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Level 70
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 2/10/2015
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Posted: 7/15/2015 at 1:16 AM Post #21
May I be signed up? Either gender is fine.
Level 62
Joined: 5/18/2015
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Posted: 7/15/2015 at 10:26 AM Post #22
i want a male but i can not pay more than 500g
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 8/26/2013
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Posted: 7/15/2015 at 11:03 AM Post #23
an offspring is 150k and it will take some time befor the pets come out and there are other peopel on the list so i would say plenty of time to save up gold.

1 of those tagged pets costes 1500 diamonds. that with a diamonds raid of 1 diamonds = 3000g
withs makes 1 pet around 4500000 gold i got 2 of them so i will have a breeding pare

so i spend 3000 diamonds (9000000 gold or around 30 dollar if you buy diamonds with money)

that your a new player is fine with me and i understand you will need time to save up. but don't tell me when i put a price up of 150k (= 150000gold) you can't pay more then 500g.

if you want something expensif you save up for it or you don't buy it, that is how it would in realy life and that is how it workes here as well.
Level 60
The Hallowed
Joined: 4/15/2015
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Posted: 7/15/2015 at 11:18 AM Post #24
I would love to be added to the list, please! Gender doesn't matter to me~ 8D
Thanks for making this offer!
Level 60
Joined: 5/9/2015
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Posted: 7/15/2015 at 11:23 AM Post #25
Your list is so long, when will you ever be able to get your own offspring from your pair? :O

Also, I have bought a pair of chests myself and would prefer to keep them female so I will probably be interested in doing breeding swaps with your male. Would you be willing to do so?
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 8/26/2013
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Posted: 7/15/2015 at 11:41 AM Post #26
yes sure no problem^^ and have you seen my list of my Strelitzia Nicolai Nephini Offspring. this is noting compared to that.

alsow the reson i did increas the price for my nephini baby's becaus i want offspring from them myself as well
Level 62
Joined: 5/18/2015
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Posted: 7/16/2015 at 5:52 PM Post #27
sorry i did not mean to sound rude i am relatively new at the game what is the fastest way to get a lot of gold with out buying it i am trying to sell pets for 500g each in my hatchery but they are not selling very quickly if at all
Level 63
Fancy Pants
Joined: 5/25/2015
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Posted: 7/16/2015 at 6:07 PM Post #28
I'd like both a male and a female. :) Female first. Thank you for doing this!
Edited By Ladybeatrice on 7/16/2015 at 6:07 PM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 8/26/2013
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Posted: 7/17/2015 at 6:14 AM Post #29
best way of geting money is playing a lot unloking al the missions you can send your pets on. doing the dungons althow i would wait a bit befor doing that. (make sure you are a hige enough lv and that you have a pary of 3 pets of the same lvl.

like i sayed you still have plenty of time. becaus it will probelby take a few more weeks befor the pets even come out and if there fabled (withs i'm hoping) i can breed 1 offspring every week.

and when it's your turn te buy the eggie and you don't have the money for it i could send it to the next person or put it up for you and keep it until you do have the money (so that is no problem)

as for selling pets for 500g and them not selling.... that has to with prices being grazy cheap have bin for some time now. so insted of breeding i would try to lvl if i where you, doing the storyline gets you more gold them breeding.
Level 63
Joined: 12/21/2013
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Posted: 7/20/2015 at 8:47 AM Post #30
Hi Alice!

I'd love to get one of the little ones. Gender doesn't matter^^
Thank you so much! :3

Edited By Juri01 on 7/20/2015 at 8:48 AM.
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