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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Prp with Orcastration
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Level 73
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Posted: 7/22/2021 at 10:20 PM Post #11
"Looks like a way less morbid Interspace." Lish comments. "No disrespect to the Narrators, of course," He quickly adds.

Hanako groans. "I know you're known for pushing boundaries and rules and stuff, but please don't make things worse, Ink Boy," She turns to the other two. "I'm guessing you're not from here, eiteher?"
Level 68
Majestic Ice Carver
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Posted: 7/22/2021 at 10:25 PM Post #12
"no, we were just at her apartment watching youtube together when we got dragged here" Eli grumbles, jabbing a finger at me.

"who are the narrators?" i ask, glancing around "did they bring us here? can you ask them to put us back?"
Level 73
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Posted: 7/22/2021 at 11:17 PM Post #13
"Basically, you know what most people call destiny? Make it more controling and give it a personality and stuff and that's a Narrator. They're annoying, love making us suffer way too much. Though they're the reason this guy hasn't gone to juvie yet." Hanako poked a thumb at Lish's direction.

"And i don't think they can do a thing, I'm not being mind controlled and that only happens when the Narrators aren't around." Lish says.
Level 68
Majestic Ice Carver
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Posted: 7/22/2021 at 11:22 PM Post #14
"right, well i'll just try a spell to get us out of here!" i say, reaching inside my satchel for my speelbook. oh wait, i threw that on the pile of dirty luandry by my bed. oops.

"ok, so no spells, how about we look around a bit and then find someplace to settle for the night?" i suggest, looking around "there's got to be somewhere we can stay" i add. right?
Level 73
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Posted: 7/22/2021 at 11:51 PM Post #15
"Okay, Golden Boy go do your thing." Hanako pushes Lish, who gives her a blank look. "What?"

"Liwhian, dont even try. You literally commited a m-" lishian kicks her. "Ow!- and then go-" He grabs her scarf and wrap it over her mputh "ypurslef adopted andkd mothe dass hrfeish-"
"Keep your mouth shut." Lishian tells her, darkly before changing his whole demeanor and smiling brightly at the other two. "Right, lets go then shall we?"
Edited By Orcastration on 7/22/2021 at 11:51 PM.
Level 68
Majestic Ice Carver
Joined: 12/13/2020
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Posted: 7/23/2021 at 12:03 AM Post #16
"sure...." i say, trailing off. i don't want to get into whatever that was. Eli just stares, sharing my sentiment.

"lets go try some of the shops, ask directions to a hotel or something" Eli finally says, reaching into her pocket and pulling out her own familair, Kyrn. the small dragon flaps its little wings, climbing up her arm to wrap comfortably around her neck.

"you might want to carry salem in your bag so he doesn't get stepped on" she adds. i nod, opening my satchel for him to hop in. he happily situates himself inmy bag, curling up and letting me close the top after him.
Level 73
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Posted: 7/23/2021 at 12:16 AM Post #17
"Wish my friends pets would be that cooperativw, last i heard they were more deadly then me. Or Hanako. I'm Lishian, by the way. Mystery-element, protege of the Moon Prince, studen body president at Pearl River Academy. If you count that timeline, that is." Lishian mock bows. "And that's Hanako, she does nothing besides shed a lot of hair."

A muffled qwauk of indignation comes from Hanako, still unwrapping the (knotted) scarf.
Level 68
Majestic Ice Carver
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Posted: 7/23/2021 at 12:18 AM Post #18
"i have no idea what any of that means, i'm Zoe and this is my girl friend Eli. the cat is my Familiar Salem, and the Dragon is her Familiar Kyrn" i say, gesturing to the pair as they stare at a studded leather jacket through one of the shop windows.
Level 73
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Posted: 7/23/2021 at 12:36 AM Post #19
Lish tilts his head to the side. "....Im going to guess witches or something then? Cool. Bawically I'm a kind of mage from my world."

"A dumb mage whose power involves imitating a short horne dlizard." Hanako scoffs."i , on the other hand, am more sophisticated and have a useful power. Or Quirk, I was involved with some.....crossovers....Oh, sweets!" She ran for the sweet shop a few stores down.

Lishian groans. "Oh no. Well, anywayw, lets go find a hotel. Got any money? Im not allow3d to hold onto any gold or silver, with the whole mind control thing."
Level 68
Majestic Ice Carver
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Posted: 7/23/2021 at 11:12 AM Post #20
"uh, i have.....twenty dollars and some change" i say, rummaging in my bag. "and yeah, we're witches. it's not as cool as you'd think though, people think that we do everything magic related and call us for every little problem they think is supernatural. that's like asking a graphic designer to dissasamble your computer" i say, rolling my eyes,

Eli finally rejoins us, surveying thee area around us. "if we're going to look around, we should start at the hair dressers or a resturuant, thats the two places everyone talks" she says, glancing around. i don't see a hairdressers here, so resturaunt it is.

there's three resturants near us; a big resturant with a sign that says "the Lux" with very few windows and a constant stream of people coming in and out of it. a two story resturant with a few windows called "the enchantment" with a lot of people going in but not coming out. and a smaller resturant with plenty of windows called "the opportune".
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