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Level 70
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Posted: 3/24/2013 at 8:02 AM Post #21
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 6/17/2024 at 3:21:55am

ahhh, that was fun. had a bit of trouble with getting the wings to lay convincingly over the back and tail, but I think I did an alright job.

Pfft, she looks cute~ c:
You did great -- it's a shame that part of the wing got cut off, but yeah, I'm loving that brush you're using. c:

I kinda wanna request but I hafta think through what personal stories I want...humm...~

Quote From:
Originally Posted: 6/17/2024 at 3:21:55am

I love the expressions in this one, you hit em really spot on~ c:
Level 60
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Posted: 3/24/2013 at 9:04 AM Post #22
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 6/17/2024 at 3:21:55am


tada~ had a lot of fun with this one. annoying siblings are the best.

yours next, ember!

Thank you so much!It's wonderful! n U n Honestly,you should start an art shop!I believe many people would pay for this!
Level 64
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Posted: 3/24/2013 at 11:02 AM Post #23
@Savynn oh my god you have so many pets and I am really not sure how to go about choosing one or another. I kind of like those five in the last tab in your last stable with the alliterative names, but I'm pretty sure they're missionaries? actually that would be a cute idea. a team of five quirky-named worker pets, fighting to show they're just as dependable as their more traditionally monikered opponents

I dunno

if you have any personal favorites, I'd be glad to hear about them, but in the meantime I'll just go off of these weirdos.

oh, and thank you! I should pop in there and see if there are any interesting designs I wanna try...

@Flute I'm glad you like it! maybe I'll fix that wing sometime while I'm drawing today. it wasn't supposed to get cutoff like that, but I had to move it upwards to make it fit over the tail.

@Moomookins ahhh you're welcome 0u0 maybe I'll start an art shop if I start needing some moolah, but right now I'm pretty set. it's more fun to do it this way.

alright, so far for today: the fabulous five, fixing royalty's wing, hoping Flute thinks of a story

I've got about three hours until I have to leave for most of the day, but the first two should be done by then. off I go~

EDIT: re-winged bulbunny done

EDIT 2: looks like I'm not gonna get the five crusaders of justice done. getting five complicated animals to pose satisfactorily in one picture is really hard. maybe another time. Savynn, if you read this, could you give me a prompt? I'm not so good at coming up with stuff on my own when there are so many different options.
Edited By 3060 on 3/24/2013 at 1:53 PM.
Level 75
Sweet Solver
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Posted: 3/24/2013 at 6:33 PM Post #24
@Dundee That was an interesting idea with the mission pets. You put a funny image in my head. The idea reminded me of the Japanese Super Sentai series. Have you ever watched Super Sentai or Power Rangers? !!I don't recommend this as this is too much work and just crazy thoughts!! One sort of more in front, two just slightly behind on either side and two more slightly behind on either side with different colored scarves and all facing straight ahead. Not quite like a straight line but far from a "V". The one in front would have to be the red one. Again, just funny thinking about it. Wouldn't suggest at all doing that kind of work.

On a more serious note, what about just one of the mission pets without the rest? They've done so much hard work for me I certainly would love to see art of one.
Level 70
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Posted: 3/24/2013 at 11:16 PM Post #25
Pfft I made a story, but it's so long and farfetched LOLOL. qq
it went better in my head LOL
I don't have a name for the bulbori as of yet -- I don't wanna name em now. x:

Group: Shadowlings
The group of pets that were grown from a prestigious Sylestian alchemist breeder, they boast a certain pallette of colors recognizable under Shadow's signature colors of a platinum blond, blacks or whites, and several other fashionable colors.
A certain Bulbori, considered a nice success from Shadow's stables, was accquired by Flute for a reasonable price. The Bulbori, seeing herself as beautifully golden with dark runes to enhance her value, sees that her own coat would be worth more than any other Bulbori ("Just you wait and see," she'd giggle, "Everyone would wish they had me.")
Several other pets were also bought from Shadow's stables, including "failures" of projects that were just as valuable in Flute's eyes. Luporae of plain-looking features found a warm home with her, and were quite contented. The golden Bulbori thought otherwise. They looked like any other pet, just colored nicely. They weren't worth anything, and were just in the stable due to Flute's mercy.
However, the Golden Bulbori came to find out that Flute trained every pet to serve as mission runners for the Sanctuary of Saerielle. The thought of working to become proficient JUST to serve some other selfish town was despicable, the Bulbori thought. She strayed away into the back of the stable, indignant to Flute's cause. Instead, Flute figured she would be better in a party, and so she was put into a beginner's party with two other pets (equally as beautiful and fancy as her, so she wouldn't be so offended) to train in combat.
Lo and behold, the prissy and vain Bulbori hated battle. The winged cat was more agile, she complained. The bear had armor that shunted attacks easily, she spat. Flute grew tired of this, and later forced her into running missions against her will.
The golden Bulbori still has her vainity, fluffing her mane and keeping her wings and runes glowing. She believes she's better than any other pet that fill her owner's stables, despite all the work she's forced to do. She sees the plain pets as below her, as if what was visible was a sign of status, though the rest of the stable think she's over her fluffy head.
Level 64
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Posted: 3/24/2013 at 11:36 PM Post #26
Savynn, that's a lovely idea. I'll start working on it tomorrow, I'm burned out on working and finishing off my avvie pic.


omg Flute

what a glorious little brat, I love her~

I hope she finds an activity she enjoys, like having kids, or helping teach newbies the ropes on battling, or bartering for the best quality merchandise on the trade broker
Level 70
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Posted: 3/24/2013 at 11:47 PM Post #27
Heh, thank you. I made 3 more passages based on other pet groupings in my stables after that one. *//*

She'd be a perfect candidate for bartering things. xD I can't see her do much else than stand at a mirror and primping herself all day. c;
Level 75
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Posted: 3/25/2013 at 6:47 PM Post #28
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 6/17/2024 at 3:21:55am

Savynn, that's a lovely idea. I'll start working on it tomorrow, I'm burned out on working and finishing off my avvie pic.


omg Flute

what a glorious little brat, I love her~

I hope she finds an activity she enjoys, like having kids, or helping teach newbies the ropes on battling, or bartering for the best quality merchandise on the trade broker

Soooo that avatar art is completely awesome. XD You should put it on the Sylestia DA.
Level 64
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Posted: 3/28/2013 at 12:07 AM Post #29
I'm on a human kick right now - give unto me your avatars, I shall render them with love and care and just a little disregard for anatomy and perspective

Level 70
Enchanted Explorer
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Posted: 3/28/2013 at 1:00 AM Post #30
Dundee, if I didn't say you're the best, well, you're the best. ;u;

myavatarfeelstotallyloved<3 totally saved
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