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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Story Idea with Funtimefoxyimposter3 + K...
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Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 7/2/2020 at 5:12 PM Post #1221
Hmmm, maybe Aro? He a pretty good boy. Very good boy. Best boy. Very very very best boy. What about May?
Level 73
Assistant to the Sculptor
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Posted: 7/2/2020 at 5:15 PM Post #1222
Nice. He sounds like the type she might soften up too... after trying to kill. xD

And Jason could be Mays'. He's a flirt but a sweet and sad guy once you get to know him.
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 7/2/2020 at 5:36 PM Post #1223
Sounds good! I guess I should start!

Dream acadamy, a safe place for people who were different. They can learn to control and understand their powers.

May landed in front of the school, watching students pour into the school. Folding her wings she covered them with a white cape, not wanting others to see them just yet. She walked into the school, staring at all the sights.

Aro walked into the school. He liked it here, except the noise, he couldn't handle the noise. It was unbearably loud in here, he was starting to get a headache. He pulled his hoodie tighter over his head.

Ace was in the principals office.
"I have no choice but to get someone to watch you," Said the principal, Void.
"But, th-" He protested only to get cut off.
"No. Your having someone with you to make sure you behave," She sighed, staring at him, one eye fully black (left), one eye white with a gold iris (right looking at her).
Level 73
Assistant to the Sculptor
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Posted: 7/2/2020 at 5:40 PM Post #1224
Trisha did not want to be here, she hated being around people. But then again, she probably still should learn how to not shift every time someone got on her nerves.

Jason strolled along calmly, no wings or tail showing for the moment. He was singing to himself, a grin on his face as he was already in the school.

Sharkfin wondered why he was being called to the principal's office. 'I didn't burn or boil anyone by accident today, so why am I called?' he wondered in his mind.
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 7/2/2020 at 5:50 PM Post #1225
"All students, please report to the gym for a annual school greeting! If you don't come then I guess I'll just teleport you there," It was a male voice, the Vice Principal, Plot-Twister.
May hurried along, her wings and tail seeming to just disappear. She still had her horns though, she could never seem to get rid of them. She walked into the gym, taking a seat.

Aro walked slowly into the gym, taking a seat in the back corner. He watched everyone come in and sighed. So many people, so many people he would have to listen to.

"Hello there! Your Sharkfin... right," It was Plot-Twister, smiling at Sharkfin, he had white hair and purple eyes.
He guided him into the office.

"Finally, Plot-Twister, stop being so slow," Void looked mad, black hair gleaming, "Ah, hello Sharkfin. You have been picked for a special task. Are friend Ace h-"
"I'm not his friend," Ace cut her off, going quiet as she gave him a stern look.
"Anyways, I need you to watch Ace and make sure he doesn't go around hurting everyone. You can do that, I hope," She said with a smile, "If you can't then I guess I'll have to kill you," Her voice suddenly went dark.
"Uh, Void. You did it again," Plot-Twister said and Void looked surprised.
"Oh, sorry. Taf must be at it again. If you can't I'll find someone else to do the job!"
Level 73
Assistant to the Sculptor
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Posted: 7/2/2020 at 5:54 PM Post #1226
Trisha lazily went to the gym, taking a seat where no one was there at first. She would glare at anyone that came close to her.

Jason would take a school greeting over fighting in a dragon war in the other realm he resided in. He went and found a seat around the back.

Sharkfin didn't care about the threat of killing. "Hm, sure. I could do that." He gave a grin to Ace. "May not be my friend now, but plenty of people change their mind after spending time with me." Nope, not a lot of people did. He just said that in hopes of making friends.
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 7/2/2020 at 6:06 PM Post #1227
"Okay! Good to hear! Let's start the greeting! Plot-Twister, best behavior," She teased as Plot-Twister stuck his tongue out at her, "Also, please make sure he doesn't kill anyone. Knock him out if you have to!"

Plot-Twister turned to the pair, "Plot twist, your already there," He said with a wink.
Instantly Ace found himself at the assembly with Sharkfin next to him, he grumbled and looked away from him.

"Hello there everyone! I'm the head principal, Void! Nice to see so many people," Void was standing at the front, Plot-Twister at her side, "This is Plot-Twister. Welcome! As you know this is a safe place for people with powers! I have assigned each of you into groups of 7, an odd number, but that's what makes it more fun! Please open the piece of paper in your hand and go to the room it says on it. Dismissed!"

May stared at them as the pair seemed to disappear. She stared at her hands, realizing there was a piece of paper in her hand, she didn't remember it being there. She looked at it, it said D-Room 6.

Aro looked at the paper in his hands, slowly opening it, D-Room 6 it said on it. He stood up, looking quickly at a map before heading to the room.

Ace stared at his paper, D-Room 6, it said on it. He proceeded to burn it with his fire.
"How dare she! I'll... I'll..." He looked mad, the paper crumpling into ash, "I'll kill her!"
Level 73
Assistant to the Sculptor
Joined: 5/3/2019
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Posted: 7/2/2020 at 6:11 PM Post #1228
(So, should I just sent my oc's to, like, the same place as yours or to some other room. I mean, Sharkfin has to stay with Ace, right?)

Trisha glared at her paper. "Piece of shick." She swore, saying the real bad word.

Jason looked at his paper. "Alrighty, let's get today started."

Sharkfin put a hand to Ace's head. "Ah ah ah, no killing anyone. I do believe that is what we where told." He said, holding his paper in his other hand.
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 1/21/2019
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Posted: 7/2/2020 at 6:16 PM Post #1229
(All have the same room number xD, yup yup and the 7th is my child Sam)

May opened the door to her classroom, it had taken her awhile to find it, but she was here now. Inside was a boy, Aro, who was sitting silently at a seat. At another desk was a boy with black hair who was sleeping at his desk, a huge light and dark brown dog sitting next to him.

Ace scowled, "Like you could stop me," The fire in his hand went out, though he still glared in the direction Void had been moments before.
Level 73
Assistant to the Sculptor
Joined: 5/3/2019
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Posted: 7/2/2020 at 6:21 PM Post #1230

Trisha crushed up her paper and growled. "Stupid room six." She stood, shoving her chair back, and started off.

Jason shrugged. "Hm, alrighty. Sounds fine."

"Sure sure, talking to a human-dragon hybrid buddy." he said, grinning even though he rolled his eyes. He checked his paper before putting an arm over Ace's shoulders. "Come on, off we go. We're off to see the wizard!"
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