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Forum Index > General Discussion > Troubled Economy? Whats YOUR thoughts?
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Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 1/11/2014 at 1:03 PM Post #11
Keep in mind, Faiona only posted bulletin points - not full detailed descriptions.

When (or if) we implement these, there will be many things involved. For example, with the Hatchery revamp, if we decide to have pets removed at Adolescence, then most likely you will have the option of manually moving them once they become Hatchlings.

Additionally, as we revamp each page, we will be adding many new features. The goal of each page revamp is to improve its aesthetics, improve its efficiency and load times, improve user friendliness, improve functionality, and lastly to add new features/information.

So as another example, with the Advanced Search that I'm working on atm, I'm hopefully making it look a lot nicer, I'm dramatically decreasing the amount of time required to find results, I'm dramatically decreasing the amount of resources used by the server, I'm making it actually work properly and return accurate results, and I'm adding new parameters to search by.

So, ^ that type of revamp will happen to everything we revamp, including the Stables and Hatchery.

Hopefully this clarifies some misconceptions or worries.
Edited By Faiona on 1/11/2014 at 4:19 PM.
Level 61
Holiday Caroler
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Posted: 1/11/2014 at 2:25 PM Post #12
Krin--it does for me.

Fai--i am worried about the 8 days then release (IF it gets implemented) for 2 reasons: 1. I am not allowed to buy diamonds for new stables and that ties into my second reason: 2. because i'm not very good at earning money to buy new tabs with, so if i can't buy new tabs or stables(and my stables are always full) i can't keep the pets i really want. that would be a big problem for me..

Dark, Lost, and Daemon--as i said above ^ i can't buy any stables or tabs, so i share your worry for the 8 days then release if it gets implemented. Dark, i also think it would be nice to make it more like 12-15 days before releasing them. Oh, last thing: i think it would be really nice to have that 'don't release this pet' button, but as all have said before, idk if it's possible.

all in all i just hope to continue breeding the way i have been and keep enjoying the game the way i have been. (this includes the partial worry that my favorite pets will be released).
Edited By TopazWolf on 1/11/2014 at 2:39 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 1/11/2014 at 2:31 PM Post #13
Krin just explained about the adolescent thing...
Level 61
Holiday Caroler
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Posted: 1/11/2014 at 2:37 PM Post #14
XD Oops. Sorry. XD
Level 60
The Tender
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Posted: 1/11/2014 at 3:51 PM Post #15
Oh no! I really don't like the idea of adolescents being auto released so early... if this is going to be set, can we have an opt out button? As was said earlier by others better able to than me, I don't always keep such close track of my hatchery pets, and i really don't want to loose things because i spaced out for a few days.

Even WITH a genetic tester, I find pets hatch out when I'm not looking, and I didn't test them. With those, I may not realize the one that is un-named is one that I simply haven't tested yet, and you won't see many of the mutations until they are adults, even if they are visible. I HATE the idea of releasing adolescents, or worse being forced to stable them, before they are adults. In the same vein, I kinda wish when we capture with nets an adolescent, that it would go into the hatchery rather than the stable... I would really prefer all my stabled pets were adults, so I know who can breed and who can't.

I haven't tried the pet search thing yet, so I will wait patiently for Krin to finish with that. I think that alone will make things better. Often when there is no viable search option, people price way lower than otherwise just because it takes so much effort to get people to look in the first place, you have to lower prices way below "market value" to achieve instant sales. Basically make the deals so good people will buy it rather than miss out, even if they don't want or need it.

Can I say though, that I really get perturbed at the way you have to "manage" your pets? It's really annoying that if you want to name and price a pet, you have to do it twice, with that blasted pop up. You can't do both at the same time. And god forbid you should want to change the prices on a bunch of stuff at the same time... can I suggest an alternate way of doing this? Keep the "manage pet" pop up, but make it so you can name and price at the same time. Or better, have a check box that says something like "add to price list" with a separate price list where you can scroll down a list of offered pets, and change all the prices at the same time. I just spent a half hour going through each and every one of my griffis in one single tab (only about 15 pets, but still, on my slow computer it takes a LOOONNNGGG time to go through each one individually. Sorry, not a fan of pop ups for everything). I really need to do the same for other pets, but am dreading having to go to all the work/time to open all those blasted pop ups. This list could also act like a store, where you could point to that instead of having to browse through someone's whole entire 20 plus stables, with scattered pets here and there that are for sale.

Making the sale offering easier to manage will make it easier for people to buy AND sell, which will in turn help the market out that much more.
Level 75
The Hallowed
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Posted: 1/11/2014 at 4:18 PM Post #16
I think everyone is getting a little too freaked out over proposed changes. When I made my comment last night, I was just trying to provide feedback for an overall blanket kind of view and not stating that I personally thought things were going to just be handled in a negative sort of way or implying that horrid changes would be definitely taking place.

As I was writing out my suggestions, I was doing so assuming some of or most of them had already been taken into consideration and that what was initially posted by Fae was just a brief overview. I only commented on the off chance that something said might not have been thought of or if an idea was on the fence, another opinion might help sway a decision to be made.

Krin and Fae will make the best changes for the site that they can and personally I feel there is no reason for any of us to worry.

Krin has already stated that if changes to the hatchery are made, there will still be options for us to save what we want without having to worry so much.

I very much look forward to the new search and auction features as well as the changes to the hatchery :)

Change is good people :)
Level 71
Vanquisher of Undead
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Posted: 1/11/2014 at 5:03 PM Post #17
Thanks for clearign that up krin ^w^ Like i said, before, i know (as do many others) that you and fai do your best to do what is best for the site, and I know that you guys wouldn't do anythign withotu looking into how it would affect the site and the users.

Like Darkwingedabgel said (sorry i keep piggybacking off you, btw) change is good! I'm looking forward to any and all changes that are made for the better of the site!

I didn't mean to come off as if i wasnt comforable with the ideas or anythign, if i did.

Level 70
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Posted: 1/11/2014 at 5:45 PM Post #18
Level 60
The Whimsical
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Posted: 1/11/2014 at 6:56 PM Post #19
Author: Flute
Time Posted: 1/11/2014 at 5:45 PM

I completely agree! With some things it does make some sense, but with others like certain items that it would really help new players if they were cheap, I hate it when people buy out the market so they can raise the price.

Anyway, I can't wait to see the changes that are in store for the site! :)
Level 60
The Majestic
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Posted: 1/11/2014 at 7:08 PM Post #20
I think raising the prices of pets is a good idea, but I'm not so sure it's a very good thing for some of the items.

Anyway, I'm all for helping raise the price of pets, I was thinking that a good way to raise the prices of some is to use mutators on captured pets with no traits, and to use dyes on ones with less desirable colours, and to prevent new ones coming into the market as much as we can. (That'd raise the price of dyes and philters which contradicts what I said, but you can always get more via the scale shop, and if in the future we can sell our sylesties for scales, then it'd even out in the end)
Edited By Kurama on 1/11/2014 at 7:14 PM.
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