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Level 61
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Posted: 9/3/2022 at 12:46 PM Post #21
What are you interested in Rping ? You haven't said what you're interested in
Level 61
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Posted: 9/3/2022 at 12:56 PM Post #22
That's perfectly fine, i can use my Next generation TFP oc Gearshift she's the daugher of my main TFP oc, i also don't have any triggers so open to anything

Do you have a plot in mind? Or should it be along the lines of the tv series the autobots on earth vs decepticons also raomance is involved either way

Plot ideas if you can't think of any
1: Gearshift and her mother/carrier shuttle crash land on earth where they are taken in by Team prime and Gearshift and her carrier are reunited with Wheejack (Gearshift father/sire) and meets you're oc whos either autobot or human.

2: Gearshift crash lands on earth and separated from her mother and is taken hostage by the decepticons and either your oc helps save her (if your oc is autobot or human)

3: (related to 2) Gearshift and the her carrier crashlqnd on earth and Gearshift is separated from her mother and taken hostage by decepticons and meets your oc who is a depticon and your oc must chose a side
Level 30
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Posted: 9/3/2022 at 1:07 PM Post #23
I'm fine with anything thats not like abuse or horror or anything but otherwise its okay
I've honestly never done this before, tell me what I need to do plz and then im good :)
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 9/3/2022 at 1:24 PM Post #24
i think i may have some ideas of characters for option 1, do you prefer quick developpement (both getting along from the start and all) or more of a slow developpement ?
Level 61
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Posted: 9/3/2022 at 1:36 PM Post #25
I like slow as it helps get to know the characters much better and feels more realistic and the Rp lasts much longer

Now we decided on a plot please feel free to make your character at any point and take you're time and don't worry the form is above or you can yse you're own.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 9/3/2022 at 4:51 PM Post #26
(ah perfect, i prefer that as well ^-^)

Name: Half-life
Chronological age: He is a bit older then bublebee but not that much, just enough for him to have known what peace looked like before it all started
Gender: male
Fraction/Side: autobot
Sexuality: bi
Species: transformer
Alt Mode: Genesis X Speedium Coupe
Rank : scientist
At his core, Half-life is a perfectionist and an overachiever that tend to, sometime quite literaly, drive himself into the ground trying to get things done proprely. Tho, from an outside perspective he seem uncaring as to how he get the result witch isnt quite true. He is a bit of a self sacrificing moron so as long as the result is there he is ok getting hurt in the process but he woudnt event think about put others through anything dangerous, it would be against his honor code.

Of course, knowing that he had so easily been betrailed and discarded by his original teammates did put a big damper on his willingness to go all out. He isnt quite confortable with the other members of the team, yet, but at the same time dont feel like he have any other options. All and all, he prefer to just drown himself in work if it mean avoiding the ackwardness of interracting with others. The only exception to that would be Wheejack, mainly because Half-life feel indebted to him, after all the wreacker was the one from the whole falty stasis thing.

He have an average build, not realy bulky but not a twig neather, he never realy cared for colorations in the past so of course he chose a black and white paintjob with almost unnoticeable blue reflects. The later was his way to connect himself to the autobots even after he had to take the decepticon symbol to infiltrate them. By now, said symbol, located on his shoulder, is mostly scratched off and not identifiable. Why he didn't just replaced it by now? because he keep posponing it under the pretex of having too much things to do witch is only half true. He have pale yellow optics witch tend to pop a bit more then he would with his relatively colorless apparence and does make him a bit self concious.

His servo of course have their battle mode ; two large claw shaped blades side-by-side with a small energy pulser in the middle. But he also have what he like to call an efficiency mode, in other term his servos can open to reveal several smaller, more delicate claws that he only use when making ajustements on delicate pieces so they arnt built with strengh in mind, it was originaly to help in his job but of course he addapted his use, it's fairly rare that he use them in public.

- being placed in what can only be compared to an artificial sleep paralysis for centuries didn't do much good to his system, somtime he lose sensation in part of his body. It's not enough to put him out of comision, he can still move just fine but it's more then enough to be an hinderence.

- While he can, and had too in the past, fake confidence he is actualy realy easy to startle, especialy when he is concentrating on somthing. He alwais get defencive when that happen.

Family: as far as he is aware, he have none of those left but he isnt sad about it, he feel indiferent at best

Love interest/Crush: Gearshift (will be developped over time)

Backstory: At the beginning of the war, he was an autobot spy tasked to infiltrate the decepticons to get intel on their activities from the inside. Thing is, he was playing his role too well and accidentaly managed to cause his actual teammates to start questioning what side he was on. It ended up biting him in the aft as the autobot team he was a part off lied to him, striking the ship he was infiltrating before he could proprely prepare himself. His survival was simply due to dumb luck, an escape pod was still in good enough condition to be used as the ship was being destroyed and he threw himself in it in a hurry.

He drifted for a very long time after that, paralysed but still painfully aware of his situation. The stasis protocol of the pod had been damaged before he got in, somthing he hadnt noticed until it was too late. While his frame had been proprely placed into stasis his processor wasnt, trapping him alone with his thoughs for what was probably centuries.

By the time he was rescued by Wheejack, during one of his adventures, most of the war was over already. It took quite a bit of convincing, and Half-Life threatening to flat out rip the plating where his badge was, but in the end Wheejack did eventualy stopt seeing him as a decepticon.

he'll never admit it and would absolutely die of embarasement if it was ever known but he learned how to knit as a mean to keep his servos occupied when there was nothing to do ( it help lower his stress and ackwardness). Now he is so efficient at it he can make very small (for his size, they are still a bit bigger then a pillow) plushies with it. Since he have no use for those, he somtime sneak out and let them in area where they could be found by childreen or in those wird bins humans use to give back cloaths to their comunity. Yes, he made himself an hollo-avatar in secret for this very raison, no, he wont talk about it.
Edited By Cian on 9/3/2022 at 9:58 PM.
Level 61
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Posted: 9/4/2022 at 11:43 AM Post #27
Chronological age: Gearshift is a rather young autobot and a few years younger then Bumblebee being born awhile before the war
Gender: Femme (female)
Fraction/Side: Autobot
Sexuality: Heterosexual Demiromantic
Species: cybertronian
Alt Mode:a mainly Aldi R8 with slight bright blue accents and racing stripes on the doors that smokescreen and Miko convinced her to get
Rank: Gearshift is Scout training to become a warrior
Personality: Gearshift is a kind and extremely loyal individual who's also rather agile and creative and cunning and like most autobots a firm believer in the Autobot cause and propaganda and she's brave and can be kind but dispite this she's rather stubbon and too honest at times that can com off as rude or cocky and can be reckless at times something she inherited from Wheeljack and she's also emotional known to get angry or upset easily amd short fused but dispute this she's a good autobot who strives to follow the autobot case
Appearance: Gearshift is a young cybertronian femme and the equivalent of a young adult her finish colour used to be primary pure white with silver and dusty pink secondary colour she inherited from her parents her sire Wheeljack finish was primarily white while her carrier finish was a silvery grey and dusty pink though Gearshift later changed it to being purely white to blend into earth's vehicle and culture as humans and decepticons would noticed a silver white and pink car driving down the road she has a rather agile most petite an nimble figure obviously not made to be a heavy hitter or tank (like bulkhead) and small servous (hands) and slim legs with flat peds more similar to G1 version of Arcee with a rounded helm and faceplate with the bonnet of her alt mode on her chest and doors on her back like wings similar to Bumblebee or smokescreen with the bright blue racing stripe that matches the same colour or her bright blue rounded optics. Gehas two wheels on her thighs abobe her knees two on each side and her autobotlogoison her left shoulder and in silver
Weaknesses: Gearshift is stubborn a trait most believe she inherited from Wheeljack once ahe has an idea in her head its almoat impossible to try and change her mind she's also extremely to loyal to autobot cause unable to see that the autobot aren't perfect in her mind the autobot side is the only true side and she's overly confident which comes off as either cocky or rude and overly honest personality puts at odds with others as she twnds to say what she thinks she's also over emotional so her emotions can be turned against her in battle by making her really angry or upset by taunting her. Gearshift is also not physical strong and can easily be over powered oamd wounded and or killed and being a scout rank and still young she does not have the skills,knowledge or experience of others ao somewhat clueless and naive.
Family:NovaStorm [mother/carrier and oc] Wheeljack [father/sire]
Love interest/Crush: Half-Life
Backstory: Gearshift was born some years before the war her carrier (mother) a femme called NovaStorm or nova for short a medic who assisted and treated the wreckers while her Sire (father) was a wrecker called Wheeljack as a sparkling (child) she loved listening to her father and his best friend bulkhead stories and had a happy life until the war started and Gearshift and NovaStorm immediately joined The Autobot cause where her carrier became a battlefield medic (providing aid on battle field) while Gearshift tried to help in any way she could later becoming a scout snow picker and actually nest to sneak messages to autobot. NovaStorm, Gearshift and Wheeljack tried to keep in contact as much as possible during the war and even after Wheeljack left the wreckers when ultra magnus became the wrecker leader but a few years before cybertron went dark Gearshift and NovaStorm home was attacked by a Decepticon seeker Armada and the two femmes took refugee within a autobot refugee camp due to this they lost contact with Wheeljack who belived NovaStorm and Gearshift had been killed but in reality they was in hiding after Gearshift was caught and injured trying to sneak a message to a autobot spy when cybertron went Dark NovaStorm and Gearshift manged to locate an adandoned ship and finding optimus primes message headed for earth but the ship was attacked by a decepticon and the two had no choice but to use a status pod to excape that put them to sleep after the pod became lost in space it eventually arrived back on Earth crashing into snowy mountain where NovaStorm and Gearshift awoke from staus and tried to find Team prime
+ Gearshift and her mother NovaStorm both Believe Wheeljack was killed during the war due to a miss communication with messages so never tried to find him and feared trying to go to the wrecker base with the decepticons actively hunting Gearshift could risk lives
+ the Autobot spy that Gearshift tried to give a message to is unknown but belived to have been high ranked
+ Gearshift later changed her finish colour when the autobot were on the run to balck to better hide and was picked up by ultra magnus along her mother and Arcee
+ being the child of medic and a wrecker Gearshift knows how to give good medical treatments and how to use a sword, do you tjonk Wheeljack wouldn't teach his child to fight
+ Gearshift knows about Half-lide's knitting habit she its a little odd but understand you need something to keep you occupied and has one of his knitted plushes a wolf

Important: the Artwork used dose not belong to me it belongs to Izamara-Kun from Deviantart i don't claim any credit for this artwork its just uaed as a visual reference simply change the colour black to white
Edited By XxGeorgiaxX on 9/4/2022 at 11:58 AM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
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Posted: 9/4/2022 at 2:26 PM Post #28
lol, those two are going to be fun to see interact XD
Level 61
Joined: 11/9/2019
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Posted: 9/4/2022 at 2:51 PM Post #29
Yes XD when Wheeljack finds out he will flip XD

Who should start?
Edited By XxGeorgiaxX on 9/4/2022 at 2:51 PM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 9/4/2022 at 3:09 PM Post #30
I think it would make more sense if it was you, Half-life would just be working on somthing quietly in a corner anyway since he is so ackward with the team so not much of a starting point lol
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