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Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
Threads: 54
Posts: 3,984
Posted: 4/27/2020 at 10:25 PM Post #21
Full Name: Alice Delacroix

Nickname(s): N/A

Titles: The Ageless

Age: 157 years

Gender: Female

Species: Vampire

Sexuality: Panromantic Pansexual

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 140lbs


Personality: INFP?
Alice is known to be soft-spoken but studious woman very interested in the arcane and personal elements of the world. She is known to study both book and person alike when she isn't holed up in a mage school somewhere. She's been more than happy to put her curse of eternal life to use to know all there is to know.
Powers and Skills:


Backstory: idr
I'll make a new one eventually


Edited By Xedite on 6/2/2020 at 7:34 AM.
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
Threads: 54
Posts: 3,984
Posted: 4/28/2020 at 6:34 PM Post #22
Full Name: Archon

Nickname(s): Arc, Archie, Arco

Titles: The One Who Exists Between Worlds

Age: Immortal

Gender: Male

Species: Eldritch Abomination (largely resembles the average Tiefling, minus the tail)

Sexuality: Demisexual Demiromantic

Height: 5'7 (assumed form)

Weight: Surprisingly weightless. His being doesn't interact with known laws of physics properly.

(Has two tarlike black tendrils hanging off his shoulders. Uses them as an extra pair of arms. Under his mask, his many red eyes are black and beady, like a spider. He has black claws on his hands and feet and the back of his wrists have sharp spines.)

Personality: ENFP-A
Surprisingly, Archon is a very easy going dude when he isn't inadvertently flaying minds with his attempts to use psionic powers or accidentally speaking in tongues.
He gets along with most people who can handle his burning, excitable curiosity about life, mortals, and the universe.
He doesn't seem to act the part of a typical Eldritch entity, thanks to being born partially out of human soul and spirit. He's a bit eccentric and clingy, but impressionable and easily talked into things. Archon is almost painfully too optimistic at times and seems to have no true sense of danger.
His true otherworldly nature does not seem to concern him so much as hinder his efforts to attempt to befriend those on the mortal plane.

Powers and Skills: He is psionic by nature, though attempts at two way mental communication require a strong mind and spirit, capable of withstanding the chaotic thoughts that generally occupy his headspace at any given moment. He is also able to use a small degree of telekinesis naturally to pick up light objects.
Due to his blessing from Azotl, he is able to both destroy and recreate points of matter around him in a fairly random fashion. Destroying objects takes a tremendous amount of focus to "disintegrate" them and tends to be unreliable, often leaving objects in a half-broken state. He refuses to use this power on any living things (including plants), considering it torturous.
His creation power allows him to rearrange matter from one property to another. (Ex: turning water to sand, replacing someone's arms with wings, etc) but he is only able to focus on one object at a time and he finds the whole process to be exhaustingly tedious.

Equipment: Archon sees no purpose in most worldly belongings. He does however keep a few spare masks and a small lute on hand as well as a few books on the arcane, philosophy, and general magic in a leather bag over his standard black robes.

Backstory: Archon has fleeting memories of a 'past life' in no small part thanks to the shattered soul he was spawned from. He doesn't hold to much of it, much more interested in worldly affairs. While he understands his role as a Messenger of Azotl, he doesn't seem particularly influenced by the gods in one way or another, valuing his studies and observation first and foremost. He hails from the Hefros Underground working as a travelling performer.

Group/Guild: Messenger of Azotl

Other: Probably prone to breaking out in song. Likes animals, birds especially (since they aren't afraid of him.)
Hates scaring people, misplacing his lute, or being left alone, especially if he finds someone interesting.
Themes: x/x

..Somehow now has adopted a pet pigeon named Yzyrr'xost. (Yz for short)
Edited By Xedite on 5/21/2020 at 3:01 AM.
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