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Level 60
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 2/24/2015
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Posted: 12/25/2015 at 8:23 AM Post #21
3. Post a short paragraph about something amazing that you did for someone else OR that someone did for you - during the winter holiday season.

Well, when i was super new i remember being soooo completely overwhelmed by all the features of this site XD Still feel like i'm a little behind now, haha. But i had no idea what i was doing and things were not working. I began to have trouble feeding my pets and i just felt trapped. But then, a received an adorable pm from a gorgeous soul. It was a massive text wall 0.0 but it had links to guides and explanations and encouragement and all sortsa stuff like that. She even gave me 100k!!! that totally set me up for everything. Most important thing i was taught was how to do missions haha, that was real nice for making gold. And just having that one person you knew you could talk to on here when you're new means so much, i thought i was gonna quite.. but nah, the pets are too cute x3 So yeah, then she told me about themed pets and tags and that, so i now collect those pretties <3 This person has made me who i am on sylestia and i really thank them for it. Love you buddy!!! :D

oh! and, thank you Lilyyy!!! This is super generous of you!
Edited By Kazbang on 12/25/2015 at 8:24 AM.
Level 75
Cutely Creative
Joined: 1/28/2014
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Posted: 12/25/2015 at 11:18 AM Post #22
Perhaps it isn't exactly amazing, given the generous spirit of the community on sylestia, but last Christmas was certainly exciting for me! Everyone was so generous, and I appreciated all of that greatly, but the most exciting moment for me was when I found Vesto Cypher here up for sale! He was set for a couple million, which was understandable, the star gazers were very popular! I knew it was a long shot, but I PMed Nyaro and asked if she would be willing to hold him until I could come up with the gold and diamonds for him. She generously offered to sell him for the measly 500k that I had! I'd been searching for a Stargazer neph since the theme was released, it was the first theme that I absolutely loved, but I couldn't afford diamonds. He was a dream come true and I'm still grateful for him! I decided right then that if I ever found someone who wanted something like that, I'd do my best to help them get it!
Level 75
Joined: 7/3/2015
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Posted: 12/25/2015 at 7:49 PM Post #23

*~*~*Queen Crystal*~*~*

This is Crystal, Queen of the Frost Elves. She was a kind ruler, but very harsh to traitors and rule breakers, as is portrayed in the picture above. Her greatest treasure was her daughter, Princess Holly. She and her tribe of Frost Elves live at the South Pole, and their greatest enemy is (haha) Santa Claus and his elves! Crystal hated Santa so much that one year, during Christmas, she declared war upon him. Santa didn't want to fight, but his elves were quick to make ready for the war. After all, all they ever did was wrap presents for Christmas. They wanted to have some fun! So the snowballs went flying. Santa tried to tell his elves to stop, but they were too pumped up to listen. The two sides were soon so engrossed in their fighting that nobody noticed that Princess Holly had gone missing! Of course, she was only wandering around, looking for a friend. But she quickly got lost when a storm came in. Meanwhile, the Queen quickly realized that her beloved treasure was not at her side. She hastened to ask everyone if they had seen Holly. But nobody had! She was so worried that she asked every elf, her one or Santa's. At the end, she did a last resort: find Santa. She swept into his private quarters to find everything in chaos. The few remaining elves that refused to fight were trying to wrap up the hundreds of presents that still needed to be wrapped, Mrs. claus was trying to calm everything down, and Santa was pacing up and down the halls, muttering and looking very red in the face. With a wave of her hand, Queen Crystal silenced everyone; literally silenced them, by freezing them! All except for Santa. She stomped over to him and demanded to see her daughter. Santa looked very confused and asked, "What daughter?"
"You know what I mean, puff face," she spat. Santa still looked bewildered.
The queen rolled her eyes and said loudly, "You know, about this tall and this wide," she gestured with her hands, " she's got the loveliest brown hair, beautiful dreamy eyes, graceful motion? You know?!?!?"
" Sorry?"
Crystal growled, spun, and began to head for the door.
"Fine! I'll find her myself! But when I do, you and your elves will be mush!" she called over her shoulder.
"No! Wait! Please, I don't know what your talking about, but I'll help you look, I will!"
So together they looked. And looked. And looked. And looked. And looked. And looked. And looked some more. They finally found her, fast asleep, in an old tree stump. Crystal rushed to bring her back to the palace, all the time muttering about Holly catching pneumonia. But all she caught was a light cold. The next day Queen Crystal went back to visit Santa's place and apologized for attacking him and also for getting mad at him. After that, they slowly made an alliance, and the two elf kingdoms were forever at peace.
The End

Pfffffttt.....what a mouthful. Sorry for blabbering so much. ^_^
Level 75
Wondrous Warlock
Joined: 11/4/2015
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Posted: 12/26/2015 at 8:22 PM Post #24

This Ryori is my favorite because it feels and looks far more like Winter than anything else to me.
The trees are bare, likes bones, the sky is constantly dark, and the air is eerily cold. Ryori's are part spirit, which brings to mind the 3 Spirits in A Christmas Carol, which take Ebeneezer Scrooge on a journey to become a better person. Winter is a time of reflection and that is what I see in this pet.
Level 60
Joined: 12/12/2015
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Posted: 12/26/2015 at 9:39 PM Post #25
3. Post a short paragraph about something amazing that you did for someone else OR that someone did for you - during the winter holiday season.

I am a newbie (only thirteen days) and, I suppose, I made some newbie mistakes. Starting at Chirstmas time, I worked pretty hard collecting my basics by adventuring and adventuring in the winter festival. unfortunately, by the time I starting running out of stable room I had spent every spare piece of gold on healing my pets. A beautiful lady had given me several pets to start out with but, in order to make more room for my hatchlings, I had to get rid of some. I offered to return the two Morkkos she'd given me so she could gift them to someone else. Instead she offered to give me the 20,000 gold I needed to increase my stable space! A wonderful example of great kindness. I won't forget and I hope I can be as good a person as she is when I am a veteran of the game.
Level 60
Joined: 5/9/2015
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Posted: 12/26/2015 at 9:51 PM Post #26

The Magic of Christmas ^

With her holiday themed colorations as well as being wrapped up in a bow, she was like a present to me. The lightning crackling across her body just adds to her mystique. I imagine her as Santa's helper, flitting about in the toy factory, producing flashes of lightning to power the machines and helping the elves with wrapping the presents (and accidentally getting wrapped herself!) She is mischievous, fun loving, and her favorite thing in the world to do is put a smile on someone's face by providing them with something they wanted.
Level 66
The Hallowed
Joined: 6/7/2014
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Posted: 12/26/2015 at 9:54 PM Post #27
Darkness in Ice

I coat the flames in ice
Leaving darkness to entice
I'll open the sky and let snow reign
The eternal self I have have gain
All hopes all dreams they have been mine
For ageless depths of endless time
Humanoid feelings of desire
Driven on by the flickering fire
All good and clean will fade away
Only I shall ever hold sway

And let be conclude that this poem is something I wrote... oh gosh it's been like 5 years now. Jeesh. So loooong.
Level 63
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 12/9/2014
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Posted: 12/27/2015 at 4:02 AM Post #28
Post a short paragraph about something amazing that you did for someone else OR that someone did for you - during the winter holiday season.

Well, i think you are doing something absolutely amazing for the community. Thank you for such amazing generosity!!! <3

And of course christmas is the season of giving so i've been sharing out gifts too :3 I have also been receiving many little gifts here and there for our beautiful community. yeah... countless acts of kindness this holiday :3
Level 60
Joined: 8/20/2014
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Posted: 12/27/2015 at 6:01 AM Post #29
There is this retail chain in Estonia that hosted an event called Angel Tree this year. They put a Christmas tree in each of their stores and decorated those trees with wishes. The wishes were Christmas wishes of children from poor families. Everyone who wanted could take a wish (or more) from that tree and make it come true (anonymously). I decided to take one wish as well (a 5-year-old girl asking for a doll). It was the first time I've ever made a present for a complete stranger and it feels amazing. :) I hope that little girl likes her new doll!
Level 75
Master Sylestiologist
Joined: 3/10/2014
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Posted: 12/27/2015 at 6:13 PM Post #30
Thanks so much for doing this Lily, there are some great prizes here. ^-^

I'll post about... something amazing that you did for someone else OR that someone did for you - during the winter holiday season.

This year my family decided to do a secret Santa gift exchange instead of everyone getting everyone something expensive because it's a bit tough this year. I still got everyone something small from the dollar store (candies mostly). For my 9 year old cousin I filled a cookie tin with a girl's kinder surprise, an M&Ms chocolate bar, small Christmas chocolates, 3 ring pops and a bunch of mini Aero, Smarties (Canadian chocolates) and Kit Kat bars. When she opened it on Christmas I thought her jaw would fall off! It pleased me to no end to see my aunt and uncle's expressions as well ("Oh great, she's going to be bouncing off the walls all day tomorrow").

Also, as for someone doing something nice for me... I've gotten a few ny'vene essences on Sylestia, which I am so happy and grateful for! ^-^
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