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Level 60
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Posted: 7/27/2014 at 4:21 AM Post #21
Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out where the 'luck' went on those 'lucky' tickets. I was expecting an improved wheel. Unfortunately, I didn't see the improvement. :(
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 7/27/2014 at 7:13 AM Post #22
Me too :( I haven't had such bad luck before but now 6500diamonds and no egg >.<
Level 60
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Posted: 7/27/2014 at 7:27 AM Post #23
That really bites. >_< Yeah, I had better luck last time, too. :/ I want a refund. lol
Edited By Shadow on 7/27/2014 at 7:27 AM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 7/27/2014 at 10:21 AM Post #24
I am sorry to hear about your displeasure, but I can assure everyone that the odds of winning a themed wheel pet with a Lucky spin are higher. In addition to the odds of winning an essence, mutator, pet dye, magical pie, or avatar item. And then odds of winning an enhanced essence, greater mutator, greater pet dye, or masterful snare traps are increased significantly when compared to the regular spin. And then of course the chance of winning just Standard Traps or Lesser Philter are removed from the Lucky spins.

Compared to last festival, themed wheel pets have been won with over 20% less spins overall per pet. In other words, so far this festival, themed wheel pets are 20% more common.

Additionally, so far this festival, Lucky spins have yielded considerably more wheel pets than regular spins have.
Edited By Krinadon on 7/27/2014 at 10:22 AM.
Level 60
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Posted: 7/27/2014 at 3:58 PM Post #25
I believe you, Krin, but it just doesn't seem like it. Last festival I got two pets off the wheel and spent a whole lot less diamonds getting them. This time, I spent a whole lot more and only got one. For about 12000 diamonds, I expected to get...luckier. A lot luckier. And according to the facts, I should have been. But, alas, it didn't work that way for me personally. Maybe it did for others. And others can keep spending their money on that thing. I'm not. I'm not angry, just a little frusrated because I didn't experience this greater luck with lucky tickets that you're talking about. . Close to $100 real money for tickets, for one egg? Forget it. Not again in this lifetime. And face it, people spend money to get eggs.. All the philters in the world aren't worth it.

Wouldn't it be great to have an Egg Wheel with nothing but eggs on it? Now that I'd go for. At least it's win/win. I'm not the type that likes to lose. lol
Level 71
Vanquisher of Undead
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Posted: 7/27/2014 at 8:15 PM Post #26
Unfortunately, i kinda have to agree with Shadow on this...(normally, i'm not the one to be on the complaining side...)

Before I ramble, I understand that using the wheel is gambling and that it is my own choice to use it. I'm not complaining that I spent money on the wheel.

What I am complaining about, is what I have been receiving in exchange.

I'll begin with this: Each ticket costs 100 diamonds. For a regular, diamond bought philter, it is 20 diamonds. The fact that I have spent over 6k diamonds for about 1k diamonds worth of anything is just..horrible. (Give or take a few...I did count all my diamond philters, but I will admit a few are from the previous fest as well) I am estimating I have spent about 6k worth of diamonds on the wheel, and in return have about 40-50 philters. that means only 10-20 (again, estimating because i don't remember exactly how many philters i had when this started)

Unlike Shadow, I don't even have a single wheel pet to show for it. Instead, i have a pile of items cheaper than the ticket themselves that I will honestly never use, a few lesser dyes that I will probably have to use 5 of to get the color I want, and so few mutators (lesser and greater) that i could count them on one hand with a missing finger or two. (Plus a few duplicate avi items from last year, but not complaining about those since there are some players who weren't here in the past. Sad that I got them, but I'm sure those are lovely to newer players)

It's just super frustrating, when the wheels first started appearing, tickets were only about 50 diamonds. However, at that time I personally could not afford them, as i had no way of buying diamonds. Now that I actually have a job and can afford to buy them, I have to pay twice as much to get half as many as if i had been financially ale to by them in past fests. And, the odds are lower of actually getting a wheel pet (from what I have experienced and what it seems other users have been experiencing as well)

I know I'm complaining, and with the site growing as much as it is, it is very much impossible to cater toe very single person. (I'm also not trying to attack either of you, Krin and fai, as you both do a wonderful job and are the best admins I have ever experienced.) I also do have a few good things to say. I do very much like the addition of the lucky tickets. To be able to have a higher chance at all of getting anything (even if it is lower than the past) just for paying diamonds is really nice. (plus, i can at least avoid adding to my even more useless hoard of lesser philters that I will never use. at least now i have better philters to rot in my inv...) I also do like the addition of the gender swap/amnesia/etc philters when you sue the lucky ticket. That is useful. And worth the cost. And the fest itself is awesome as well.

The biggest problem to me is the philters...Not everyone breeds for stats, and because of that, I will personally never use them, nor will I ever be able to get back what I paid for them. and even with the extra sun tokens in there, its still not worth the 100 dia to get them.

Like I said, I'm not trying to sound rude or anything...I just...wanted to put in m two cents...(I also very much apologize for wall of text...I...did not mean to all...or be mean...if I sounded mean...)

-returns to hiding in the fest zone in a blanket of puffs-

I'm not a mean person i promise!
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 7/27/2014 at 9:15 PM Post #27
The main issue is, with how many spins of the wheel there are each festival, if every prize was great we would crash our economy. Last festival, there were over 30,000 spins of the wheel. If you replaced the 10-15k philters that were handed out with mutators, dyes, essences, etc - all of those items would be in like 0 demand. It would then reduce the need to nurture pets, farm gold, etc. Overall, it would be very negative for a lot of economical issues in Sylestia.

Even with how it is now, it's still having a great impact on our economy and a great deal of thought goes into each wheel's loot table with the economy strictly in mind.

And again, the odds of obtaining a wheel pet with each spin is higher than it's ever been (maybe with exception to the very first time we had the wheel. I honestly don't remember what the odds were for the original one). And according to the database, more wheel pets have been won this festival than last festival on a ... # of spins per wheel pet ... basis - about 20-30% more.

Last festival, the tickets were priced at 80 diamonds a piece. However, over 50% of spins could result in a lesser philter or standard pet trap. This festival, we removed the chance of obtaining those lackluster items and increased the chance of obtaining the other prestigious items. Because of this, we increased the cost by 20 diamonds to 100.

As to the, "we want more wheel pets", we will definitely look at ways to improve this. Sylestia's a game. It's meant to be fun. If something isn't fun, we'll change it. Obviously, the wheel is still far from perfect. I do think we made a step forward with this festival, but it still has a ways to go.

We do like the idea of offering a guaranteed way to get a wheel pet through some sort of token purchase or something similar. And we probably will tweak the loot tables again before the next festival (I really don't want to do that mid-festival).

But just remember, tens of thousands of spins occur each festival. If we made the prizes too good, it'll completely ruin economies outside of the festival. And unfortunately, the lesser philters are really the only "junk" items we have at this point. If we had crafting and other stuff available, I'm sure we could have more useful rewards. But at this point, it's all we have. =\
Level 71
Vanquisher of Undead
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Posted: 7/27/2014 at 9:25 PM Post #28
Yeah Krin i understand. and thanks for the quick response. I think its just getting frustrated at spending so much and just getting so many philters XD Like I said, one of the things I really like this festival is that the lesser philters don't occur with the diamond tickets, which is definitely a step up. I definitely understand the impact on the economy though. I know I started jsut hoarding my dyes to use as needed instead of selling them, since the gold costs went down significantly when they were added tot he wheel.

And I also understand that its all still a wip. You guys do an amazing job with this site. Its held my daily attention for over a year now, and the festivals definitely help.

I cannot wait to see all the updates the next fest brings, and everything after that =)

(And I'm sure i can find /some/ use for all those extra philters in the meantime xD I could have some pretty beefed up 6vis puffs if I actually used them in my normal breeding xD)
Level 70
Enchanted Explorer
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Posted: 7/28/2014 at 12:37 AM Post #29
I just wish people on this game played other games to see that the wheel isn't the only unfair thing in the gamer world.

I'm sure Krinadon and Faiona have come across MUCH worse things in chances than the wheel they made...
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 7/28/2014 at 2:07 AM Post #30
Author: Flute
Time Posted: 7/28/2014 at 12:37 AM
I just wish people on this game played other games to see that the wheel isn't the only unfair thing in the gamer world.

I'm sure Krinadon and Faiona have come across MUCH worse things in chances than the wheel they made...

Should try any asian made MMORPG. =P They're king of the RNG!
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