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Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
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Posted: 4/16/2020 at 3:31 PM Post #11
Both your characters look good, going to go ahead and approve you guys. I'll drop you a ping when this is ready to start. ^^

I'm a total sucker for Liam, he seems fun
Level 57
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 7/15/2018
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Posted: 4/16/2020 at 3:44 PM Post #12
Alrighty, Thanks!! I'll probs have her done in a day or two, depending on how conscious I can stay on three hours of sleep. XD
Edited By Pipps on 4/16/2020 at 3:44 PM.
Level 71
The Perfectionist
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Posted: 4/16/2020 at 3:47 PM Post #13
Sent ya some info that might help you out, do with it what you will.
Level 27
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 4/16/2020 at 5:54 PM Post #14
Awe thanks! I'll keep working at them!

Also I changed Liam's age to fit the age of adulthood in Japan.
Edited By Piperlake on 4/16/2020 at 6:23 PM.
Level 75
The Tactician
Joined: 5/15/2018
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Posted: 4/16/2020 at 9:16 PM Post #15
*waves arms* I'm alive! Don't hate me!
*cue me awkardly trying to be Japanese despite, in fact, being not Japanese*
This is a bad idea!

Full Name
Leah Yamada


Yes, she has something that looks like this down her left arm starting at the shoulder.



Asexual aromantic

5' 1"


(Not my art)
She looks a good bit younger than she actually is and uses it to her advantage. Obviously, she doesn't look that much like a child, but I couldn't find a better picture.

Her insanity is thinly covered by a veil of childlike innocence. She has two sides that blend together at times, and both are equally the 'true' her. One side is that of a young, spoiled child, she treats everything as a game and she loves to mess with her targets. She can be whiny if she doesn't get her way, and you do not want to see her throw a tantrum. The other side is a cold-hearted killer. She finds it amusing to snuff out lives, with the satisfaction of solving a jigsaw puzzle. She is sugary sweet up to the point where she stabs you, and she dearly loves playing with her victims - games she never loses.

- Killing people (fun)
- Lazing around
- Deadly weapons
- Shiny things

- Not getting her way
- Rats
- Being dirty
- Poetry (don't ask)
- Dogs (they scare her)

Powers and Skills
Basically, she can tell someone to do it and they will do it. Of course, it's not that simple. They have to be within hearing range (obviously), and as the name suggest, it's more of a persuasion thing rather than just voice controlling people.
People under her influence will feel mentally and physically compelled to do whatever she tells them to, so it's not just like you're 'watching' yourself do something with no control.
And since it relies on persuasion, there are some weaknesses. It's much more difficult to make people do something they don't want to do, such as attack a loved one, and stubborn people will naturally not want to obey. It doesn't work as well if she's shouting or sounding frustrated, because that's generally a not so persuasive voice, and a lot of noise around might interfere with the strength of the command. It's easier to manipulate someone she knows well rather than someone she's just met.
Her persuasion comes in 'layers' of effort, she can put on more layers to further compel someone if they're giving her trouble, the more layers she puts on, the more difficult it is and the more tired she is later.
Once issued, the victim will attempt to complete the command. The command does not end until either it is fulfilled, or the victim 'snaps out', which is done by breaking all layers. It's kind of difficult to break the layers yourself, as you would feel sort of dreamy and confused, so it's usually much easier for an outside force to break though than to do it yourself. Whether the command is broken or not does not affect Leah, but she can add layers at any time. It's more difficult to issue a new command than it is to add layers.
She cannot feel if her victim snaps out of her command unless she is actively focusing on it.

She doesn't really carry much equipment in the way of firearms and such, but she has several small daggers in her boots, strapped to her belt, up her sleeve (don't ask how she doesn't stab herself), etc.

Salvation Silence

She grew up the only child in a rich family and not a nice one, either. She was used to getting what she wanted and being pampered. Her father was a corrupt government official and she grew up learning to be manipulative, apathetic, and all those great qualities.
At the age of 15, when her powers developed, she became an assassin of sorts, carrying out her father's dirty work. An accident here and there, a politician who seemed to have gotten confused and wandered onto the train tracks, well, no one suspected the angelic daughter of Akihiro Yamada.
A few years later, she got bored with these behind-the-scenes murders and being told what to do. When she joined up with Salvation Silence, her father was much less than happy, so she committed her first act of her own accord and sweetly told him to go jump off a building.

"Aye, aye, captain."


Full Name
Harvard Lee

Harv, if you call him Harvy, he'll murder you




Asexual heteroromantic

5' 8"

I cannot find an accurate reference pic that I like.
He's fairly tall with black hair and brown eyes. Nothing really notable.

Action rather than thought, his worse fault is impulsiveness. If he doesn't know what to feel or do, find a way to fix it. He's all about doing rather than thinking things through first, and it's difficult to convince him to sit and wait when he could be doing something. He's just difficult to convince in general. If he has his mind set on something, it'll be done first thing. He has a one-track mind and can't rest until he does what he needs to do. He's also not the best at taking orders, even if it's important, heart over head type of person really. He tends to be extremely stubborn, informal, and sarcastic at times.

- Weapons (preferably sharp pointy ones)
- Cold weather
- Action
- Very energetic music

- Passive life (he doesn't really appreciate the little things in life much)
- Not having an active task at hand
- Metaphorically having his hands tied
- Feeling helpless
- Math (he's not bad at it, just really doesn't like to sit down and think problems out xD)

Powers and Skills
He, uh, knows how to use weapons, quite fast on his feet, and he has surprisingly good aim.
He's also quite good at thinking fast and talking his way out of things. Which is helpful when he directly defies orders and annoys the hell out of his higher-ups.

I have a powerpoint of medieval weapons but I don't know much about modern day ones :/ A little help?

Shinha PD

Came from a middle-class, normal enough family. Parents wanted him to be a doctor (ugh, so I can relate), but he decided to be stubborn once again. And he's yet to regret it.

"Yea, yea, captain."
Edited By Larkien on 4/17/2020 at 11:37 PM.
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
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Posted: 4/16/2020 at 9:32 PM Post #16
Your character isn't required to be Japanese or anything, just wanted to specify the country it was in for frame of reference. It's an alternate Earth so I assume there's a lot more diversity in the country.
plus I'm a weeb so..

Though you are responsible for me making this one public. XD
I just couldn't let the idea die.

You have plenty of time to finish everything so no rush, I'm trying to clear my schedule so I'm not starting anything for like 2 weeks at least.
I'll hold you to it though. :>
Level 75
The Tactician
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Posted: 4/16/2020 at 11:35 PM Post #17
Aaaand done! Hope her ability thing isn't too OP?
Making a second. Because that's a good idea.
Edited By Larkien on 4/16/2020 at 11:42 PM.
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
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Posted: 4/16/2020 at 11:44 PM Post #18
I could see it being a bit borderline and I generally don't like abilities that control someone else's character, but since they are able to resist it and it's just a form of mental suggestion and not full on mind control I'll allow it.
I have an OC with this exact ability actually and it hasn't gotten too bad in my experience because of the requirement of needing to see their target and maintain focus on them.
Obviously leaves them completely open while using this power and seems to be the case with yours as well.

I'll approve her, but if it gets out of hand, I may ask you to change it later.

She seems very twisted and interesting overall though, I really like her. ^^
Level 75
The Tactician
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Posted: 4/16/2020 at 11:48 PM Post #19
Level 18
Joined: 8/23/2018
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Posted: 4/17/2020 at 12:15 AM Post #20
Full Name:

Spencer Kana


Kaen, or by close friends, Hot Hands.


Yes, their mark is split onto the palm of both hands. When put together it shows a group of swirls, resembling a stove top.




Born female, but prefers non-binary pronouns.


Pan-sexual, Demiromantic


5' 1"



Spencer is a bit of a hot head, they have a lot off pent up rage in their small body. They get really mad if their peace is disturbed, they don't care who you are, why are you in their house? The only thing they seem to get along with is their dog, plants, and motorized vehicles. They'll help, but the highest bidder is the one they'll be more inclined to help. The can basically fix anything, but in their own time, and usually they have their costumers bring in spare parts as a part of their fee. Spencer might have an attitude but they know who to respect when they see them. They may or may not be shipping in illegal weapons to sell to gangs. (Very sneaky and has a perfect hiding spot for her goods that nobody except her knows about.) May or may not have gotten charged for beating the garbage out of somebody after they stole their backpack back in school. They are the kind of person you come to if you're in trouble, the police have investigated them so many times (Without finding anything sketchy.) and nobody snitches where they're at they're basically a normal person- who has a secret underground illegal weapons trade.


> Motorcycles.
> Getting their bills paid- what they are doing might be morally bad but hey, people do what they do to survive.
> The only things they love more than Machines are their dog, Vippy and plants, they feel like they bring life to their dull home.
> Abandoned places, they are a sucker for abandoned, graffiti covered hospitals or asylums- especially the spooks they get from them.
> They absolutely love listening to rock or metal while they work, they have a whole shelf in their house for their CDs.


> Getting caught, nobody likes getting caught, and they aren't nobody.
> Disturbance, especially at two in the morning.
> Too much talk, they're too bust for chit chat, maybe later when they don't have three cars to fix.
> Getting affiliated with any gang, they'd love to if they wanted their lively hood trashed, so they are kind of on the down low in that department.
> Theifs, they flat out hate them and will probably break a few of their bones if they catch one on their property.
> Birds- they just freak them out, they are fine with them as long as they are at least ten feat way from them at all times. (Which is why they don't hike.)
(They also hate being mistaken for a girl.)

Powers and Skills:

They can heat up the bottom of their hands to a temperatur capable of melting soft metals- They have to eat a lot to keep their energy up because of this though. They can also scare nearly anyone if they p*** them off enough. Very handy, especially with plants and vehicles. The were also born with the skills of "Leave me alone.", "I'll care if there is cash involved.", and "I can hide that, but I need something in return."


A pair of re-enforced leather gloves, so they don't accidentally burn something/someone, a industrial-grade auto-darkening helmet (they forget it's on sometimes.), and a back pack that is usually filled with trinkets and a switch blade hidden in there real good, just in case.


Pretty Neutral but the Salvation Silence is their best customer.


(May add later.)


Theme: The Scary Jokes - Community Gardens/Cage The Elephant - Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
"Aye, aye, Captain!"
Vippy: He's an Anatolian Shepherd, he's a pretty friendly older dog who gets protective of his master, and isn't a big fan of people over 6' 2".

I might just add a SS member later.
Edited By Sabira on 4/17/2020 at 9:07 PM.
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