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Forum Index > Games, Contests, and Giveaways > Writing Contest - Free Aurleon Phoenix!
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Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 10/1/2015
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Posted: 8/13/2016 at 2:56 PM Post #11
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 8/16/2016 at 1:58 PM Post #12
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 4/10/2016
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Posted: 8/16/2016 at 2:39 PM Post #13
The Winds Whisper
The world looked so amazing from up here- blue skies, gentle breeze, sun glowng like never before. She had just hatched, taking flight as soon as she did, which was considered "special". To her, it somehow seemed natural. Her parents had named her Whisper, for whenever she made a sound it came out as nothing but a whisper. Most other Aurleon children had flames bursting upon their wings, more noticable as they grew, or beared the feathers of a Peacock, a long extinct animal from her world. She, however, had no traits. To most Aurleon, ordinary, different, stupid, worthless, ugly. To her family, beatiful, unique, delightful, awesome. She often was teased and parents often kept their children from even looking at her, in fear they would think be different was okay. The one thing she never got teased for was her ability to fly. She could dart past Zolnixi with her wings barely flapping, and she had good eyesight too, making it easy to hunt. Despite that, people gave her no respect whatsoever. I promise you I'll get revenge, even if it takes me to hell and back.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/15/2016
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Posted: 8/16/2016 at 3:18 PM Post #14
Pheonix Flight
There was once a pheonix called Eona, she was beautiful in every way her feathers shone like they were made of ruby and topaz and her eyes were a beautiful honey gold, But the most beautiful thing of all was her spirit. She was very adventures and constantly got in trouble with her parents, but she was also kind and had a fiery sense of loyalty, especially when it came to her little brother. Zircon

She loved him fiercely and would do anything for him. So when Spring came and It was time for his first flight she was sad to watch him go. You see when a pheonix turns old enough to finally fly the take flight from the nest and go out flying away from home for a full day. Eona was worried but her parents said it was okay and her brother smiled and said he'd be back so she dropped the subject. She waited all day and all night for him to come back but the next day he did not return. Her parents were also starting to worry now and told her to wait in the nest while they went out to look for him. Eona waited in the nest for hours while her parents searched, But in the afternoon she decided to go looking herself.she searched far and wide looking in the caves they had played in and the stream where they cached fish but she couldn't find him. it was Dusk and Eona was depressed from not finding Zircon so she started flying home. It was when she was passing the enchanted forest that she heard it. A shrill cry for help she immediately recognized the voice as Zircon's and she dived to help. She looked around and there was Zircon trapped by bandits. there were three of them and they had bows and swords. they had trapped Zircon in a net and were currently trying to drag him back to their camp. Furious Eona dove shrieking at the bandits the. Startled one dropped his weapon and ran. the other two with bows loaded and tried knocking her out of the sky but in her anger she was too fast she knocked the bows out of their hands and sent them running into the woods. She cut the net holding Zircon and pulled him close with her wings hugging him and together they flew back to their nest were their parents waited and although it ahd only been a day it had felt like eternity

(Sorry about the length XD I got a little carried away)
Level 71
Cutely Creative
Joined: 3/14/2016
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Posted: 8/16/2016 at 4:07 PM Post #15
Enya was created from the fires of Inside Mount Dotsero. A long forgotten fault, the old volcano was centuries old and no one even dreamed that one day it might awaken. Slowly and unknown to man, the earth core opened bit by bit every year. Just a fraction at a time - the earth plates naturally shifted, until eventually there was a lava vent. The vent pooled to the surface earths molten core and the native UTE begun to dream.

Fire touched dreams enraptured those who stayed on the reservation, dreams of passion, destruction and beauty. Tava stirred in the bowls of the earth core slowly within the volcanic fluid she called her home, with every new dream - pushed into her an energy of life. Slowly she emerged finally from the fires, raising from the molten rocks. Steam billowed around her and in a burst of feathers and light the Phoenix took flight.

Raising up from the Marr she flew her colors of orange and red,raising into the skies beyond the village. Some of the elders witnessed the beautiful birth from the ground, into the skies. There were celebrations abound in the native community as the mountian gave birth to this special spirit child. So they named her Tava, a name the community used for the word 'Sun' and so she became known to the Ute and all those to behold her fiery form.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 10/1/2015
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Posted: 8/19/2016 at 9:17 PM Post #16
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
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Posted: 8/19/2016 at 9:41 PM Post #17
The strong female phoenix looked at the line of chained animals. She knew she had to save them. A firey look came in her eyes when she saw an adolescent lupora kicked by the slave trader for stumbling over a rock. The line ranged back for miles, it would be a hard job but she could do it. Her name was Nasa. She was a free lancer, someone who struck out on their own to help stop the trade route. She felt a sharp pain of sadness as she saw a hatchling Vulnyx getting brutally beaten for slumping to ground in tiredness. She knew then what she had to do. She let out a piercing shriek and lunged at the slaver He dropped his whip and screamed. She had no plan to kill him, for she was not a monster. Instead he would just be chained and thrown in the dungeon. When the slaves saw what was happening they started to rebel. Nasa saw the little Vul and quickly scooped him up nestling him in her back feathers. When she looked up she saw all the slavers in a scared huddle surrounded by enraged sylestia. She knew they no longer needed her help. She was about to swoop away when she saw a mother Vul calling frantically, "Reed?! REED!?" Nasa swooped down next to her softly. The vul let out a shriek and jumped. "Is this him?" Nasa asked, ignoring her shriek of terror. "Oh Reed my baby!" the vul pressed the cub to her chest hugging him tightly, as he in turn burrowed his face in her fur. "Oh thank you so much he means the world to me!' she gasped. "It was my pleasure, now i would get him to one of the safe havens and find him so food and let him rest." "Of course, of course! Thank you so much i will always remember you!" With a nod of her head Nasa swooped into the sky. It was meetings like these that kept her fighting, gave her hope.

1 Year later:
"Hold still Reed!" the female vul scolded, "We're about to see Nasa and you have to be perfect, she's coming from such a long ways away to see yo-" she was interrupted by a knock on the door. "oh, oh she here!" the vul, named Callie cried. She quickly opened the door and let her in. "Look at how big Reed is now!" Nasa gasped. Ever since she had saved him Callie had joined her to help save sylestias, but this was Reed's first time meeting his savoir. "Hello," he said shyly, ducking his head. Nasa rushed up and hugged him, "Oh im so glad your alive!" she gasped, holding him tighter. She let go of him and looked at him and his mother. They both looked so diffrent. They didnt have that feeling of hopelessness and their eyes were bright. Callie looked happy and was very chubby (outside of story - i mean she was like a cute chubby puppy) Her son also followed in her shape. His large blue eyes were playful as he asked "Tell me a story!" Nasa gazed at him lovingly and started to tell about how she and his mother had helped save sylestia.
Edited By Livinginmyownreality on 8/19/2016 at 9:42 PM.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 10/1/2015
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Posted: 8/21/2016 at 2:27 AM Post #18
You forgot to ping me, but nice story.

Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
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Posted: 8/21/2016 at 1:01 PM Post #19
oh sry - glad u like it
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 10/1/2015
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Posted: 8/30/2016 at 7:48 PM Post #20
Alrighty guys, last chance to submit! Remember, the contest closes tomorrow at midnight
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