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Level 70
The Tactician
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Posted: 1/3/2014 at 8:52 AM Post #21
Can I just say, during this whole fest, the only WF pet I have seen in my SN Vulnyx. I have caught griffis and even though they are common some of them are really gorgeous! I love my babies! And maybe there are some people who don't have enough money for super expensive pets with alot of genes and mutations and we can't buy essences because we can't buy diamonds!

It makes me sad that you are saying such mean things about people. I don't price my legendary pets at a price that is next to nothing, but they aren't expensive. I will admit. But I feel like really sad that you are saying that I should release ALL my griffis and ALL but ONE of my nephinis. And ALL of my ryoris and so on!

I'm not saying what your doing isn't right. The breeds are okay to be refined. But that is a personal preference. And my preference is to keep my uncommon babies.

Sorry if this seemed mean. I was just really upset when I read this.
Edited By Silverraven on 1/3/2014 at 8:54 AM.
Level 60
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Posted: 1/3/2014 at 9:20 AM Post #22
I'm seconding Silver here... I like the idea, I mean, seriously, 100g for like a what? Female nyvene 4carry? ((I forgot the genes but it was around there...)) That was a little too low... It wasn't set up for newer members either.... I don't think your post sound mean ((actually read your first post after read silver's post)), but erm... your... er wording? Like with this line: Or people catch fabled pets whether they're common or not!

Some commons are pretty nice, so I catch them! You could always mutate it anyway if you really wanted a one carry/vis... ((I have no diamond gotten by real money so some of post is invalid to me >< I agree with your dad though, dragon ><)) Heck, first griff I caught? Common, female, but beautiful, I'm a collector so I usually keep all the pets I have, and find it hard to part with them... And some people don't sell their pets cause they want to make a quick buck! ((At least I hope so...)) Not all people are like that, i think... Also, I don't see the problem with the essence buying, since some pets I want, others won't have or ever get for that matter.

Don't agree with this line either... But that's just me... : if you have the parents still you can breed a better one
No offense, but, a better one? That's like saying if your parents don't like you they can disown you and have other children that will be better than you... Besides, each pet is unique in its own way, and none will ever be better than the other! Also, I don't like naming :D Takes to long and I can't think up of good names so your 2nd step in the plan is kinda.... not good? What if you have like room for 30 pets in your stables and that many pets you want in your hatchery? That's gonna take some time to name all of them, and I don't have that patience... But that's just me...

Also: spend you or your parents ((Pretty sure the you is supposed to be your?))
P.S. I bought some for Ethel, so would the Ny'venes I got be counted? I sold 1 or 2 of them...
P.P.S. Sorry, if this is rude D: Didn't mean it to be...
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 1/3/2014 at 9:25 AM Post #23
Though I have to admit some poorly chosen words makes me think that you're saying that ALL common pets are worthless in face of fabled ones, I do see a point in this. I may join the cause if possible (and when I have time, with school and all), but most of the time I think I'll be keeping most of my fables XD

@Silverraven Dragon is not saying you have to release ALL of your fabled pets, nor are they forcing you. I understand that this cause isn't for everyone, and no one is forcing you to participate if you feel this is not for you. I think this is about releasing fables that are less aesthetically pleasing and/or are severely underpriced (eg. 1g, 10g, etc). Of course, the pets that you ARE planning to keep won't be released unless you chose to.

This can be a pretty sensitive topic, so please excuse me if I missed or misinterpret anything :)
Level 68
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Posted: 1/3/2014 at 1:43 PM Post #24
Thanks for joining!
Level 68
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Posted: 1/3/2014 at 2:17 PM Post #25
1. yes my words are a bit poorly chosen. I hope that as Wide Awake gets more soldiers, we can work together to improve the quality of the words.

2. all the species need some kind of rein in. I just see it more for the fables. I'm dead tired of all the pets that are for sale show or carry nothing! Many of us are! Good deals are missed that way. (I hope those are the right words...)

3. No you don't have to release ALL your fabled pets just the ones that show or carry next to nothing! That's all!

4. yeah there are commons that have VERY pretty colors. My first griffin was a very pretty blue female common... But my sister released it thinking it was ugly! TT_TT

ah...what else...*looks at the posts* ... ... ...ah!

5. In addition to the "some people who don't have enough money for super expensive pets with alot of genes and mutations and we can't buy essences because we can't buy diamonds!"
I'm not saying the fabled pets should be cleaned up to the they're super expensive. I just want to clean up enough so the pets that ARE worth value can be sold. Same thing for pets up for breeding. I almost missed shimmer's mother* because there were so many no carry/showing gene pets! *Ha! figured ya out! victory is mine! xD this is shimmer*

I think I covered all the main points...
oh and I don't think I'll count... wait... Soltra8...I am very confused with your p.s.'s and thank you for spotting that mistype! Fixing it now!
lets me know if you have anything else that need some clearing up.
Edited By Dragondawn on 1/3/2014 at 2:18 PM.
Level 70
The Tactician
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Posted: 1/3/2014 at 2:20 PM Post #26
KK. Makes a bit more sense. I doubt that I will join though. I like all the ones I have too much. I'm really bad about getting attached. >.<
Level 68
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Posted: 1/3/2014 at 2:30 PM Post #27
I'm the same way too!
Level 58
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Posted: 1/3/2014 at 4:19 PM Post #28
Just to say I support this :) Terrible game economy can ruin the fun of playing the game. I only catch/buy pets I absolutely like or have use for. I could be knee deep in Griffis but I've only caught 3 myself since I didn't like the colours of 99.99% of the ones I've seen and there are only so many Dye projects I'm willing to do xD.
Level 68
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Posted: 1/3/2014 at 4:47 PM Post #29
I'm actually thinking about asking Krin or Fai about removing the fabled pet essences from the diamond shop ONLY. They'll still be in the game but one could still get them through nurturing, the forum games, festival baskets, mission satchels, battles, there might be more ways to get them but those are the ones I can remember.
Breeders, in my opinion, just take the easy route and buy essences from the diamond shop. If that was option was removed for some species, there would be a lot less pets out there.

I'm still VERY iffy about this idea so PLEASE no hate mail! okay??
Edited By Dragondawn on 1/3/2014 at 4:49 PM.
Level 68
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Posted: 1/3/2014 at 4:50 PM Post #30
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