Hope looks at Ash, "Yeah, that was really good," she agreed.

Princess Nya scoffs, "I do not understand why you surface dwellers prefer to eat stinky mush instead of rich, crunchy gemstones."

"Well, we wouldn't be able to. Our teeth aren't strong enough for that," Hope explained.

Nya looks confused, "What are teeth?"

Hope decides not to answer that question, and instead, goes to the town's marketplace. This place has a market, right? I mean, what's a town without a market?

She finds some sort of intersection, with a tall wooden poll marking the center. There are wooden signs that point in different directions as well as some papers at eye-height. One of the signs is labeled "The Inn" which points in the direction in which they had come from. Hope looks for a sign that might point to the marketplace.

"The Docks", "The Healer". The Healer? Is there more than one, or is it the same guy? Hope decides to ask Sam about it when they get back. "The Circle", what? Could it be referring to the heart of the town? Why would the post be here then? Another question to be asked later. "The Market", There we go. Hope goes in the direction the sign is pointing to.

Hope sees stands with strange tools and colorful crystal statuettes, charms, and jewelry. Just a stand or two with produce. I guess that makes sense, the ground here doesn't look like it can grow crops.

She walks over to the stand where a man with graying hair sits by, polishing a corkscrew-shaped tool.

"Hello," Hope greeted.

The man looks up and smiles.

"I'm just looking around," Hope explained.

He nods in understanding.

Hope looks at all the foreign looking tools, a lot of them are quite strange. She picks up a small hand hammer, it was surprisingly heavy for it's size. She puts it back down and moves on to another stand with some jewelry.

Ash bats at a peridot necklace hanging over the edge of the stand and purrs.

The woman at the stand shoos him away.

"Sorry about that," Hope apologized, "he really likes shiny things."

Hope looks at the sky and notices that it is getting dark, she looks at the jewelry again and notices that some of the pendents glow faintly. "Wow... That's beautiful."

The woman smiles and nods.

Suddenly, she hears someone yelling.

She turns around and sees a tall dark figure run past her, chasing it were two people, a man and a woman.

"Stop right there, thief!" the man yelled.

The dark figure stops and turns around, it appears to be holding a duel-wield war hammer. It then vanishes into an alley.

"That looked like..." Hope started, but was to afraid to finish the sentence.

"Ugh, I can't believe he got away again," the man grumbled loudly.

"What are we going to do, Sheriff?" the woman asked the man. "At this rate, this town will become run down before..."

"Don't worry, honey, I'll catch him," the Sheriff reassured her. He walks away with who is probably his wife.

Hope doesn't want to believe what she just saw, she wants it to be just another bad dream, but it was there in the dimming twilight. The rumors might be true after all.

To Be Continued

Lol, another cliffhanger. -w- You guys chose this. .3. Well, I don't know for sure what you chose, I just kind of guess whit ma psychic powas. >:3 ... .3. ... :3 Anyway...

Danny: *escapes again*

Maddiebird: *growls*

Let him go, Maddie. He's had enough.

Maddiebird: *grumbles* Okay...

:3 Good Maddie. *gives Maddie a cookie*

Maddiebird: 030 Cookie! *munches it happily* ^u^

X3 Hehehe, as I was saying. :3 Until next time, on... Rocky Story!
Edited By Angelkitty77 on 3/19/2016 at 4:27 PM.
Level 60
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Posted: 3/4/2016 at 6:47 PM Post #38
I don't really feel like writing another chapter today. I'm just not feeling it today. And before you complain about my laziness, remember, I write these chapters for fun, and if I write them too often I will eventually lose interest in this story all together. Plus I write two chapters whenever there isn't a school day which is more than enough.

So yeah, long story short, I'm taking a one-day break from this. I hope y'all understand. <3 Thank you for reading.
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Posted: 3/6/2016 at 1:54 PM Post #39
It's Sunday, and... I forgot what I was going to say. :^P Oh well. .3. I think this is Chapter 17. :/ Right? *checks* Yep, I'm right. :3 So, yeah. Enjoy Chapter 17.

Chapter 17
Four Stalking Shadows

It is around noon, and the sky is clear. The birds are singing, a cool breeze blows on the small group of tents in the woods. In one of the tents, there is a teenage boy, struggling to get comfortable in his crude cloth blankets.

When he got fed up, he stormed out of the tent, his ragged black hair, bouncing. "Stupid birds! Will you keep your dumb twig-picking, worm-eating, nut-pecking, shell mouths shut!?" he shouts, his rusty orange eyes gleam angrily. The birds go quiet.

A tired woman's voice is heard from another tent, "Karant, stop yelling at those birds and let us sleep."

"You can't tell me what to do!" Karant snapped. "I can flippin' yell at birds all I want and you can't do-"

A teenage girl's voice from another tent interrupts him, "Shut your mouth, Karant!"

"Shut your mouth, Zinna!" Karant retorted.

"Both of you, shut your mouths!" yells an man's voice angrily.

Karant grumbles, "Stupid Terbis."

"I heard that!" he yelled.

"Good!" Karant storms off to the edge of the forest.

He gets to the edge of the forest and sees the vast and empty Rocky Plains before him. He leans against a tree, still fuming and mumbling to himself.

Suddenly, he hears someone approaching to the edge of the forest a couple feet away, he hides behind the tree he was leaning against and waits.

He sees a tall warrior with a war hammer and is accompanied by a girl and two creatures riding on their shoulders. He can hear their conversation clearly. What loud-mouths.

"You coming?" said the warrior.

"My feet will get sore," the girl complained.

What a brat, Karant commented to himself.

"Well that's the cost of adventure, isn't it?" the warrior pointed out.

Karant narrowed his eyes, Do you even realize how much curdy cheesiness just dribbled out of your mouth just now!? You deserve whatever is coming to you, which is likely death.

The girl finally steps onto the rocky soil, "It's like walking on Legos."

Karant rolls his eyes, It's not that bad.

"It's not that bad," the warrior tells her.

Karant growls, What even are Legos?

"What are Legos?" the armadillo on the warrior's should squeaked.

Karant glares at the armadillo, You keep your little darn mouth shut you over-sized, turd colored, rodent! he thought angrily. For whatever reason, he wanted to rip out his ears at the sound of it speaking.

He watches them leave before he goes to return to the campsite, as much as he didn't want to, he knew he had to report this.

Karant gets to the campsite, and sees that Zinna and Terbis are out of their tents. He hated them both. They are so bossy. Even their looks tick him off. Just look at how Zinna's long black bangs cover her eyes yet her nose remains exposed. Don't, even, start, with the obnoxious rhyming shtick, he fumed. And just look at Terbis, he stands tall and straight with his arms crossed as if he is worth anything, and his shiny, short, black hair makes Karant even more disgusted in him.

Terbis turns to look at Karant, "What set you off this time?" he asks.

"Basically the fact that you are still here," Karant hisses, "That, and that I saw that turd warrior with three other turds traveling with him, a girl an two animals," he added.

Terbis's pupils narrow like snake eyes, "And where are they headed?"

"They seem to be heading to the city of dirt rags and rock heads," Karant answered with scorn.

"Serta Town? Why would they be heading there?" Zinna asked in confusion.

"Well how should I know!? I'm no flippin' Healer nor am I travel agent!" Karant shouts.

A lady with long black hair steps out of her tent, her dazzling blue eyes look in their direction, "Regardless, we should follow them there," she pointed out.

"Why are we even following him, Nakay? He isn't even a threat," Terbis stated.

"Actually, he is a threat. He has what we need to find Crocius. Since the warrior has foolishly awakened the hammer he wields, we will be able to use it to located him," Nakay explained.

Karant doesn't know why, but releasing Crocius has been a priority for as long as he can remember. He often wonders what would benefit from his release, but thinking about it really hurts his head. So, he doesn't think about it.

"So, when are we leaving?" Zinna asked

"You turd bag, you of all people should know when," Karant growled.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't call me that," sighed Zinna.

"Oh! Well, Miss Turdy Turd Turdison The Turdyturd, the Turdy Turd Turdess of the Turdian Turd! I don't care about your 'appreciation'!" Karant said with scorn.

Zinna just rolls her eyes and sighs.

Karant's eye twitches. Then he unsheathes his hidden short-sword, and cuts the chapter short.

To Be Continued

XD This was probably funnier than it should be.

Danny: Karant reminds me of Kar- wait... You did that on purpose, didn't you?

^^" I can be original with names... sometimes... I couldn't think of anything else. And I couldn't get a certain theme out of my head while typing this. So anyway. :3 I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter as much as I did. Until next time, on... Rocky Story!
Edited By Angelkitty77 on 3/19/2016 at 4:24 PM.
Level 60
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Posted: 3/7/2016 at 8:51 PM Post #40
.3. ... >m< ... -3- I don't know who to write about next.

Danny: What has Sam been doing during Chapter 16?

-n- Mrrr...

Danny: Maybe we should check on Hope?

-m- Mrrrrrrr.......

Danny: Why not another chapter about the newbies?

.3. Hmm. :3 Alright. Thanks Danny. ^^ Enjoy Chapter 18.

Chapter 18
A Crabby Guest

After about five hours, the group of four have finished packing up their tiny camp.

Terbis tosses it all into the dark shadow of an oak tree, it seems to melt into the shadow. "All set," Terbis turns to Nakay.

"Good." Nakay turns to Zinna and Karant. "Are you two ready?"

Zinna spins her iron staff like a baton, "Ready, hehe."

Karant rolls his eyes and scoffs. Show off, he thinks to himself. "Ready," he answers halfheartedly.

"Alright then. Terbis and I will Shadow Hop* somewhere ahead of them while you two will follow them behind, but do not stay too close to each other, ten yards at least," Nakay ordered, "And do not Shadow Hop closer to them at any cost. If you need to send messages to communicate, use the Raven Incarnate*," she added.

(*Shadow Hopping: A basic teleportation ability used by them and others like them using shadows as portals. *Incarnate (Raven): Summoned helpers (Messenger).)

"Yes, we know," Karant said impatiently.

As he said that, Nakay and Terbis disappear into the large shadow of a sycamore.

"Alright, lets go get them," Zinna said as she giggled mischievously.

"Shut your mouth, Zinna," Karant grumbled loudly, and starts to follow the warrior's unsuspecting party, who are merely a dot in the distance at the moment. Zinna follows several yards away from him and they gradually get farther apart as they stalked them.

Eventually, Karant gets impatient, all this walking is so boring. Despite Nakay's warning, he hops into the shadow of a boulder.

For a second he feels chilled, then he comes out from the shadow of another boulder, a lot closer to the warrior's party.

I could just end him here and take his hammer, Karant smiled, Nakay doesn't know what she is doing, he sneaks closer with his sword unsheathed, he swiftly gains ground on them, hiding and changing cover between boulders. He is now a few feet away. He readies his sword.

"Also, how do animals talk in this world?" he heard the girl ask.

"Well, you see, it is very simple," the warrior pauses.

Karant raises an eyebrow.

"M-m-m-m-m-m-magic," the warrior finally said.

Karant face palms quietly. He needs to die. The sooner, the better.

Karant stands behind a boulder in a ready position, eyes narrow, heart pounding, and sword gripped tightly. He finally jumps at the warrior, and then is immediately met with a fist to the face. He falls to the ground, dazed by the blow. The warrior stands over him.

"Woah, um... sorry...?" the warrior apologized awkwardly.

Karant scrambles to his feet, "Ra-a-ah!" he slashes at the warrior again.

The warrior simply dodges to the side, making Karant lose balance and fall forward, landing on his face.

The girl giggled, "Great job, Sam."

Karant lifts himself up to his feet, "Huh, 'Sam' is it? I expected a bigger and more full blown name than that." He points his sword at Sam, "Well now you are about to be called something more honorable. 'Dead'!" At the last word, he charges at Sam again, Sam once again dodges to the side and makes him trip. His head hits a rock as he fell and blacks out.

To Be/**slice**

Karant: Oh no you don't! I will not let you end it like that! >:C

Sorry bud, I gotta keep it short for everyone's convenience.

Karant: *holds sword point up to Kitty's neck*

Ooooooor we can continue it now.

It Continues

Karant awakes, dazed, and head throbbing. He groans, struggling to open his eyes. He tries to hold his hand up to his aching head, but it seems that he is unable to.

Surprised by this, his eyes fly open and sees that he is bound by his ankles, calves, and wrists behind his back with robe. His arms are also tied to his sides. He also has his back against a huge boulder. It was also night time.

He struggles to get up, but fails miserably.

"Oh, you're awake," said a deep voice.

Karant looks up and sees the warrior, Sam, sitting on a rock, a few feet away from him.

"What!? You did this to me!?" Karant growls at Sam.

"Yes, I did. What's your problem, trying to attack us?" Sam asked.

"That is none of your business!" Karant yelled.

"Well, it obviously is if you tried to kill me," Sam pointed out calmly.

"Ra-a-a-a-ah!" Karant growled in frustration.

"You sure like to yell a lot," Sam said calmly.

"Shut your mouth!" Karant shouted.

"Nice comeback," Sam said sarcastically.

Karant screams with his teeth clenched, He is absolutely infuriating!

"Jeez, you are like one of those bad internet trolls," Sam chuckled.

Karant was confused by their words. What's an internet?

"So, what's your name?" Sam asks casually.

Karant scoffs, "As if I would stoop so low as to introduce myself to the enemy, you turd pile!"

Sam laughs, "I'm surprised you'd stoop so low as to call me a turd."

Unbelievable, they are completely unfazed by everything he has said. This guy just brushes everything off like it's nothing. Karant's face turns red with rage, "Untie me this instant!"

"Or what?"

"Ack!? 'Or what'!? 'Or what'!? I'll... I'll..." he struggles to think of something say.

"Thought so. You can do nothing," Sam simply tells him.

"Ra-a-a-a-a-ah!!!" Karant throws a tantrum.

Sam applies their hand to their face and shakes their head in disappointment.

The girl and armadillo come with some sticks, and on the girl's shoulder is some sort of orange dragon.

Sam greets her with a smile, "Nice job, Hope. That will do."

"What about me!? I helped too!" the armadillo squeaked.

Sam chuckles, "You did well, too, Sera."

Karant cringes at the sound of Sera's voice.

Sam sets up the sticks for a fire.

Hope looks over at Karant, "Was that him yelling?"

"Yep," Sam confirmed has they light the sticks.

Karant glares at both of them angrily.

"So, what are you going to do with him?" Hope asked.

Karant started listing the different possible answers that Sam might say, Torture, kill, antagonize-

"Let him go," Sam answered.

Karant was flabbergasted. "What?"

Sam looks over at Karant, "You wouldn't even tell me your name, so, why would I keep you here?"

He still can't believe they are just going to let him go, he just sits there, mouth hanging open.

Hope and Sam exchange looks, "Are you saying you don't want to go?" Sam inquired.

"I-I do want to go," Karant answered, "I-I mean you have no right to hold me here! I should be killing you right now, but no! You turd heads had to ruin my plans by keeping me like this! Fight me, cowards!"

Hope raises an eyebrow, "'Turd heads'?"

"Shut your mouth!" Karant shouts.

"You need to learn some manners," Sam said.

"Manners are for the emotionally unstable!" he yelled defensively.

Then they continue having an argument that no one wants to read. After that, they all rest for the night and take turns keeping watch over Karant. In the morning, they release him and continue their journey.

To Be Continued

-n- Are you happy now?

Karant: Yes. *leaves*

Danny: Now you have a ton of dialogue to color.

-___- *sighs* Until next time on Rocky Story.
Edited By Angelkitty77 on 3/19/2016 at 4:23 PM.
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